This morning John served me coffee as he so often does and I took my first sip and said, "This coffee tastes just like coffee butts." John looked at me funny and repeated, "coffee butts?" I affirmed. Ten minutes later I asked, "Did I say 'coffee butts'? I meant cigarette butts." John just smiled and nodded, butt it worried me. A lot. Because just last evening after we had finished watching Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy, John asked me what channel we would be watching next and I said in a most patronizing way, "Now, John, you know that we always watch Jeopardy after Wheel of Fortune." He shook his head and gave me an odd look. Again, ten minutes later, I realized what I had said and that I had, of course, already watched Jeopardy. I remember watching it very well. The champion had not answered correctly. The correct question had been Instagram. Don't ask me what the answer had been! I'm hoping that all of this is just a temporary blip on an overloaded mind. Have you done anything odd lately?
Here, have a muffin and some cigarette butt coffee and tell me all about it!

Oh my - these look wonderful! Must smell great too! Pass one over!
ReplyDeleteThose muffins look wonderful. Yes, I have woken up in the morning and not remembered the ending of the show we watched the night before, and I thought I was wide awake...
ReplyDeleteMy mother and I were just talking about this crazy sort of thing happening to both of us recently. She couldn't find her house key when she got home from shopping. She looked several times, retraced her steps and called each place she'd been. The last place was the vet clinic. The veterinarian actually drove out to her place to help her look for her key. It was exactly where she had been looking for the previous hour. Does that make you feel better? - - I'm not going to tell you what I did! ;-)
ReplyDeleteThose muffins look wonderful.
This looking and not seeing has happened to me more lately. It helps to have a daughter help me look. My theory is I become alarmed that I am not finding what I'm looking for and it makes me less able to see!
ReplyDeleteI believe they are lacing my food products with something that makes me a half wit at times-that's my excuse and I'm standing by it! Seriously, we all have our days. And I wish I knew why..
I'm glad to have a good blueberry muffin recipe. The last batch that I baked were so lousy that they went directly to the freezer were I thought I would dig them out if I ever get desperate for a sweet. So far I haven't gotten that desperate. Yours look delicious and so pretty on your mug rug too.
Lol! You are a hoot! I do things "odd" so often that it has become a way of life for me! I call them "brain farts"...:) I hear it happens as we age :( Anyway, the muffins look and sound absolutely marvelous and a good cup of coffee would be nice with them. Thanks for the recipe...
ReplyDeleteI love a good blueberry muffin, and I love Betsy's blog too!
ReplyDeleteI laugh sometimes at the crazy things my brain does. I have always had a quick mind and sometimes now I find that I can't remember a what something is called. The word will not come to me right away.
You are not alone!
The muffins look yummy! I have to admit, I have done some crazy talking myself lately...I think it's a mild touch of spring fever, and I'm sticking with that excuse!
ReplyDeleteOh my dear Vee. I'm sorry about the memory lapses but I really laughed out loud at the end of this post. I have them too. And I'm blaming them on an overloaded mind. I really hope that's all it is with 'memory diseases' running rampant in my family!! They say that as long as you remember what you forgot soon after that it's ok. It's just an aging thing. I'm going to check out Betsy's recipe. Thanks for the tip. A cold rainy day here today and I'm drinking tea to keep warm. Hugs.
ReplyDeleteThe muffins look so tasty! i think that this is the way we all are once in awhile but the good thing about these teeny tiny lapses is that they make us laugh and that's good too. The fresh air and sunshine of spring will refresh our memories I'm sure! You are not alone...
ReplyDeleteWe love blueberry muffins; thanks for recommending this recipe. I do odd stuff often. Recently, John asked me to remove the items from beneath the kitchen sink so he could work under there. I removed the items from the bathroom sink!!! From the comments, it looks like we all have our moments.
ReplyDeleteGoodness, I think we all do that, and we are all afraid we are losing our minds completely, but we aren't and neither are you. I have asked some of the dumbest questions and given some of the dumbest answers imaginable. Things I KNOW. We all have the occasional brain back up. In your case I blame the cigarette butt coffee. That stuff will kill you ;)
ReplyDeleteHow wonderful Vee! I am thrilled you have mentioned me and that everyone is going to have a fabulous new muffin to try! Big hugs!!!!
ReplyDeleteUm, my dear friend - is this really meant to say?
ReplyDeleteThis is what you typed: The correct question had been Instagram. Don't ask me what the answer had been!
