I forgot that there was no Hodge Podge today so, as I was planning to post, I'm going with Plan B. If Plan B was any good, I'd have called it Plan A. (An expression borrowed from a pastor friend of mine.) Doesn't this inspire confidence for today's post? ツ
I failed to mention in the first post that sometimes winter decor can look and feel very cold. If one lives in a cold climate, cold-looking decor simply doesn't fly, except for the ice palace inns. My goal is to create winter and warmth.
I love displaying children's mittens, especially if I know whose they were (my son's).
This poor kitchen of mine. I still need to do something paint, but I can "make do" quite well in order to avoid a mess.
Yes, that is a winter scarf tied around the chair. Believe it or not, this is one of the ideas in my Pinterest folder. (See last post for link.) I think that I may need to fiddle with that scarf; it is not looking "artful."
~John's Hat~
Some of my scarves and coats out for quick grabbing. I can not imagine removing John's hat. That's where he kept it and it is comforting to see it there. Besides, when my son comes without a hat, I have one available.
Those grandsons of mine are growing like weeds. I can hardly believe that they will very soon be 11 and 10! The photos below are this school year's pictures. I need to replace the glass with the non-glare variety.
~This fragrance is delightful~
Love the scene on this old tin...very wintry!
Believe it or not, I'm still thinking of sleigh rides.
When looking at some photos I had taken for the first post this week, I saw so many things that were out of order and messy. One was my workspace beside the sofa. (Would you believe that I now have two work areas in the living room? I really should part with one. Why does a gal need two anyway? I'm taking over the world.) Anyway, a basket or tray helps corral my stuff. I need to pick up more of them next time I get back to Hobby Lobby. That's a little better, but you will be happy to know that the dangling flashlight has been removed from the lamp. Charming look...not!

I have the memorial poinsettia back. The pastor's wife called to say that it was still blooming and she wondered if I would like it. Yes! So, as long as it is doing well (it does have a variegated petal not to be confused with a poinsettia disease of any kind), I will keep it. I still have the one my sister gave me several years ago now because I am a sentimental old gal. That little coaster there, not looking so artful, is kept for one thing...its scent. It smells like John.
Thanks to those who suggested putting some red berries back. Yes, I like the trophy much better with them.
~painting by Nita Leger Casey~
Have I exhausted this post yet? I think so. Thank you for reading...
It is all those little personal touches that make a house a home, and you certainly have a very warm and inviting home.
ReplyDeleteGood Morning, Vee. Sweet pictures of your grandsons. I have been fortunate lately to find large baskets at 2nd hand stores for a good price. As we were discussing in your last post, it is wonderful to be surrounded by things that make us happy. Love the photos of you and John; his hat hung by the door; and the coaster with his scent. I still have a porcelain powder dish filled with mama's Emeraude dusting powder. Occasionally, I'll lift the lid just a touch to enjoy the fragrance.
ReplyDeleteMay you have a blessed day. Love from Georgia.
What lovely winter touches Vee! I have enjoyed seeing them. We took down Christmas in a flurry of not being able to face it any longer and now I am left with bareness everywhere. I think I need to go and see your pinterest folder and get inspired. Off to have a look!
ReplyDeleteI just went back a day to read your Part I of this post. I have been very lazy about the blog world recently. Well... about everything really. In my youth I was very into Francis Schaefer and l'Abri. I began by seeing the film series, "How Shall We Then Live?" and went on to read his books. I knew, of course, of Edith but never read any of her writings. I think I must now go back and read what she has to say.
ReplyDeleteTaking everything down after Christmas and seeing a bare house used to leave me feeling depressed. Now I have a lot of snowflakes and snowmen that I put up. I leave up some red berries also. Next month I put up hearts and then the weather gets better and springtime takes over the house. There is beauty in the entire year and there is no reason for us to not enjoy it, even if we are alone. Why decorate for others and not yourself?
This is a beautiful post, I think. I love the idea of displaying the mittens and I love that you still have John's hat there by the door. Small reminders like that are what keeps his heart still in the home.
ReplyDeleteYour posts are never "exhausting"...they are always delightful my friend. You and I have similar kitchens, however, ours is white not yellow-wink. Always a delight Vee to visit you...wish we lived closer. smiles. Keeping you in prayers.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Linda, above...your posts are always so interesting and I love your wit! Again, these posts have warmed my heart. I so enjoyed getting a closer glimpse into your humble abode. I really like how you have used the winter wear as accessories of seasonal décor...the winter scarf, the mittens...especially since they belonged to your son. This was just delightful.
ReplyDeleteHi Vee, I've been blogging off and on for quite some time now. I can't remember how I found you...I don't think I've commented before. I've been away for a while and trying to make time to blog again. I enjoyed sooooo much reading your last several blog entries and love the photos of your home! So cozy! I wish The Turquoise House looked that soft and welcoming. Anywho...I'm Julie and I just wanted to introduce myself.
