1 and 2
click on the tiny x
this message pops up (I selected hide all pins inspired by...)
Edited to Add: Thanks to Lorrie for pointing out that this means ALL pins including your own. Far better to choose Hide This Pin.
Edited to Add: Thanks to Lorrie for pointing out that this means ALL pins including your own. Far better to choose Hide This Pin.
the pin now looks this way
5 Why did you hide the Pin?
So glad they asked!
6 Thanks for your feedback.
Thank you for allowing me to give feedback!
In other news, I did add the paintings from Paint Nite to my bedroom wall.
Yes, I desperately need to paint the room. Sigh. So much to do. So little time. So little energy. I'll be puttering around up there again today as upstairs is warmer than down. (That string hanging straight down is my light pull. Couldn't figure it out myself for a minute.)
My poor Texas friends, I do apologize for being cranky and cold this morning. We have nothing going on like you have going on. We're praying for you!

Yes Vee, so much to do, so little time, less energy etc., all rear their ugly heads around our later years but we do what we can do and try to gradually take care of the details later!
ReplyDeleteAs for Pinterest and what you are describing, thanks, as this is just another reason I don't go there to be blasted with 'stuff' - or to any other social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter or whatever. I only blog, only share my personal pix 99.9% of the time. I do not like visiting blogs showing a third party's photography or being overwhelmed by ads which pop up constantly. OK, so I'm not a modern day techie, I even dislike my smartphone which really isn't a phone just another computer. I must be getting old - OK let's face it I am old already!!!! In fact, noticing how blogging is heading lately, I almost feel I could give it up too. It's changed so much now, there are so many blogs and it gets harder and harder to keep up and keep everyone happy.
I hope your weather improves, and yes wishing our Texas friends better days ahead. I love how cozy your bedroom looks and the paintings are delightful.
Hugs - Mary -
Good Morning, Vee. I was probably one of the last of my blog friends to join Pinterest and the same things frustrate me about it! Hoping your weather improves and warms up for you. They are predicting rain for us the next several days. Can't remember if I shared with you that my 9 yr old male cat had emerg. surgery on Mon for a tumor in his mouth. Lab results will be back Fri or Mon. I am giving him lots of love and attention.
ReplyDeleteTake care and enjoy a warm cuppa tea for me!
I hear you, Vee. I am annoyed by that "we pick for you" feature, too. I go back and forth with Pinterest and leave it for weeks at a time. That being said- I did pin the cottage (from original source thank you very much). lol
ReplyDeleteHave a good day---take a good sedative and calm down--it's okay. We don't want to have to change your name to CrankyPants. I already LIVE with one of those! lol
Have a great day! xo Diana
Vee, I hope you get to feeling better. I am feeling yucky myself. Wishing you a great new day. xoxo,Susie
ReplyDeleteGood morning! Well let's see....pintrest? honestly I spend very little time on there. Never could work it very well...At first I only pinned something that I am REALLY wanted or needed....a tutorial or recipe or something like that....as was terrified I would never find it again otherwise, but I don't even do that much anymore, lol. As for your cold and cranky feelings, I was just telling my hubby the other day, '"my blogging friend Vee and I should trade places and houses for a good month or something and live the way the other does just to see how different it would really be living another way. Wouldn't that be interesting? lol Honestly I can't imagine 40 degrees in June! Not that June is one of our warmer months or anything, but we have been consistently hitting eighty degrees or so for weeks and weeks. An occasional cooler one but that's it. My air conditioner is humming away most days for while in the afternoon as dollar signs dance around our ceilings. All of our windows are open all night as we pray some cool breezes makes the house chilly in the morning....rarely does that happen. And considering I am a in continual "hot flash" state you can imagine how all of this usually strikes me....you call it cranky, I call it grumpy, lol Meanwhile you are surrounded by gorgeous forest type greenery and open spaces, and we have a tiny, tiny front and back yard and my front porch view is my ninty one year old neighbors driveway! lol Someday we will both have our mansions in the sky....lol Enjoy your day Vee!
ReplyDeleteSaturday was so warm and humid that we put on the AC. Crazy swings in weather. I know I don't want to live in CA and I'm pretty sure you'd only enjoy ME in The summer and early fall. =D
DeleteI know what you mean about that Pinterest thing. I really don't use it all that much but the last time I did, I could see that things had changed a bit. Not the user friendly site it once was. I love the paintings on your wall...it adds a real special touch I think. I hope your weather improves and that you soon are feeling chipper!