Didn't you mean it the other way around? The ANSWER being Instagram, and you didn't remember what the question had been? Just checking.
Are you sleeping deeply? Do you have apnea? One of the first signs is mood swings and loss of short term memory. Ask John if you snore, that's a sign and if he says yes go get a sleep study done. Your life may depend on it. And if you don't and you are sleeping ok, go see your doctor and tell him/her the sudden changes in you - may be nothing, may be something. But we love you and want you well with a high quality of life for years and years and years to come. Huge hugs and lots of prayer. ~Michele ♥
Well, as you may remember, Jeopardy operates a little backwards so responses must be given in the form of a question. Good observation, though! Yes, I snore when very tired, but John, ever the gentleman, says it is a feminine snore. LOL! I have been tired lately. Are you also telling me that you have never done anything odd?
DeleteVee, I think we're all just too distracted. Too many things going on around us, too many things we're expected to keep track of, and it makes our brains kind of veg out now and then. Don't you think?
ReplyDeleteThose muffins look delicious!
You are too funny! I have lots of those days!
ReplyDeleteWell, I think its okay, because you knew you make the mistake :) I saw this photo earlier on Bloglovin, and thought the photo was so pretty, now I have to check out the recipe. Have a wonderful day. xoxo
ReplyDeleteYes!!! Oh my heavens, too bad we can't CTL, ALT, DELETE OLD STUFF, like we do computers!
ReplyDeleteVee, I had a big laugh over your morning coffee with John. Yes, I've done many odd things. Just this morning we were at the nursery picking up some plants. I decided I wanted to buy new guinea impatiens for the front porch. Being the frugal gal that I am, I decided to get the cell packs that are cheaper. I was so proud of myself finding 4 for $2.99. When I went out this afternoon to plant them I found that they are vinca--Oh well--Hope they'll be pretty! ♥
ReplyDeleteI guess a few senior's moments are catching up with you Vee. As long as you can laugh about them, and yes I've come out with some doozies now and then myself!
ReplyDeleteOHHHHHHHHHH You have no idea on that memory blip (giggling)---try memorizing college/ stuff/ lessons, thank goodness there is a day book/planner I can use to put all my need to do college/ stuff/lessons right away, what they are, and when etc. I'll tell you Vee, it ain't easy keeping it all together. Thanks for the giggles, I thought I was the only one, truly. smiles (and let's not even mention what it is like at home, trying to remember even with the daybook/planner where people have to go, what time etc)
ReplyDeleteI am sitting here, smacking gum, visiting friends, while waiting for Dh to come home, for our date night at our favorite restaurant, needing a good laugh after a few mishaps this week,and you certainly have fit the bill. You are probably in overload, but just in case you have joined us old folks, here is a news flash.. It doesn't get better, just more frequent. ~smile~Absolutely love blueberry muffins, I will check this recipe, thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteLove and hugs,
Hey those look so good - I can almost smell them!
ReplyDeleteOh so cute about your comments, Vee. Yes, we all seem to make those funny ones every now and then.
ReplyDeleteI must go visit Estelle's and check out the muffin recipe. I'm always looking for a new blueberry one. Only I'd have a cup of tea with it instead of the cigarette butts coffee!
I've made the muffins, Vee, and posted them awhile back. I got my recipe from Nick Malgieri's How to Bake cookbook. They are wonderful, I agree. Now I'm in the mood for a muffin. Funny how this blogging inspiration is, huh?
ReplyDeleteMuffins look good!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm always doing odd things. : )
Yes we call them brain farts ha ha !! or sometimes moments not senior moments ! I have been in a fog for years with my mind thanks to the menopause thing and hormones being out of whack ! We love anything blueberry they do look good YUMMY ! tea with them for us though . Thanks for sharing , Hope your mind is at ease soon ! Have a good day !
ReplyDeleteP.S I am odd lol
ReplyDeleteIn my humble opinion its just a sign of aging. We have so much in our brains to keep track of--so much input and stress--it can lend it self to little episodes like this. At least that's how I defend my senior moments.
ReplyDeleteI love it that after reading your post and the comments I still feel somewhat normal.
ReplyDeleteIf I hang around my kids too much I begin to wonder about myself. If I had a penny for every time they tell me "I already told you that"..... Ha! I think Podso has it right. By this stage of the game we have way more things taking up space up there.
