1. Besides your very own house, describe a place where you feel most 'at home'?
I feel at home in many people's homes. Give me a cup of coffee, a cookie, and engage me in good conversation and I'm "at home." The ultimate "at home" experience, in former years, was at my parents' home and my grandparents' homes.
2. When did you last 'hit a home run' with something? Explain.
It must have been a long time ago because I don't remember it.
3. Tell us about something you love in your house or kitchen that is 'homemade.'
So many from which to choose since homemade is my favorite. I suppose that the crocheted table toppers my mother made are in the love category.
4. 'A man's home is his castle'...which of the world's ten most captivating castles (according to The Travel Channel) would you most like to visit and why-
Mont Saint-Michel (France), Edinburgh Castle (Scotland), Neuschwanstein Castle (Germany), Glamis Castle (Scotland), Windsor Castle (England), Chateau de Chambord (France), Hampton Court Palace (England), Prague Castle (Prague), St. Michael's Mount (England), Leeds Castle (England), and Swallow's Nest (Ukraine)
Alas, I am not a traveler so I will simply tour castles in my dreams. Any of the Scottish castles will do. I note that my beloved's family castle is not included in that list. ☺ He didn't like those outside stairs.
5. What's a recent or upcoming plan or project that's required you do a little homework before getting started? Did the homework cause you to abandon your plan or adjust it in some way?
The entire personal representative of an estate thing has required a fair amount of homework, which is ongoing. I like nothing about this project so I am eagerly looking forward to the day when it is ended.
6. In your opinion, is homework an unnecessary evil or a valuable practice?
It has all the potential for both.
Should schools be done with homework?
No, but homework should be reasonable and limited and any teacher who assigns a major project over vacation weeks ought to be canned. ☺
Why or why not?
Homework should not be eliminated because parents need to see how well their children are doing and students need reinforcement of new concepts. That said, homework must be limited. A family does not want to spend all its time together in the pursuit of homework.
7. Share a favorite memory of your childhood hometown.
Since I still live in my childhood hometown, this will be easy. Thinking, thinking, thinking... Okay, no it won't.
Trying again here. There has been a major change in my town, since childhood, and that has been the loss of the elm trees. They lined all the major streets and things have not been the same since they had to come down.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I promised to show where the 14 is now. It's temporary, just want to look at it longer. (It's directly across from my chair.) I'll do something more "with it" soon. Check back on the post prior to this one for an important update at the end.

Love these hodgepodge posts!
ReplyDeleteAh, the loss of the beautiful elms from the street where I grew up was a great childhood grief. They lined the street and arched over it. When they were dying it was horrible with sap oozing out. It took years to regrow trees to replace them. Actually I was grown and living elsewhere before it looked good again.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed your "homey" hodgepodge! I really like your answer to the first question. I think I'd be "at home" at your house too...and I'd love for you to be "at home" at mine. (Although, alas, since neither one of us are travelers, we'll probably have to continue to enjoy these cyber meetings. At least we had one face-to-face!)
ReplyDeleteOk, what's this whole '14' thing? I'm so curious! I'll have to go back through your blog and check it out. :) I like your response to the homework question! And all the rest too! :)
ReplyDeleteYou won't have to go far. ☺
DeleteSo fun that you've joined the Hodgepodge! My home town too used to have elms flanking the street. So sad that they're gone. The estate job sounds daunting. You're welcome to stop in for coffee and a gluten free chocolate chip/walnut cookie and conversation. What time should I expect you?
ReplyDeleteWhy did the elms have to come down? And I'm not sure about the "14". I'll have to wait and see I guess :) Thanks for stopping by!
Dutch Elm Disease
DeleteApparently, because elms were traditionally planted in rows close to one another, the disease was easily passed from one to another. Once in a rare while, we find an elm that escaped because it was planted well away from others.
This is so very true Vee! When you are a guest in someone else's home and they engage in good conversation which flows easily...along with a cookie and tea or coffee...it just flows easily. My mother used to do that! Fun post today!
ReplyDeleteI like your definition of being 'at home' somewhere! I'd love to have you come here for coffee and treats and good conversation!
ReplyDeleteHeading back to look at your update!
I enjoyed reading through your answers to the questions. I do agree with your homework thoughts. I'm glad you are enjoying seeing 14 before you find it's other spot. Have a good Wednesday!
ReplyDeleteHi, I'm visiting from The Hodgepodge, and I've already discovered we have something in common. I'm not a 'traveler' either, and also love crocheted table toppers.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to have to go check out the '14' thing, as well.
