Recently, I've received two delightful awards. The Sisterhood Award comes from my dear friend Barbara @ Ramblings from an English Garden. Barbara and I have been visiting back and forth consistently for two years come September. That's a long time in Bloggy Years! I appreciate her so much and I'm glad that she thinks of me as a member of the Sisterhood.

The second award comes from a new-to-me blogging friend Lisa @ A Cottage to Me. I like its sassiness. It comes with requirements: List 10 things about yourself and then pass it on to others.
1. The Award Issue is a sticky one for me. I never follow the rules; I have often left awards on the table; I'm honored and pleased, yet, at the same time, conflicted. I am conflicted because to pass them on has always felt awkward. It would be like walking through Keukenhof Gardens and selecting just one tulip. Impossible!
2. Therefore, I have been most snobby and have appreciated most those awards that were created by a blogger and not meant to be passed on such as the two you'll find on my sidebar for today only. Yes, if I'm going to say what I'm about to say, I think that even they must be placed in my file of treasures.
3. File of treasures? Oh yes, I do have a file filled with these awards. It is much like the file I've kept of all the drawings and letters my children have given or that my students gave me or even my love letters. Some things are special, after all.
4. So from now on, if I should receive an award, I will kindly thank you for even thinking of me. I'll take it and place it in my treasure file, but it won't be mentioned here; so there'd really be little point for anyone to give one.

5. This little button is going to sit in my sidebar, down low and away, and after a while, even he will fly off.
I'll be like Pat at Mille Fiori Favoriti who says that your comments are her awards. I find that the same — your visits and your comments are my reward. Actually, my visits to your wonderful blogs are truly my reward.
6. And see? I just can't follow the rules.
Enjoy your Tuesday...