Oh, my dear! I can SO relate! I do odd things all the time these days ... wander the house looking for my keys when they are in my purse (which I've checked and re-checked), accuse my husband of not listening when he has indeed and can quote me verbatim, forget where I left off in a book and end up having to repeat read only to get five pages along and realize that yes, indeed, I HAVE read this part ... should I go on? And then, there was that dream I had the other morning ... really odd. You're not alone, dearie! Believe me!
ReplyDeleteI'm always using the wrong words here at this old house or searching for the right word to use. Those muffins look real good. I'm on a de-fluffing program right now. Trying to lose a few pounds before the wedding on June 27th. I think I can, I think I can...
ReplyDeleteBetsy is one of my favorite cooks...besides being cute as a button. I will get blueberries tomorrow and make some as soon as, as for the coffee butt coffee...think I'll pass on that
ReplyDeleteI call these memory hiccups a "senior moment". You should have heard BG and I on our little country drive over the weekend. As a lineman for the county, as the song goes, he pretty much knows who lives where. Maybe I should say he once knew. When I'd ask him who lived on a particular farm, he often couldn't think of their name. Once he said, "oh, he's the guy that married the girl that was in Brett's class" and gave me a few other clues. But neither one of us could think of the name. We both think we're losing it sometimes because even with 2 heads together, we can't remember squat. I'm relieved to read others say that it is part of getting older. Whew!
ReplyDeleteThe muffins look good and I just bought some blueberries with the idea of making some. So, I'll be trying the recipe! (If I remember where to find it !)
Yes. Senior moments are a regular part of my life. The problem is, I've always been a bit scatterbrained, so it's sometimes hard to tell what is "senior" and what is "just Cheryl." Oh dear. Today, I had a MAJOR one.
ReplyDeleteI had seen the "Impossible Coconut Pie" on Martha Ellen's blog yesterday and it looked soooo good. So today after lunch, I put it all together and popped it in the oven with just enough time to bake before we had to leave the house for an appointment. I was so pleased that I'd have a special dessert all ready for this evening.
Just before we left the house, I opened the oven to check it, noticed that it was still a little jiggly, but decided that it would probably continue to bake for a few minutes if I just turned the oven off and let it cool as the oven cooled while we were out. I turned off my timer and the oven light and out we went. THREE AND A HALF HOURS LATER, we arrived home and I opened the back door to come inside. WHOA! What is that smell?!
I had left the oven ON and that pie was burned to a crisp. Black. As hard as a rock. Thank the Lord that it did not ignite and set the house on fire!!
Yep, that was enough "odd" for one day.
This post provided impetus for a great smile - most welcome after FINISHING report card comments and grades! Hooray! I want to have cigarette butt coffee (or tea) and blueberry muffins to celebrate. Instead I'm having hot milk with honey. Just as good.
ReplyDeleteYep, those moments happen to us all. Sometimes I wonder how I managed to string a decent sentence together.
Oh we all have these little blips from time to time. We do have so much on our plates it's a wonder we function at all. So, not to worry. Besides, I prefer coffee butts to cigarette butts any old day.
ReplyDeleteYou are cracking me up Vee!! Now - I have to check out that recipe - it must be a good one.
ReplyDeleteLOL- Vee. MyHero often misspeaks...he knows better but speaks without thinking sometimes. They say as long as you KNOW you made an error it is not serious. It is when you make and error-don't know you made an error-and won't admit making an error that there is a problem. You are fine! Just don't be smoking any coffee filters! xo Diana
ReplyDeleteCigarette butt coffee..... LOL
ReplyDeleteThose muffins look wonderful!
As far as my mind... Nothing too unusual, except that I seem to remember more about my far past than I do just yesterday. My mom says it's age lol
I'm so glad that Spring has finally arrived where you are :)
LOL Vee, I speak like that all day... MY husband is used to it already he is the only one that understands me
ReplyDeleteI need to check out the recipe...
Sounds like your brain is on overload, LOL. Yes, I do stuff like that all the time. But my noggin hasn't been working right for quite a while. Too much rattling around in it and too tired. I'll go and look at the muffin recipe. Gosh, I wonder if they freeze well.
ReplyDeleteThere was about a year, a while back, when I would get words confused. It terrified me. Now happens seldom it.
ReplyDeleteOK, I made sure my house insurance was up-to-date and had the fire department on standby, and then attempted to make the muffins. Success! They taste delicious! This recipe is a keeper.