front side of invitation
Someone at our house will be 100 years old in a week's time, which is all very exciting. Nan has already received a congratulatory cupcake from a local eatery. I couldn't take my eyes from her beaming face and her beautiful smile as the waitresses gathered around to sing "Happy Birthday."
back side of invitationParty Plans are sketchy and vague just now with all that's gone on in recent weeks. They've shifted like the sands and may of necessity shift again. My mother worked on ideas and preparations as she was able even from her hospital bed. My sister and I told each other that it was good for her to have other things to think about.
So the invitations are here and two locations are a go depending upon the circumstances of another week. We must soon be filling them in and sending them off. Great-grands have worked on a Power Point presentation featuring photos of Nan's enjoying her amazing life with appropriate musical selections. (This one actually gives me a bit of concern.)
Anyone have a suggestion for us? With our brains practically scrambled, we're feeling the need for fresh thoughts.
Edited to Add:

The rest of the story...
So many have been curious that I thought I would oblige and that way keep a better record for myself.
Nan's 100th birthday party was held at my mother's church on November 1. It was an open house from 1 to 3 with about sixty people in attendance, not bad for a gal who says all her friends are gone. Friends from her hometown traveled for over six hours that day to be with her, which made Nan very pleased. Actually, she kept saying how awful that they had traveled all that way just to see her. I sometimes have to gently chide her and try to help her see the brighter, glass half-full-side of things.
We had lots of yummy buffet food, but the lobster salad rolls were a special treat for a lady who loves seafood. We were blessed to have a professional photographer take family photos, which was a laugh since the baby of the family kept alternately rolling about all the while saying the required "cheese" or he would laugh and say, "I already said, 'cheese'"! This would make the rest of us laugh. Anyway, thought you could use a reason why I'm not posting any of those photos here.
I am posting a mosaic that makes me misty-eyed. One October morning, Nan was surprised with a visit from the "little boy" next door. The one who had grown up wishing to marry his babysitter (my mother) and who has lived all of his adult life in Colorado. He had come home for a visit and looked both my mother and grandmother up. Don't tell me that there are not master plans for this was just after my grandmother's birthday and my mother was still very, very ill. He was able to encourage my mother on a number of levels because his own wife had been through some surprisingly similar things as my mom. You can tell that this gentleman is much loved in our family.