So I plumped up the box with lots of leaves. I think I can still do better. Maybe it's time to look for the burlap.
This is the only Cinderella pumpkin I've been able to find.
This week's "Dad Day" was a few days ago. Both my father and I have been limping along since. Why? Because I found him on the floor when I arrived at 7:45. For the next too long a time, I struggled to get him to his feet at his insistence. When we were both thoroughly worn out, I called 911. This was a learning experience for me on several levels. One does not have to listen to her dad no matter how he barks when his safety and her own is at stake. Good heavens! You'd think I'd be intelligent enough to know this. Something about an upset parent can put one right back in child mode real fast.
The rescue crew arrived from the next town over and the first thing the EMT said was, "I've been here before."
"Why?" asked my father.
"To get your ask up off the floor," said the EMT.
This is just the kind of response that my father appreciates and he laughed heartily.
I was told, in no uncertain terms, never to attempt what I had attempted again. Two men had a bit of trouble getting him to his feet. Now this is my second time with his falling. The first time, believe it or not, I was able to get him back to vertical. My sister has been through this 17 (!) times. Yikes.
~a quilt panel kit~
My dad's day turned around completely when we received a call from his baby sister saying that she and her husband would be over for a visit. They brought lunch and gifts. Wow!

Good morning, Vee! Loquacious is such a great word, and I'm happy to enjoy the results of your feeling.
ReplyDeleteOh, yes, you don't want to injure yourself helping your dad get up - the EMTs have good advice. I'm so glad the day turned around for your dad and for you. Lovely gifts and a lovely time with family can do that.
Your porch looks much more autumn-ish than mine. I have one pumpkin and some dried and colorless hydrangeas that I keep meaning to pitch and replace with mums, but ... energy and time don't seem to get me there.
Have a wonderful day. It's still dark here; Tim had to leave really early so I got up to do some marking before school. Ahem, no marking done - just blogging!
"Loquacious" love that word....smiles. Pouring rain here in western NY, Vee...not complaining. I just loveddddddddddddd your post---sorry to read that about your dad...keeping you in prayer friend. (and just incase you should wonder, I don't have to be in until my 2 class---but I have to stay late for a discussion on the "state of the election"--fun, fun, fun. wink)
ReplyDeleteOh that should prove...ahem...interesting. Based on what I heard last night, I am still convinced of the wisdom of my choice based on the candidates' positions on aborttion alone, but there are so many more.
DeleteI can understand completely your attempts to get your dad on his feet. When someone is in distress it is the natural thing to do to try to help. I love the photos of the porch and the tree. I think I commented yesterday that we didn't have much color here, and then I looked out the window, and in the week I have been gone, the maple trees across the road have turned the most amazing colors. So much for my powers of observation! It's cool and rainy here today, lots of things to catch up on so I had better quit visiting and get to it! Have a great day :)
ReplyDeleteI have been there so many times having to lift my Dad when he has falling, not always the right thing to do but more a natural instinct. Glad your day turned around and you ended up having a good one. Beautiful flowers on the porch and lovely gifts. Take care.
ReplyDeleteVee, I'm sorry to hear that your dad is having falling issues. Grayden's mother had this problem and did break her hip during one of her falls. I had to laugh, with understanding, at your attempt to do what your dad wanted. I certainly did that many times when I was taking care of my Daddy.
ReplyDeleteYour deck looks lovely all dressed with mums, pumpkins and dahlias. Elevating the pumpkins in the tool box was perfect. Your first photo is magazine worthy! ♥
Hi Vee, I've been reading posts that I've missed and it sounds like you've been a busy gal, but taking time to enjoy the beautiful fall season. I'm sorry about your dad's fall. (And I fully understand how gruff dads can make one feel like a child again! Mine sure had that knack.) Your deck looks terrific with all the beautiful flowers and pumpkins!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness, I don't think I was supposed to enjoy this post as much as I did...but you have such a way with words. Hope your Dad can stay upright more than not now. And that should you find him that way again you call for help first. :-)
ReplyDeleteThe flowers and leaves are simply gorgeous!!
Of course I also love every mention of John so loved that the gifts brought him to mind.
