1. "The cure for anything is salt water-tears, sweat, or the sea." (Isak Dinesan) Would you agree? Of the three, which has 'cured' you most recently?
2. What's something you can't eat without salt? Do you normally salt your food a lot, a little, or not at all?
On the advice of Rachel Ray, I have begun generously salting the water for boiling pasta. Yup. She's right. It makes a world of difference. Other than that, I try not to use salt. Many foods are plenty salty enough. (A guilty pleasure is salting an orange or an apple.)
3. Sands of time, bury your head in the sand, built on sand, or draw a line in the sand...which sandy phrase could best be applied to something in your life right now?
Bury my head in the sand...
because I am biding. Once spring arrives, action must be taken. Until then, I'm content to make like an ostrich.
4. A favorite book, movie, or song with an island setting or theme?
Anne of Green Gables set in Prince Edward Island. It's a big island, but it is not only an island; it is also the smallest Canadian province. It is a book, a movie, and I adore Hagood Hardy's theme music. Do you?
5. Yesterday-did you run your day or did it run you? How so?
I ran my day. I planned it, followed through, and accomplished what needed doing. Simple things. Nothing difficult. Now let us not discuss the day before.
6. You're on an island holiday. Will I most likely find you parked in a beach chair, shopping in town, on the back of a jet ski, or snorkeling off the back of a catamaran?
That beach chair is looking comfy.
7. What do you think we humans most take for granted?
Our very lives. One morning, I won't be down for breakfast. I am taking "Teach us to number our days" very seriously. (Psalm 90:12)
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Well I have a lot of random thoughts. Alas, they may not be fit for public dissemination. I was going to tell you what I thought of the women's march on Washington, D.C., though I just bet that you can tell me what I thought. ☺ You know me quite well by now! Perhaps I was even thinking what you have been thinking.
Dearer to my heart...they were/are splendid. My hopes are high. Praying for President and Mrs. Trump, this country, and its people.
Thanks for reading...
Thanks for reading...

Tears here too! Trying not to bury head in sand, but sure feeling like it. Rough day yesterday, but not because of the main upset, because of the stupid straw that broke this camels back! Hugs my dear!
ReplyDeleteGood Morning, Vee. I am enjoying the beautiful music in your video....brings tears to my eyes. Joining you in praying for Pres. and Mrs. Trump. Sending love to you for a nice day.
ReplyDeleteAh yes...the so called women's march...whatever (rolling eyes, wink). Enjoyed your answers, back to classes for me...so emailing you back will take a bit--lucky I only have 2 classes, graduation right around the corner for this present school and then onwards to Pennsylvania to finish up. smiling
ReplyDeleteHow right you are about taking life for granted, my friend. Sending you tons of hugs and lots of love.
I like your answer to number seven.
Loved your answers for number 1, 5, 7 and your random thought! I really like that picture of President and Mrs. Trump.
ReplyDeleteI appreciated all your answers, Vee. I might join you in a beach chair. Wasn't that the perfect dress for the First Lady? I don't think we'll forget that image anytime soon.
ReplyDeleteAgreed, Dotsie :)
DeleteOur answers seem to be the same this week-- I enjoyed your random thought.
ReplyDeleteGood Morning Vee! I'm enjoying your peaceful music choice while reading. I think that beach chair sounds about right too and that goes along with #7...I think we all need to slow down and enjoy our days a bit more. Great answers!
ReplyDeleteI thought the First Lady was a vision of beauty, grace, and dignity at the Inauguration. And I do love the Anne theme music. I think it sounds like Matthew, my favorite character.
ReplyDeleteI too, pray for our President and lovely First Lady. I believe we are going to see a stronger country and hopefully, a more peaceful union. It is good to be "still" and listen. I think I'll join you in the beach chair...oh sigh..heavenly...
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed this! And I can see we have a few similar answers. I know....shocker! Lol. Have a wonderful day!
