Sadly both grandfathers were gone by the time I was three years old. Jack passed away before I was born and Vic while I was still a toddler.
My memories of my dad's father are good ones. He gave excellent horsey rides, carried butterscotch candies about in his pockets and, even if his wool pants were itchy on my bare legs, I loved sitting on his lap. He also smelled like the outdoors.
My dad's mother was a busy homemaker during my early years. She made the best Hermits and wonderful doughnuts. She single-handedly kept me in underwear throughout childhood. This was not appreciated so well then, but it makes me smile to remember now. I am always trying to perfect Hermits, which I can not make near so well as hers.
My maternal grandmother probably had the most influence on me. She is the Nan oft spoken of in this blog who was given into John's and my care in her final year. Our connection lasted for a very long time. I play the piano because she did and I like to read because she did and I like the ocean because she did...
2. What's an item you were attached to as a child? What happened to it?
My dolls and books. What do you mean what happened to it?! They are all still with me.
Speaking of which, I own many things that belonged to each of my grandparents. I keep telling you that I live in a museum.
3. When you look out your window, do you see the forest or the trees (literally and figuratively)? Explain.
Jungle comes more to mind...
4. Do you like sour candies?
Which of the 'sour' foods listed below would you say is your favorite?
grapefruit, Greek yogurt, tart cherries, lemons, limes, sauerkraut, buttermilk, or kumquats
Grapefruit served with maple syrup
Have you ever eaten a kumquat?
not if I knew it
5. July 1st marked the mid point of 2017. In fifteen words or less, tell us how it's going so far.
Trusting for better days ahead...
6. Insert your own random thought here.
I must scoot today because I have the grands for the morning and as long as they'll have me. I think that I'll share this video with them because yesterday, right in the middle of all that is going on at their house, they said goodbye to their beloved pug Bazil.
They've known Bazil all their lives. I don't know if dogs go to Heaven, but I know that Jesus will return on a white horse so there are animals there. The bit about the lion lying down with the lamb is from the Millennial reign so I am slightly confused. Anyway, I know that I can trust God with these deep questions of life.

Animals are part of God's beautiful creation, so it would be odd if they'd be missing from a renewed earth. I'm so sorry about the sweet family member pug. My paternal grandfather was named Victor also and he was wonderful too. I can remember that scratchy wool of which you write!
ReplyDeleteGreat reading here today, Vee. Isn't it neat how we both remember our grandfathers as having candies in their pockets? I believe that my grandfather usually carried Canada mints. But there were other candies that my grandmother always kept on hand, especially at holidays, in later years, that were also some of his favorites: the old-fashioned chocolate-covered cream drops; the fruit slice candies; nonpareils; and the "circus peanuts" candies.
ReplyDeleteSo very sorry to hear that Bazil did not make it. It seems that he had a good long life, but this makes a great many life-altering events are happening at once in this family. Continuing in prayers for them ...
Are your Hermits a bar or a drop cookie? My mother's were bars, but I really didn't care for them ... too dry. My friend Ginny makes bars also, but I consider hers the perfect Hermit.
I had to giggle over the memory of your grandmother keeping you in underwear. I had an aunt, who actually was like a grandmother (my grandmother had had a stroke), who kept the whole family in underwear. We always knew every single person in the family could count on new underwear as one of their Christmas gifts from her. It came to be a big family joke that we all remember fondly.
ReplyDeleteI forgot to comment on Bazil. I believe our pets will be in heaven. There is a verse in...I think it's Genesis 9...when God is making the new covenant with Noah. It's when he gives the animals for food for the first time. Somewhere in there it mentions that animals who spill human blood will be judged. Judgement takes place before the throne and the throne is in heaven so that says to me that they will be there.
ReplyDeleteI hope all my doggies are in heaven. I know they will miss Bazil.
ReplyDeleteTrusting for better days ahead for you.
I enjoyed reading your answers this week. They were nice and thorough. Mine are really tired this week. :) That's what makes me not have pets...they die. I don't like that. I hope the boys adjust to all the changes in their lives right now...sending up a little prayer for them.
ReplyDeleteVee, I love hearing about your Nan. The gift grandparents bring is so important in the life of a child. I'm so sorry to hear about Bazil--I believe heaven will be full of all that we love and that includes our pets. I'm so sorry your grands are having another loss so soon. Take care. ♥
ReplyDeleteI loved hearing you share about the memories you have of your grandparents. Since I don't have any of my own, I have really enjoyed hearing everyone else's. I have never tried maple syrup on grapefruit...hmmm...I may have to check that one out. I'm so sorry about Bazil. It is always a sad day when we love a beloved pet and like you, I believe that we will see them again. I guess even if we are wrong, it won't matter because there is no sadness or tears in heaven. Enjoy those grand boys today! ♥
ReplyDeleteAn enjoyable read about your memories of your grandparents, and all your other fun answers. I am sorry for the sad news about Bazil--I pray hearts big and small will find comfort as they mourn their furry loved one.
ReplyDeleteWishing you a beautiful day, Vee. BTW, I didn't spot the butterfly graphic you mentioned, am I blind? Memories really are like butterflies, no wonder so many of us think of it that way.
First graphic with the small butterflies on right side...
DeleteEnjoyed this today with you Vee.
ReplyDelete1. Growing up, were you close to your grandparents? Tell us one or two specific things you remember about them.
Oh my! I adored my grandparents. They practically raised me and several other siblings matter of fact. I have so many wonderful memories about them. One being that because of them my somewhat dysfunctional childhood became normal and I was allowed to grow up knowing that God loved me. I praise God for grandparents that step up to the plate to care for their grandchildren in order to give them a healthy life. God is good.