You are one spunky chick...sounds like you come by it honestly.
Okay...I'm not gonna lie...I had to look up "loquacious" :D I'm glad to hear that you AND your dad was OK. Does he use a walker? Oh, I do hope he will be more careful and doesn't break something! You received some lovely gifts and I'm glad you visit ended on a good note!
ReplyDeleteOh yes the fall colors are extra colorful this year it seems. Beautiful over my way too.
ReplyDeleteAt lease your dad didn't break anything when he fell.
My mom now has mats all around her bed in the nursing home so when she steps down on them alarms sound. Her latest break is a small bone in her pelvis.
I had to look up loquacious. : ) Good word.
Well...I'm glad the authorities have ordered you permission to call them the next time this happens. I understand the back to childhood feelings when a challenge comes our way. I like your fall porch scenes. Love the Cinderella pumpkin. I have no real pumpkins to date. The closest thing to a real pumpkin I have is a spaghetti squash. God bless Aunt Sharon and Uncle Billy.
ReplyDeleteHello Vee,
ReplyDeleteI found your blog through reading of another blog...I just can't remember which one! :) I am so glad that I checked it out because I have enjoyed every single post I've read. I really like your flowers and pumpkins on the porch, but surely sorry to hear about your dad's fall. I know what you mean about how your parent's barking orders can throw one right back into childhood! Happy to hear that everything turned out good in the end. I can easily see God having planned your aunt and uncle's visit (complete with lunch and gifts) as a way to set the day aright...for both you and your dad.
Thank you for your visit, Dianna. Do you blog? If so, I'd love to visit you.
DeleteHello Vee,
DeleteI am not currently blogging. I'd been blogging since 2008, but due to some family needs my time was at a premium and I gave up blogging around a year ago. It may be in the future, but as of right now I am not blogging.
What an experience! I'm glad your dad is okay and that he got a chuckle out of the whole ordeal. Isn't it amazing that at our ages we can still fall into that child mode with our parents? My mother has a way of putting me into a defensive mode the minute I hear her voice. ~ I do so enjoy your photography. Autumn festivals and decorations need to find their way up here.
ReplyDeleteOh I'm sorry about your dad and thankful he didn't hurt himself and you also didn't hurt yourself. I knew a lady who called EMT for falling so often that her husband would put on a pot of coffee while they waited for them to arrive. Your porch looks festive.
ReplyDeleteDang Vee, you are using big words for this country girl....(Loquacious) LOL! I had to look it up.....(chuckles) Praise the Lord you was not hurt in trying to help your dad. Oh I know how you felt though. Been there, done that, and bought SEVERAL tee shirts! Prayers abounding. Hugs and blessings, Cindy
ReplyDeleteGoodness! I am sorry about your Dad falling. But I know what you mean about turning right back into a child when a parent requests something :-). Love your fall photos.
ReplyDeleteI can see why you what you mean about the glorious light and your Fall decor making you feel like bragging... They are gorgeous~ Sorry to hear about your dad falling. I had a super hard time once getting my little hundred pound mama off the floor following one of her falls, let alone a man. Mom and I got to laughing though which did complicate things some though. I am glad he wasn't hurt. There is something isn't there that makes you feel like you must obey, but you really don't! Hope the rest of your week is good!
ReplyDeleteFall is truly delightful isn't it! October is a month of joy, and I love it... and I am not tiring of your fall scenes, and joys... it brings joy to me too! :) So sorry about the episodes with your father. Sounds like he is quite a character. So hard to have those roles switched. Hugs to you today!
ReplyDeleteJust awesome knowing the happy ending.
ReplyDeleteYour outdoor lighting pics are stunning.
Hugs to you and prayers foryour loved ones. ♥
And here I thought I was just reading a post about autumn leaves and flowers! So glad there's 911 and that both you and your dad survived this ordeal, and that next time (sounds like there'll be a next and another next?) you'll not attempt that by yourself. Easier said than the decisions we have to make when we're actually faced with it, I know. Enjoying autumn out here too.
ReplyDeleteGreat post with love of fall color and family. Enjoyed!
