It was busy in all the good ways that make it celebratory and meaningful. It was not my year to host all the family, though Laurel (my daughter) joined John and me and that meant doing something a little more exciting than beans and hotdogs.
We had pork tenderloin (daughter hates ham), baked potatoes, honeyed carrots, a garden salad, a fruit salad, and Laurel brought lemon chiffon pie. Now remember, I don't do tablescapes and, having seen so many lovely ones this season, I am a

The remainder of the afternoon was spent playing many games of Connect 4. It was a favorite when my kids were younger and I think that it still is. The grands like it, too.
This was a fun photo to get while Sam was waiting for his turn...Bible reading on Easter Sunday...excellent!
All in all it was a sweet afternoon except that my daughter-in-law was home sick with strep throat. Hope that the few hours the guys were away was helpful for her. She needs her rest. I think this is the second time this season that she has had strep and Sam had it a few weeks ago. Praying that this ends the cycle for them.
Hope to visit soon. As you probably have figured out, I no longer visit each day nor do I comment on every post. It's been a good, long run. Life is getting too short to spend so much time in Blogdom. There is much to do and everything takes three times longer to do it!