2. What's an item you were attached to as a child? What happened to it?
The only thing that comes to mind was a Indian Doll that was almost tall as me at the time. I thought she was the prettiest thing I had ever saw. Well, besides my new shiny red bike with a bell and basket on it. LOL! It is kind of crazy as the things I was truly attached to and still am to this day was a camera of some kind!
3. When you look out your window, do you see the forest or the trees (literally and figuratively)? Explain.
Oh I have tons of trees when you look our my window, especially my kitchen window. But you can look out my front door and see woods, woods, woods. Living in the country has it's benefits.
4. Do you like sour candies? Which of the 'sour' foods listed below would you say is your favorite? (grapefruit, Greek yogurt, tart cherries, lemons, limes, sauerkraut, buttermilk, or kumquats) Have you ever eaten a kumquat? What's your favorite dish containing one of the sour foods on the list? Love me some sweet tarts and lemon heads. I like icebox lemon or lime pies that has just a tad of tart going on.
5. July 1st marked the mid point of 2017. In fifteen words or less, tell us how it's going so far. It's HOT! Good grief I do not like HOT weather. Welcome to Florida, the Sunshine State. It is going good so far and will be better in a few days when my family hits the beach for 7 days. But so far in July several things has been accomplished. A call for a Pastor for my church has come to a close after ten long months of me serving on the Pastor search team. Our new Pastor will begin August 6 and I am so excited. My middle daughter celebrated a birthday and an anniversary. Our Vacation Bible School will be coming to an end this Thursday. And....I have enjoyed the best tomatoes ever from my little garden.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
Counting down til beach time.
Hugs and blessings, Cindy
I love grapefruit but no longer indulge as it doesn't mix with blood pressure medication. I've never heard of grapefruit with maple syrup on it, but my mom used to serve ours sprinkled with sugar so I'm sure the syrup would be good too. Have fun with your grands!
ReplyDeleteAlways enjoy reading all your answers.
ReplyDeleteI was close with all my grandparents.
Actually I don't think it says the Lion and the lamb shall lie down together in the Bible. Isiah 11:6 says And the wolf shall dwell with the lamb.......
If you can find the lion and the lamb lying down together, please let me know where. Thanks.
So sorry about Bazil. It is so hard to loose a pet.
"The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them."
DeleteProbably the two are paired for the alliteration; however, I think all these things are interchangeable and the point is that formerly dangerous, wild animals will be tame and peaceable during that Millennial Reign. Awesome to think about!
I just found your blog. I enjoyed reading your Hodge Podge post. Stay cool and enjoy the rest of the week!
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by and commenting. Do you blog?
DeleteNo Vee, I don't! I love to read blogs though. I find them inspiring, motivating and they remind me of getting together over coffee.
DeleteGreat Hodge Podge answers. I always enjoy reading about your Nan and the time you spent with her in your home.
ReplyDeleteHope you've had a grand day with the boys!
So sorry for their loss... losing a pet is so hard :-( I must admit I am curious as to what a hermit is? Is know it as someone who lives in seclusion.... lol. I'd love to learn more :-) Hope your day was wonderful!
Check recipe file in my sidebar. It is an old New England cookie recipe with molasses and raisins.
DeleteI didn't know my grandparents at all. I often feel cheated. I thought it was a normal thing until I heard bloggers write about learning to bake in grandmother's kitchen, etc. I wish I had those memories. I often feel a kinship with elderly people, I made several long friendships with every old people and well, you know how that ends.
ReplyDeleteI pray your year does indeed move forward in a positive and joyous way. You deserve it, Vee.
Jane x
Hope the move is going well. Enjoyed especially the grandparent parts of this!
ReplyDeleteGrapefruit with maple syrup? Definitely never heard of that.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry about the doggy. I hope the move goes well and that your daughter-in-law will get through it all okay with a hurt arm. Are they moving very far from you? Don't remember reading about that. I know the boys will love having a pool!
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry about the loss of a family pet. They are family, too, and it hurts so much when we have to say goodbye.
ReplyDeleteHow is your daughter-in-law?
Your jungle looks much like the scene behind our house here in Jax. Such a contrast from the mountain views in Colorado, but we were ready for the change.
ReplyDeleteAs for the death of a pet, we understand that pain in this household.
Oh it is hard losing a pet... I hope the kids are okay with the loss of Brazil.
ReplyDeleteI love greek yogurt with maple syrup. It is a breakfast staple with some added fruit and granola.
Oh, I am so sorry to hear about Bazil! Indeed, your family has had a lot to contend with this summer. I continue to lift them up in my prayers as God brings them to mind.
ReplyDeleteI hope that moving weekend goes well! What fun that pool is sure to be!
I enjoyed reading about your grandparents. Sorry you lost your grandfather's at such a young age. I think it is wonderful that you still have your dolls and books. So I'm interested in trying a grapefruit with maple syrup now!!
ReplyDeleteI so enjoyed reading about your grandparents, and oh how well I remember your dear Nan! You indeed had a special relationship with her, reminded me of my relationship with my paternal grandmother!
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry about Bazil, such a loss for the boys, I know you are doing such a great job helping them with all that is going on! Grandparents play such a pivotal role in the lives of their grandchildren! I see so much evidence of this in blogland.!Though ours have grown up and gone on with their lives, they still stay in touch, I was so touched yesterday with a message from one granddaughter messaging me that she missed us and loved us! You are planting seed in Sam and Jake that you will one day see come to fruition!
I have been praying for Michelle's healing so often this week,. I pray all goes well with the moving, hope you all are not experiencing a heat wave such as we are!
Much love,
I'm sorry to be replying on an older post but I fully understand why you closed comments on the newer ones. Vee. Life can get so hectic. I hope in between helping your kids move you are also enjoying some summer comforts! Take care of yourself too. Loved hearing about your grandparents here. My wish is that my grandchildren will remember me fondly one day!