...perhaps. Right off the bat, I'm letting you know that I am closing comments today with a promise that soon I'll be back in the swing of things; albeit, on a much lesser scale. This post is for me as a way to document October. That said, you're so welcome to look or scoot, whichever you prefer.
~October was a month spent thinking a lot about the country this cap represents in addition to my own.~
There were plenty of "oh no" moments. By the end of soccer season, my grandson was pretty weary of being the goalie all game, every game.(Everyone else on the team bailed.) That's a lot of responsibility. He did a fantastic job and only wishes that I had captured some action.
I just love this photo. I may have been hanging out with Norman Rockwell too much, but I could not have set this up any better. There's so much story here. It cracks me up. My Jake looks as if he'll be ready for basketball. ☺
Had to smile seeing this trail marker behind the soccer field. There were a whole lot of proud parents and grandparents for sure.
~October's Header~
Early in the month, John and I did make it to the Fryeburg Fair. We were able to meet up with my aunt and uncle for lunch, which was fun. Then it was off to the races for them and off to the quilts for us.
John walked right past an entire contingent of his family without recognizing a soul — his own daughter, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. I had to point them out to him. Ha!
Then we got separated, which can be a little frightening. John says that he heard me say, "There's the governor!" Thing is, I didn't see the governor so it wasn't my voice that he heard. Blast! I would have liked to have taken the photo that I can only describe. John walked right up to Governor LePage calling out his first name as he went as if they were long-lost buddies. (A little scary to think about really.) They shook hands and John told him that he was doing a fantastic job. We are both delighted this morning that The Governor has won his second term in office.
I worked on quilting in October. Hahahahahahaha... I love quilts, but snack mats are probably the biggest project I shall ever in this life do. This was for my dear friend Sandi who has had a rough go of it lately. It's just a way for me to say I love you and I'm thinking about you.
~my daughter's new property~
~a beautiful copper tree~
~coppery hydrangeas~
~We can see the barn through the trees again.~
~a little autumny corner~
~October Ends~