A Haven for Vee

Monday, December 24, 2018

Kind of Beserk!

For an explanation of that title see the featured post in my sidebar. It never fails. I always find myself slightly harried as I get ready for hosting Christmas. I would like a Silent Night sort of Christmas Eve, but some character flaw has me in its grip. I sure hope that you are better prepared in your corner than I am in mine.

I so enjoy preparing a Bunte Teller (photo below). It's an easy way to offer treats all in one location. Bunte Teller is German for colorful plate. This one has had many more things added since I began building yesterday.

Currently, I am listening to the radio, though I really like the mix of sacred and secular carols on this You Tube video. You can find it *here.*  The graphics are wonderful.


My gift to you is to close comments so you can read, look, and scoot!  Thank you for your visit.