A Haven for Vee

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Falling Leaves Hodge Podge

1. Thursday (Oct 13) is National Train Your Brain Day. What do you do to keep your brain in tip top shape? Is it helping?

Sometimes I amuse myself by thinking that doing Sudokus is helping. I can prove that it isn't because just last week, after simmering chicken bones all afternoon to make chicken broth, I poured it into a sieve that had nothing beneath it to capture the broth—Right down the drain!  

2. You can sit with anyone in the world and 'pick their brain'...whom do you choose? Tell us why? 

This is a tough question! 

Let's see, who meets my criteria?

I insist that said person is attentive, gives me enough time, has great patience, does not make me feel foolish, and is kind, though he or she can and should offer helpful insights. 

Okay, there's no one in the world like that! Sounds as if I am looking for a counselor; scripture teaches me that Jesus is a wonderful or is it "the" wonderful counselor? I'm sticking with Him. 

But! If I must choose a human being, I guess I'd choose Jordan Peterson who intrigues me a lot, yet with whom I do not always agree, especially on matters of faith. 

3. What's something happening in the world (or your corner of it) right now that you have trouble 'wrapping your brain around'? 



4. On a scale of 1-10 where do you fall in the pumpkin fanclub? (1=blech, 10=make it all pumpkin all the time) Tell us something delicious you've tasted recently that had some pumpkin in it somewhere. 


I have yet to enjoy any pumpkin this autumn, but I have a can of pumpkin and am planning to do something with it. 

5. Share a favorite song, book, or movie with an autumn title, setting, or vibe. 

(Nat King Cole sings "Autumn Leaves)

(Love this channel...an entire hour plus of pure nostalgia.) 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I've got a pile of random thoughts, just like the leaves in my yard.

Eagerly looking forward to spending time with my kids and grands this weekend. ☺️

Many thanks to Joyce at Across the Pond for this week's questions. 




  1. I can empathize with that first incident with the chicken broth, Vee, as I have done some similarly frustrating things. It seems we enjoy the same autumn themed songs as well.

  2. I have done that with chicken broth too! Have fun with your family.

  3. I have always been afraid I will make that same mistake with chicken broth!

    And I must check out that autumn music. It sounds wonderful!

  4. Oh, how sad to see all the chicken broth go down the drain. It's something I've caught myself at once or twice, too. Have a great weekend visit with kids and grandkids. Maybe the "something pumpkin" will show up there.

  5. Sure looks pretty with all the colorful leaves on the ground! It's a good time of year for us here in the South too. Enjoy your weekend with family!

  6. I love your autumn leaves and the music links! Turning one of them on now! Thank you!

  7. After all of the time invested in making that broth, it must have been very disappointing to see it going down the drain. I don't think I have ever heard Nat King Cole's version of Autumn Leaves. Lovely!

  8. Oh dear on the broth going down the drain! It happens to all of us. Enjoy your weekend with your family. I need to find that nostalgia channel.

  9. Hi Vee~ I feel like anything I can do with my hands helps improve my brain...I hope! Jesus would be my number one answer for who I would love to talk to, but, I would also love to have a chat with, Abraham Lincoln. I wonder what he would think of this jumbled up nation. I can't wrap my brain around, furries...boggles my mind! I love that to listen to the same YT channel for autumnal music...and I love, Nat King Cole! I made pumpkin cookies last week! So sad about your broth, I've done that before too! Hugs, Barb

  10. Oh dear me. Pouring the chicken broth through the sieve straight down the drain. At least it was kinder to your pipes that way. Oye. Our young people are being assaulted with so much evil. Makes my eyes twitch. Sounds like you have a nice weekend ahead with your loved ones. I like that leaf carpet even though it means work!

  11. I'm sorry you lost that bone broth! Frustrating.
    I like games and puzzles as they are good for our brains. I'm intrigued by Jordan Peterson too, and I think he's got a lot of wisdom and common sense. Have a great weekend!