ReplyDeleteI have a Pinterest page but rarely use it. I don't understand all the ins and outs of it so just don't bother. Yes, I agree, as cozy and charming as that pretty cottage is, I'd feel smothered with all that green. Lots of trimming there. I'll just admire it in a pic. Have a lovely day.
ReplyDeleteWe are having strange, crazy weather, too. Yesterday it was in the 80's and I turned on the AC. Today's highs are suppose to be in the mid-high 50's. AC off! It seems quite chilly outdoors and there has been a heavy mist since I got up at 6:00 this morning. ~ I did join Pinterest, but haven't been there for several months. I'm curious now and think I need to see if they've done any additions for me. ~ The cottage is beautiful. If it's covered in ivy (and the lawn, too), you wouldn't have to mow. Ivy causes another problem, though, as its roots go into cracks and crevices and eventually causes damage to the structure. Can't win!
ReplyDeleteI have tried many times to 'get it' on Pinterest. People tell me they LOVE it. I still to not even 'get it'. People tell me it's like a magazine you can skim through. Personally, I'd rather have the magazine. It's not entirely all that user friendly to figure out.
DeleteThought I should add a disclaimer, but I'm on the iPad so will accomplish it by picking on you, Roe. I am like your friends. I use Pinterest like a magazine. I despise magazines anymore for their PC ways and the pinning way, I only pin what I am interested in. Magazines fill up the house, are loaded with advertisements (Pinterest and Blogs are getting more and more that way, too), and I ususally can't justify the cost for what little I am interested in in a magazine. That said, I want a pin to go directly to the source. I don't care if you made a recipe and show a pretty picture of it...I want the source! Now you know more than you ever wanted to know about my pinning habits. =D
Oh you make me smile Vee! I hear you about being cold and cranky - sigh! I love your bedroom picture where you've hung the beautiful paintings - good job!! Is that a log cabin quilt hanging behind your headboard - it's beautiful!!! I mostly use Pinterest for quilt patterns that I love in case that someday I'll get around to making some of them!
ReplyDeleteOh my. The house covered with green (grass? moss? ivy?) makes me claustrophobic. (Yes, I have issues.)
ReplyDeleteI also have issues with those "picked for you" pins. Really? How do you know what I'll like, Pinterest? I can choose my own, thank you very much.
Do I sound cranky? I'm really not feeling cranky. Just opinionated maybe. It is chilly here today too, but it will be really hot next week, so I'll enjoy the chilly.
Your bedroom looks cheerful and I love the paintings there! Enjoy your cozy upstairs today!
Vee, I started noticing the same thing about Pinterest picking pins for me! WOW! I love browsing pinterest but it almost becomes overwhelming for me at times. I have so many pins to be honest and I do not have the time nor the money to do just a small portion of the things I've pinned! LOL! Happy Wednesday Vee. Hugs and blessings, Cindy
ReplyDeleteSo glad you have hung your cheerful paintings, Vee. I, too, like your Log Cabin quilt.
ReplyDeleteIs it one your Mother created?
Pinterest, it has it good points and it's bad.
I find the suggested pins Pint. sends me amusing as they think they know me. But they never pin them in my space, maybe I've turned some gadget off. So I could pretend it's cool today..well it is but it is so humid you feel wet just stepping outside on this cloudy day. I hope you warm up soon.
ReplyDeleteEven when you are cranky and cold you make me smile! We have a major heatwave a-coming...and would love to share some warmth with you. I'm not thrilled that Pinterest picks pins for me either...though I haven't taken any measures to stop them. I have enough pins on my boards to inspire me well into eternity. I can't take them with me, right? :)
ReplyDeleteOh Pinterest - That Picked for You really got to me, too. But if you click on "hide all pins inspired by your board...." will that not eliminate pins from the pinners you are following, too? I did that and seemed to notice a decrease in the pins in those categories. Oh, the complications.
ReplyDeleteThat ivy-covered house has me creepy crawly with imagining spiders. I've heard they like ivy. I hope it warms up for you soon, because .... watch for an email.
What? You noticed a decrease? I must look into this further. I believed that they were going to stop offering pins based on this or that board. And they have. I don't think it has anything to do with others pinning from my boards. Hope not anyway! Yikes!
