A Haven for Vee

Thursday, December 31, 2020

Remembering Christmas 2020

 Prompts desperately needed! Thanks to Joyce at This Side of the Pond for providing them. 

1. Tell us about your favorite moment or share one of the bright spots from the year we're leaving behind. 

Thinking about 2020 gives me a headache. Sure, there were a few good days—precious few, and far between. Christmas was the highlight. 

2. What do you wish you'd known at the start of 2020? Elaborate. 

Difficult to answer. I would not have wanted to know one thing about 2020. It was the kind of year that was best unrolled one day at a time. Knowing anything in advance, I may have lived under the bed

3. Best book you read this year? If you did not read any books this year, what's the best thing you ate all year? We've all eaten, right? 

I enjoyed reading my Gladys Taber books. I didn't try anything new in culinary delights. 

4. The Pantone Colors of the year for 2021 are ultimate gray and illuminating yellow (a bright shade)...are you a fan? Would we find either of these colors in your home or wardrobe? 

I might be; You might

5. If you were/are making a list of 21 things to do/accomplish in 2021 what is one thing that would be on it? 

Death Cleaning/Decluttering...the entire house needs it from basement to attic and the garage could use more, as well.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

    Emmanuel making his first gingerbread house

Anneke's First Christmas

Kirsten, Anneke, and Raccoon

Emmanuel likes to clean

Reminds me of David Engledow and Alice Bee

Adam. Sam, Jake wrapping gifts for their mom on Christmas Eve

Beautiful Laurel...say, what would that app do for me?

Ahhh well, moving right along. ツ

The House

Thanks to Joyce, whom I am linking to, though not participating. 

Thanks for reading. 
Happy 2021!


Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Christmas Greetings

 Look for Christ and you will find Him. And with Him, everything else.


~C.S. Lewis

 It's now or never. This season has been particularly overwhelming for many reasons. My sincere apologies for being silent. Quiet is what I have needed these days.

From my home to yours...a blessed Christmas. 



Comments are closed. No one has time for that! ツ