ReplyDeleteI love reading your answers to these fabulous questions.
ReplyDeleteI could not agree with your random thought more...it's exactly what I wrote about, too. Praying for our President, First Lady, and Vice President over the next four years.
ReplyDeleteAmen, April!
DeleteI have been so busy of late, I would love to join you on a beach chair...
ReplyDeleteI'm so disappointed in all that is happening in our country right now. It feels very un-American, although I know people say protesting is a right. I thought the aim of a protest was to effect change, and we're not going to undo the election results so let's find a way to move forward in a positive direction. It's America and people who aren't happy with the admin can vote again in four years. It's all so exhausting and I find much of it embarrasing too. Interesting talking to so many non-Americans on our recent trip to the Caribbean. Most were shocked Trump won, but they do not understand all the brouhaha since. Me either!! Have a great day!
ReplyDeleteIndeed, they ARE splendid! I can't help but feel excitement and hope deep in my heart for our country. President Trump and his lovely wife have certainly been in my prayers and there they will remain.
ReplyDeleteLove post, dear Vee. Hugs!
Amen, Stephanie!
DeleteSo many interesting questions and answers this week! I love, love, love the Anne of Green Gables movies (it's how I answered #4 as well!) and the music too. It has just occurred to me that I don't own those movies, so I am going to put them on my wish list.
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed your random thought (I concur!). The photo of the Trumps is really nice and a good picture to keep in mind as one prays for them.
Now I agree with you about PEI... being my birthplace, how could it not be my favorite island in the world! It is a beautiful place, and like you said, much bigger than people realize. I miss it so! And I agree with you about the Trumps, and the unspoken feelings of the women's march, so sad to see such things. Hugs to you today :)
ReplyDeleteTears cannot solve anything, but they do have a way of releasing emotion when needed. Praying that your teary days and prayers to God for strength and comfort will help you through this difficult months.
ReplyDeleteYes to Anne of Green Gables' music! And the story - one of my favorites.
I love coming here. It's good for my soul. I was so out of it when I answered the questions last night I totally forgot about PEI and Great Britain being islands. Oye. One younger friend of mine (friend of my daughter) posted this "Not sure what rights I have supposedly lost in the last 24 hours but at least I still have the right to hide all the annoying liberal posts on my news feed and go make cookies." Hope you are having a good week. I'm praying for our country and president and his family, too.
ReplyDeleteOh...and our Katie walked down her wedding aisle to music from Anne of Green Gables. Makes me cry now when I hear it...in a good way.
ReplyDeleteSalt on your orange? Now that's a new one for me. Anne of Green Gables is one of my all time favorite reads. Yes, I love Hardy's theme--brings tears every time I listen. ♥
ReplyDeleteYou must try it, salt on an orange, at least once, Martha Ellen. Get back to me! 🍊
DeleteThat is a great picture of our new president and the first lady! The Bible tells us to pray for our leaders. He's new to the political life and, although I'm sure he can hold his own, God wants us to pray for him.
ReplyDeleteDid you notice how many times our President reached for the First Lady's hand? It was beautiful.
ReplyDeleteWomen's march: yes, I imagine you and I were on the same line of thoughts on that one.
Why does Rachel Ray suggest generous salting of pasta water? Does it make the pasta more tender, or something like that? Taste better? I thought we were to salt the water to help it boil faster. Please help me to understand this.
Yes, and I also noticed how often she reached for his!
DeleteHa, yes, I imagine that we'd be two peas in a pod about the women's march.
Let's see about the salt...don't add salt until the water boils because salt slows the process. Add a generous amount...about a TBS is generous around here...to enhance the flavor of the pasta itself.
I'm praying too.
ReplyDeleteI try not to eat salt either or French Fries but when I do I have to have salt on them.
Awesome read, here, dear friend.
ReplyDeleteI agreed on quite a few. I salt much too much - prefer salty foods over sweets.
I salt my water when boiling pasta - I married an Italian, it goes with the territory.