DeleteI've been experimenting and I do believe that Lorrie is correct! If you select hide all pins inspired by whatever board, that means ALL pins including ones you add yourself. Sometimes Pinterest really stinks. Now I am even more cranky! LOL!
DeleteWow, that cheery, inviting post title sounds like something I would have written! Kindred spirits for sure. :) I am not a good pinner. I've always thought of Pinterest as my own personal, convenient bulletin board for when I found something I like. That's about it.
ReplyDeleteHope it gets warmer there. It's a bit chilly here this morning and they're forecasting rain. I wish they could tell me for sure, for if it's NOT going to rain, I need to drag out the hoses and water the garden. It's one of those overcast days that is iffy.
I'm so glad you hung those pictures! They're wonderful.
I still haven't joined Pinterest, Vee, and I don't plan on it. I guess I'll be the only one on the planet to skip it!!
ReplyDeleteI hope you warm up soon. Our rain has finally left us and we have sunny skies for the month of June.
I feel the same way about Pinterest choosing my pins for me. I am very choosy about who and what I follow, so I really don't like that Pinterest horns in, especially with the ones that are advertisements! I guess it was only a matter of time. When I inadvertently pin a pin that goes nowhere I weed it out. I LOVE ivy covering buildings so that sweet cottage is right up my alley!
ReplyDeleteI am not on Pinterest though many people love it. I am busy with blogging, Facebook and most of all, with Real Life! LOL. One of my BBFs stopped being on FB yesterday and I left her a note "see you in Real Life". And she said "Oh yes."
ReplyDeleteWell, yes I had noticed that Pinterest was picking pins for my boards, they are also suggesting I meet my Pinterest "twin". Their idea of a Pinterest twin and mine, are two different things. Thanks for the tips on getting rid of those buggy pins. Like the art on your wall, thanks for sharing. Hope the crankiness subsides. Should soon when the sun comes out. ~ Abby
ReplyDeleteWhy is it that as we get older there never seems enough time to do everything? Whatever the reason, it sneaks up on even the most organized person I find.
ReplyDeleteGee, that is chilly where you are, my computer says 68F for us but there is a cool wind.
You need some warm weather and John to take you out for lunch to soothe your crankiness - couldn't hurt!
Yes, I did notice that about Pinterest. I had gotten on there to look at ideas for my Art History project--anyways--I am not very happy about them either. As for the cold--sweet friend, the warmer weather is heading to you, give it a day--it is like 70* here today, nice...after a few days of 40* and rain. Blessings
ReplyDeleteI wrote a comment and it went poof! I don't have the energy to try to remember what I wrote again. See you soon...hope your weather starts warming up.
ReplyDeleteSince I have only recently tiptoed into the world of Pinterest, I am taking notes here. I do seem to be getting a lot of emails from them suggesting pins and pinners. Reminds me a bit of matchmaking :). It only seems fair, however, that credit should go to the original source.
ReplyDeleteSorry you are feeling cranky! I hope that it will pass. As for Pinterest, I have to say that I use it as a sort of online pinboard and don't actually go to sites, I just think of it as inspiration for colours, patterns and so on, rather than somewhere to take me to other places. Does that make sense? I don't pin from places, just pin things that I already find on pinterest so I rely on them to have the source already on them. As for the picked for you, I find that I mostly get things that I am actually interested in. One thing that I don't do though is follow any "interests" when I did that briefly I found that I had loads of things that I didn't want! This way I just get things I do want. Hope that helps! xx
ReplyDeleteThis makes me very thankful I never tried to join or use Pinterest. Just another social media to grind my gears. *lol* On a happier note, overcast and/or cold days (or for us, bloody hot days) are excellent for painting inside. *wink* Hope the rest of your day got better. ~:)
ReplyDeleteGood afternoon from PNW and good evening to you in the Northeast! I haven't been on pinterest in ages and maybe should stay away completely. We have all our pilots off in our heating sources and I'm sitting here feeling cold. Might have to have Dear light them again since we will have southern California company soon and they aren't used to anything under 70 degrees LOL! Hope things warm up for you!
