1. 'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder' What's something you've seen recently that you thought was beautiful?
Something about the woods yesterday made me stop and pay attention. Was it the multiple grays, taupes, and browns? The bit of green provided by the Eastern Spruce? Not sure, but I was quite surprised to see a tree creature looking right at me as I was editing the photo. Do you see him, too?
2. Our culture and beauty...your thoughts?
2. Our culture and beauty...your thoughts?
My first inclination is to say that our culture (in the United States) has been firmly based on Judeo-Christian values and that is what makes it both unique and beautiful. Nothing can be more beautiful than The Creator of Beauty Himself.
And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it.
~Psalm 90:17
3. Age before beauty, beauty queen, beauty mark, beauty sleep...which beauty-ful phrase resonates with you today? Why?
And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it.
~Psalm 90:17
3. Age before beauty, beauty queen, beauty mark, beauty sleep...which beauty-ful phrase resonates with you today? Why?
Beauty sleep...proper rest and quality sleep are so important to one's health and well being and it certainly makes a difference in the mirror.
4. I read here a list of the top ten
beasts animals that scare us the most-
alligators, coyotes, black bears, birds (but pigeons in particular), sharks, bats, bed bugs, rats, rattlesnakes, and the black widow spider.
Which 'beast' on the list scares you the most? What is the likelihood of you having an actual encounter with that particular beast? Did a movie contribute to your fear of this creature? Have you ever had a real life encounter with any of the animals listed?
alligators, coyotes, black bears, birds (but pigeons in particular), sharks, bats, bed bugs, rats, rattlesnakes, and the black widow spider.
Which 'beast' on the list scares you the most? What is the likelihood of you having an actual encounter with that particular beast? Did a movie contribute to your fear of this creature? Have you ever had a real life encounter with any of the animals listed?
All except birds. I am even afraid of killer squirrels these days. It is highly unlikely to have an encounter with any on this list other than bats with which I have had multiple encounters. Acccckkkk...
5. Where were you when you last heard a bell ring? Was it alarming or musical?
5. Where were you when you last heard a bell ring? Was it alarming or musical?
There are a number of bells in my home. I just rang one because it was there and what is a bell for? Besides, my late husband John gave it to me and I have always been charmed by it. It has a beautiful tone.
(No, no, I was not ringing the bell to chase off the dogs from their own yard...never saw them until I uploaded the video...Ha!)
If Joyce means big bells...I really miss the bells ringing on Sunday morning calling people to worship. The townsfolk complained so about having their Sunday morning disturbed that the bells have been silent for decades. What a pity!
6. What's your favorite carb? How's that for random?
6. What's your favorite carb? How's that for random?
Bread! How's that for obvious and common? Any bread will do.
7. Let's wrap up another month of Hodgepodging and life with an acrostic. Recap your month using the word MARCH.
7. Let's wrap up another month of Hodgepodging and life with an acrostic. Recap your month using the word MARCH.
M any days of snow
A and freezing
R ain
C old and
H onestly depressing
8. Insert your own random thought here.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
But better days are coming...and there's more to life than the weather. As John would say when I moaned about the weather, "Better than no weather at all." True.
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