I cannot even think of eating fries or popcorn without salt. I like to salt eggs, too.
I don't bury my head much - I am a headstrong Irish middle child in a big family and have learned it only makes things worse (for me) in the long run. I am always drawing lines in the sand though.
Love your last one. Without saying I know we for sure feel the same way about the march and about our new President and his lovely wife.
God bless! Hugs! ♥
Excellent list, so enjoyed reading it. Agree on all points...
ReplyDeleteWhat great answers! I was totally enthralled with all of the inargural festivities this past weekend. I totally believe that the Lord brought Donald Trump in "for such a time as this." Blessings!
ReplyDeleteOf course your answer to #1 is the absolute truth. And I am in total agreement with your random ending thought...both parts of it :)
ReplyDeleteLoved all of this! Sometimes we need to bide our time and do a bit of hibernating.
ReplyDeleteMuch love to you!
So enjoyed reading your answers...and tried to think of some of my own as I went along. I love the islands just off of both Canadian coasts...PEI and Vancouver Island, but would have to choose Vancouver Island since it has many more good memories for me. I always throw salt into my water...for boiling pasta or veggies...just like my mother used to. Tomatoes need salt. I must say that I never ran yesterday...it definitely ran me. It was one of those days where I was thrown for a loop...one I will never forget. Praying for your new President and your country as well. :)
ReplyDeleteI have always put salt in my water for pasta and for potatoes, too. I've never thought about salting oranges, must try that.
ReplyDeleteI'm praying for President Trump and his family and his team. The Inauguration was just awesome and I loved watching every minute of it. Mrs. Trump was so elegant in her beautiful blue ensemble! I loved, too, seeing them both reach for the other ones hand.
Lovely post, Vee, as always. You know I love visiting and would like to pull up a beach chair along side of yours for a nice long chat.
So have I, but not as much salt as I toss in there now...about a TBS.
DeleteOoh I'm so enjoying this music this morning, Vee! Thanks for inserting it in your post. I also enjoyed your answers to the questions. Loved the pic of President Trump and the First Lady...a new beginning for all of us.
ReplyDeleteIsn't she a beautiful first lady? I put salt on watermelon, which I didn't know until I was an adult most people do not do. It's a southern thing and my parents were from the south. I'm sure other people must do so, too. By the way, you had me laughing about your having to go slow reading dear Francis S. He has that affect on me, too. Eventually it sinks in. After the third reading.
ReplyDeleteSalt on watermelon? Now that sounds good to me.
DeleteYes, we should pray for all of our Presidents!
ReplyDeleteHow many do we have? 😉
DeleteOh, thank you Vee, for the music. I just love it. So beautiful and appropriate for Anne. I am in the middle of re-reading the entire series right now, so it was a treat to hear it. And yes, someday I'll not be down for breakfast. Makes you think . . . xo Deborah
ReplyDeleteps Anne and her lovely behavior as she grows up in the books is such an antidote to what we're seeing on display these days.
One of my favorite pieces thank you for sharing with us. I used that piece on my blog when I first started blogging.
ReplyDeleteI too am thinking more on this life...
Beautiful photo of our President and the first lady. Such hopes for the years ahead and much prayer on their behalf and our country. If others would only love our/their country as deeply as our President.
Have a blessed day~
I'm home from the ranch and now have Internet and catching up with you! We pray for President Trump each and every day!
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed your answers! Always a quest to get to know you better!
Love, love, love Anne of Green Gables and the theme. I have the piano sheet music and I love playing it as well as listening to it.
ReplyDeleteI always love your answers...and I love the new president and his stunning young wife.
ReplyDeleteHagood Hardy... just the perfect way to wind down at the end of the day. That series with its gorgeous music, wonderful story, and epic sweeping scenery has always been a favorite with me (and my mother and my daughter, too). It's nice to share those special things between generations! Thanks for the reminder. Also loved your visual answer to #1!