ReplyDeleteLoquacious brings me back to English class in my catholic high school, with a teacher that strongly believed in teaching vocabulary words. My, did they come in handy on SAT and ACT tests!!
ReplyDeleteI did love seeing your colorful pictures, and your gifts, Vee. I'm glad your Dad is ok, but you be careful, and your sister, too. You both don't need to hurt yourselves.
My mums have bit the dust with the cold nights we've had these past 2 weeks (woke up to 24* this morning), so it was refreshing to see that yours are doing very well. That ruffled apron pattern is very cute!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your day with us. I'm glad you're dad is upright now. I'm sure that was very hard!
Well they say we go back to childhood the older we get, my children say I never really left it.
Yes, we do resort back to thinking we must obey our parents - even when WE are more sensible than THEY are!! How hard it is to maintain our balance with them - parents. Mother in my case and father in yours.
ReplyDeleteYour fall beauty is amazing. How I would love to visit Maine again! I remember past visits when I thought that were I not SEEING the brilliant colors for myself - I would find it hard to believe them!
No colors here yet and often out trees simply fade from green to brown.
SO! I shall haunt your blog and feast my eyes on YOUR scenery!!!
Love you, Vee!!! Always!
So glad both you and your father are ok. Your dahlias are gorgeous! I've been regretting I didn't plant any this year. Usually I plant red ones in my flower garden. Also, love your Cinderella pumpkin!
ReplyDeleteAnother wonderful post sharing what is beautiful or interesting or inspiring with your readers! So glad your Dad was not seriously injured and that you had not hurt yourself trying to help him. We are getting more color, but today was all gray and rainy...The sunshine makes the fall colors pop!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful post in every way, Vee! I enjoy your loquacity and don't see any bragging here at all. Those dahlias are so pretty, and what a thoughtful gift that continues to bless. Loved your deck -- so much autumnal beauty there. And the gifts your aunt brought -- what creative fun you will have with those!
ReplyDeleteSo glad your dad was not seriously hurt. In all of the falls my dad has had, thankfully he has broken no bones. He has not fallen since being in the nursing home (in fact, they have now removed his chair and bed alarms) -- yet another reason I am so thankful he is there and so well cared for.
I am SO happy that the day turned around!! It is scary when someone falls. (One of Kati's patients fell several times.)
ReplyDeleteYour fall scenes and your porch decor make me smile. Autumn makes me smile. YOU make me smile. :D
Sometimes I would tell my son to stop being so loquacious. Of course I said it with a smile, but boy, could he talk my ear off! He knew I really loved it, and boy do I miss it now that he's out of state.
ReplyDeleteLifting up dead weight is so hard! Glad you didn't hurt yourself, and got some help! We always think we can do it. Nice his sister and husband were able to come over.
I love the fall colors, so gorgeous! Your porch with the little pumpkins and flowers is a delight.
Blessings to you Vee. Love, Deborah
Never a dull moment some days and yours takes the cake! Takes me back to when my Dad fell into his closet and mom and I tried to get him up. Struggled for some time and ended up calling 911 too. I guess we try to do these things ourselves to save having to call for help but at least in our case it was an isolated incident with lots of laughter.
ReplyDeleteGod has certainly blessed us with gorgeous autumn colours this year.
Oh- What a day you had--and it all turned out okay in the end. You are so lucky to have had your dad around for your adult life. I lost my dad young-long before he saw any of his grandkids or got to know me as a grown up (and not a brat)
ReplyDeleteI love that tea towel! How very, very cool is that!!! Hope you have a great night- xo Diana
Well, I am happy to read that the day ended with your dad feeling like it was a good day. Lovely gifts... I am a fan of aprons, and I too love the artwork on the tea towel.
ReplyDeleteGlad that 'all's well that ends well'! We never know what tomorrow may bring with aged parents. It's my stepmom who is falling these days. Things look lovely over there. Amazing that the dahlias have put on a show all this time!
ReplyDeleteI shouldn't be surprised but I am and so happy that Dhalia plant has been beautiful all summer!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad that your day turned around and I do hope you never try to lift your Dad up on your own again.