  12. Oh so sad about the chicken broth...but didn't it smell so good when it was cooking? There's that to think about...almost as good as making it into soup...I know I've done similar things. Sometimes we just get distracted at the wrong times. I am no good at Sudoko. I do Wordle for my brain challenge. Never was good at numbers. Your leaves are lovely, but I know you don't want to have to rake them. I always enjoyed jumping in the piles of leaves after they were raked...even as an adult... That thing about the Maine schools is too evil to contemplate. I wonder how much longer God is going to wait to do the Sodom and Gomorrah thing on this world...? I pray Jesus comes first to take us home with Him...especially to rescue the children. I hope you have a beautiful autumn weekend with your family. Enjoy the beauty while it lasts!

  13. I always enjoy your 'hodge-podge' posts. I know I shouldn't find any humour in your 'broth down the drain' scenario, but you make me smile when you share this story as proof that sudokas are a waste of time when it comes to 'training the brain'. I waste a lot of time on sudoka puzzles and wordle puzzles, and I tell myself it is good for my brain. Don't prove me wrong! As for the pumpkin, I'm sure you will find something delicious to make with the contents of that tin. We have been enjoying pumpkin pie and other pumpkin baked treats here this past week. 'Tis the season. I think there are a lot of things in every corner of the world that are hard to 'wrap our minds around' right now. So sad. Have a great weekend!

  14. I'd like a conversation with Amelia Freer. I'm on a journey towards healthy eating and like her sensible approach. Thanks for the Nat King Cole song, it was a treat.

  15. I'm too embarrassed to admit some of the crazy things I've done lately, so don't feel too bad about the broth. Hugs!

  16. I'm not up to blogging much at the moment, but I'm catching up with my favorite bloggers... I like your pick of Jordan Peterson of someone to sit down and pick his brain. I liked him before he disappeared for a while, and now that he is back and gaining his health I have an even greater appreciation for him, his ideas, and his thoughtful delivery. I hope we were meant to chuckle (or just downright laugh) at your pouring your bone broth down the drain, because I sure did. In a commiserating sort of way. I can so imagine doing that.

  17. Hi Vee, just an added note. I wrote you a reply today on your comment on my post https://pamelasopenwindow.blogspot.com/2022/10/its-sundaya-day-of-rest.html?showComment=1667142769008#c15163891543273092 about Annie Wilkins...and then Mrs. T spoke up and said you had written about her before, so I looked that up but your comments are closed. But that answered my question...you are aware of Annie's story! I have ordered a book written about her life, but not the one she wrote herself...which now I think I may do too if I can find one in print. Anyway, her story fascinated me, and then I saw saw a picture online that seemed to be giving credit to you (although it said Photo: A "Heaven" for Vee", and that's what prompted my question to you. It's a small world...I enjoy reading about people like that. They don't give up when others think they should! Good lesson for us all. Have a blessed day my friend.

    1. A bit more information here: https://ahavenforvee.blogspot.com/2019/08/revisiting-mesannie.html

  18. I sent you replies I guess on the other post...Thank you for this info. I have ordered the book written by Elizabeth Letts, but cannot purchase Last of the Saddle Tramps as the cheapest copy I could find was $99.00!!! And our library does not have it either. But I think the book I ordered, "The Ride of Her Life", will be good enough as it sounds pretty close to her original story. It sounds very interesting to me! I love stories like that!! Have a blessed and wonderful "Halloween Day"!!!

    1. Oh goodness. I certainly did not have to pay that price. What could have happened in the intervening years?!

  19. I am so behind in reading and commenting but I sure can identify with the brain fog and draining the bone broth by mistake! I love your sense of humour. Your answer to #3 just makes me want to weep! The whole world has tilted! Hugs to you.

  20. "Trans 6 year olds" Can't even wrap my head around that...

    When will the pendulum begin to swing back????????????????????????????????

    "Miss B.B."

  21. For some reason I missed this the first time I dropped by this post: Autumn Leaves sung by Nat King Cole. Does any one sing like this anymore?!? So beautiful it hurts.