Kathy (Reflections by Kathy)
I love this questions and answers. I always learn more about you!
ReplyDeletep.s. thank you for directing your readers to my blog for the Ramsign giveaway! I have had a few visit and enter.
ReplyDeleteYour answer to where you feel at home is a true one with me as well. What a gift we can give to our guests to make them feel at home! It's too bad about the elms in your hometown. I imagine they were lovely. Your homework thoughts are right on! Enjoyable post as always. ♥
ReplyDeleteLoved your answer to the first question, you have an open invitation to stop by for conversation and cookies anytime. Sad that the trees are gone, I feel very connected to trees, they give me a sense of strength and comfort.
Lori in Blue Ridge, GA
I always like these kind of posts, we get to know more about you and your memories, likes, and opinions.
ReplyDeleteYour answers are fun to read! My house number is written on a chalkboard hanging by my door. None of us (the three houses that share the gravel lane) has ever had house numbers. But after a UPS guy begged me earlier this year to have SOMEONE put up numbers, I got out the chalkboard, chalk pen, wrote it out, and hung it up. Easy. And every delivery person has been happy. Obviously we have no rules governing house numbers.
ReplyDeleteNow that is clever!
DeleteI agree with firing teachers who try to squeeze school work into holiday time. That is just not right.
ReplyDeleteAlways a joy to read the hodgepodge posts to find out more about blogging sisters. I too liked your answer to the first question and I feel the same, only I'll have tea. :-)
ReplyDeleteI share your opinion on homework ♥
ReplyDeleteIt's fun to read your hodgepodge answers to learn more about my blogging friend! I wish you were close enough to drop by for coffee or tea, a cookie, and a chat. Now I'm off to see that update.
ReplyDeleteI lived in a castle in Scotland for a short period of time. Kinnaird Castle in Brechin.
ReplyDeleteWhat?! How is it that I have never known of this before? You've got some explainin' to do, Karen!
DeleteWhy did the elm trees have to come down? How sad! Some of the trees around our courthouse had to come down, too. The trees were sick with something, but I don't remember what. It is always sad to lose a tree.
ReplyDeleteHave a blessed week!
The table toppers sound lovely. I handled the estate for my aunt and uncle. I hated it and theirs was actually set up to be easy. So much to do, houses to sell, etc.
ReplyDeleteIt's looking very fallish around here. Lovely! I always enjoy seeing your decorations, decor, reading what you have to say on a particular day. I like your new blog buttons. Love the idea that you're enjoying that number 14 so much you put it where you could see it. Thanks for staying on here Vee and not giving up. You are loved and appreciated. ~ Abby
ReplyDeleteI have always loved the coziness of your home...I love the views out the windows. I would love to join you for coffee and conversation. It was great fun to read your answers and also, some of the comments - I liked the comment about using the chalkboard for the house # and can you believe the lady who lived in a castle? Fascinating. When I was 20, my dad had a business trip in Germany (at Christmas) and mother and I went along. It was gorgeous. The one thing to see on my wish list was Neuschwanstein Castle. Our hosts drove and drove thru blinding snow and we were within sight of the castle and the weather got so severe that we could not tour it. Argh!
ReplyDeleteI think your answer to the first question should make us all stop and think a bit and try to make that a goal of our own. How wonderful it would be to be able to make anyone visiting our homes to feel like they were "at home". Good answer and thanks for the inspiration :)
ReplyDeleteYou write a fun hodge podge, Vee. Your home is a welcoming place and I think almost anyone would feel at home there. I'm glad you can feel comfortable just about anywhere! I clicked on John's family castle link - that is a bleak looking place. Where is it located?
ReplyDeleteDirectly from the site: The Castle is situated in Appin on the A828 between Ballachulish and Connel, just north of Oban.
DeleteJohn's maternal grandfather is a direct descendant of the castle taker himself. I don't think the ancestor built the castle, he took it, if I am remembering correctly. Just read that history...wow...brutal.
Well, this was fun. Scotland in your dreams... is that where the castle is? Loved those pictures, but it certainly does look cold and remote. Laughed over your thoughts on homework... since we homeschooled it was a non-issue in our home (I suppose it was technically ALL home work), and I am certainly thankful about that. So sad about the elms.
ReplyDeleteLovely hodge podge today, enjoyed your thoughts... your new "14" looks great! :)
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed reading your Hodgepodge today - better late than never! Have a great weekend! - Jessica
ReplyDeleteThank you, Jessica. I have just been reading at your place, which I also enjoyed. Lost a comment on the post about genealogy. Sometimes the www just doesn't work the way I'd like!