ReplyDeleteThe paintings look so nice in your bedroom. It will be something to cheer you when you awake in the mornings. I hope it warmed up today! It wasn't as hot here today so that was nice. Sweet hugs, Diane
ReplyDeleteI do love a good browse on pinterest now and then. I did however have a very bad experience a few weeks ago when I clicked to download a printable and found myself with a pretend virus which would not go away and was telling me to call the 1 800 number for help ... which of course was the real scam. My son had to talk me through how to get it off my page and he being a IT techie even had to try different things. I learned my lesson not to download anything I am not sure of the source! That made me fairly cranky too.
ReplyDeleteSo, is that what is wrong with me today? I have been way off my feed. Must be the cold and miserable weather outside. I couldn't figure it out. Glad you did.
ReplyDeleteI have such a hard time leaving comments. Don't know why. I have lots of time and zero energy. I hate Pinterest choosing pins for me. I miss seeing pins from my favorite pinners that I follow. It has been cool and rainy here. Hoping it warms up a bit.
ReplyDeleteI began using Pinterest when it first came out but soon stopped. It just took too much time and somehow disturbed me. It's difficult to explain. But when I read things like your post I am glad I stopped. Every so often I get something in my email that says pinterest is suggesting something for me, but I just delete it.
ReplyDeleteI do hope you get better weather! Mercy! And I hope when it warms up it does not go to 90 instantly.
Thank you for the tip about Pinterest and how to hide those pesky "picked for you" pins! It's chilly-ish here, and rainy. Crazy for June, especially after last week with highs in the upper 80's and low 90's. The AC was on!
ReplyDeleteI think your room looks cozy and comfortable!
I don't spend much time on Pinterest so didn't realize that the pins were 'chosen' for me. Hm. It's like advertising on blogs that are American and Canadian ads show up (for Canadian companies). How do they know I'm a Canadian visiting them?? Facebook is the same. If I do a Google search on my computer for something - i.e. boots at Sears - then all of a sudden I'm getting ads for boots from Sears in my newsfeed! SCARY! The weather has been so cold and wet and damp but today the sun is shining and its warming up a bit. I'm dressed in layers (with a fleece vest over my hoodie and the heat on) and shivering so I had better get moving with some housework or something. Ha. Your artwork looks nice and cheery in your bedroom. I hope the weather is improving for you too. :)
ReplyDeleteI've noticed that on Pinterest too... always seems someone is trying to change a good thing. :-( On a good note, your photos look lovely hung up :-)
Vee...thanks for making me laugh....at the mowing of the lawn and the house:) I am so technically challenged that one of my 'thank You God for" prayers is those friends of mine who give me advise, walk me through and teach me along the way. I'm running to keep up in that area of life:) I do like to browse Pinterest...and so far have not had any troubles.....just saying:) Time and energy....I hear ya! I've been working on those this year....slowly I'm learning a few things that are helping me in those areas...long way to go:) I also understand cranky and cold:) Have a good day....drink tea and warm up.
ReplyDeleteI hear you about Pinterest---I thought I was the only one that didn't quite "get it"---My email inbox is just full of suggestions from them! It seems to be another information gathering tool. Oh well---I'll try your suggestion to stop some of the emails. ♥
ReplyDeleteI have never been to Pinterest, not going there. I have way too little time. You just go ahead and be as cranky as you need to be. Sooner or later your mood will change. Take care!
ReplyDeleteAs usual I am late again, "so much to do, so little time, so little energy," oh! How I can relate! I just haven't gotten around to pinterest yet, keep saying I will, I guess because there is so much to do, so little time,
ReplyDeleteso little energy! Have a blessed day, hope things have warmed a bit for you, we have been a little cool too, for our area!
Thank you so much Vee!! Those pins drive me nuts and I didn't think there was anything I could do about it.
ReplyDeleteI hope you warm up soon.
Falling behind in my visiting..
ReplyDeleteI take pinning by spells... I pin and pin and then never go back to look at any of them.
I go to the source of every pin and it does not lead anywhere. or is a wrong source I do not pin it to my boards, no matter how much I like it! There are a lot of scammers stealing other's photos and using them to get traffic on their heavy ad web site, so I report them to Pinterest as "spam" and hope they will be removed.
ReplyDeleteI see I have missed several of your posts, Vee. I do like to putz around on Pinterest once in a while, but not often. Can really eat some serious time. Same with Facebook. Blogging keeps me plenty busy.
ReplyDeleteBut thanks for the tip about hiding pins.