ReplyDeleteHi Julie!
DeleteThank you for your visit. I tried replying privately, but you are a "no-reply" blogger. If you are doing that on purpose, fine, but if you are an accidental no-reply, see the Shirley Temple button at the bottom of my blog page for help with this.
I did visit your page, but saw no new posts since 2014. Please let me know when you are posting again as I would love to visit your blog as well.
Hi Vee,
DeleteThank you for replying to me. I will see if I can figure out what to do to become a reply blogger. I'm afraid I'm fairly technically challenged. I am currently blogging, I don't understand why you can't see the new posts! I'm very concerned about that and quite frankly have no idea what to do about it. :( I have one friend that reads and comments regularly so I don't understand why you can't see the new posts. She's the only one, so maybe that explains why no one else seems to stop by. :(
I tried again...nope, no new posts showing, Julie. So sorry that you are having technical difficulties. Can you send me the actual link to your home page? I might be able to access it that way. Clicking through on your profile is not working.
DeleteMy email addy is in my profile.
How sweet you still have your sons mitten! Baskets are a great way to corral things.
ReplyDeleteYour trophy is looking so pretty with the red berries back in place. All the personal touches make a house a home to me. I love John's hat by the door, Vee. Your son's mittens on the red cupboard is charming as well. I know your Maine winters are long, but you are finding lovely ways to warm your home. ♥
ReplyDeleteIt is all so warm and cozy, I love your style....
ReplyDeleteYou have done a great job of creating winter warmth in your home, Vee. I love how you have incorporated your son's mittens and John's hat into the décor. It's those personal touches that make a house a home. Wonderful photos of your handsome grandsons.
ReplyDeleteSo happy that you did a part 2! I knew you had not exhausted the topic! (I am afraid I went way too long with my comment on part 1 -- just couldn't seem to shut up -- but will try and keep this one briefer, even though there is much that could be commented upon.)
ReplyDeleteLoved that John's hat remains in its appointed place, and the little birch-bark heart tucked in with his photo. Your son't mittens -- so sweet. I know I have some kids' mittens in the cedar chest. I have a Friendly Village platter too (one of my 2 pieces; the other is a mug) and I almost never use it. Think I really need to get that out.
Thanks so much for the inspiration, dear Vee. Your blog is a treasure ... and so are you.
Your home looks very welcoming,warm and cozy.
ReplyDeleteHave a happy day!
Vee, I personally love all of the personal touches. The mittens melted my heart to be honest and I actually had to fight back the tears on the scent of the coaster smelling like your beloved. Oh it brought back a memory for me of my Papa. He loved to wear flannel shirts and he had one that was his favorite. Granny would often remind him that he had lots of other shirts in the closet! (Ha!) Anyway I won't bore you with the story but lets just say...my old heart done a little fluttering about your John's scent. Love the little touches Vee. That is what truly makes a home sweeter. Our on little touches. Hugs and blessings, Cindy
ReplyDeleteTwinings Winter Spice Tea?? I've not seen that here yet. I must check Walmart as they have a great tea selection. Son's mittens, John's hat, red berries, a scarves at the ready....so many cozy elements Vee. I enjoyed perusing your Pinterest Winter page. You pinned some great ideas. It is balmy here today. Plus 6 C which is about 40 F. The sun is even shining a bit after the rain this morning. I must go out and chop some ice.
ReplyDeletei like how you put into action the great ideas you see on Pinterest--and if they aren't good, you at least try them out. You probably are like me and like to move things around a bit for a change. Your grand boys are growing so quickly. It's so nice they live close by.
ReplyDeleteAll your little touches make for a warm and cozy home. I think it all looks lovely.
ReplyDeleteLove that you have John's hat hanging there. : )
I like the hanging mittens, very charming and I think tying a scarf on the back of a chair is a fun idea! My hubby brought a nice plaid scarf with him when we got married and I used it for many years but it's now folded up in the hat box. A nice touch with John's hat still on a hook and ideal that you are OK with it being worn by family in a pinch.
ReplyDeleteSure hope your back is still in working order after chipping away the ice you mentioned, that's hard work!
My mom will forever have my dad's hat on a hook by the door. Makes it look like he is here still.
ReplyDeleteDon't faint... but as a little bear Ian I think it is sometimes just fine to oraganize a bookshelf by book color. I noticed your shelf had a lot of red and black books and a few green? It looks Cody to stack one color, put the next color run upright etc. Of just pull a color (pastel for spring...red/white/blue for July) and either bookend upright or stack on an end table. Just my two cents!
Lol..."little bear Ian"???? Ummm... that would be LIBRARIAN Mr. Auto Correct!
ReplyDeleteAnd look cozy...not Cody. Auto C. is in a mood today...
ReplyDeleteAs always I love visiting your cozy warm home and seeing all that you've done. I LOVE that you keep John's hat there...right where he left it. I have given some thought to a tray to coral some of my "stuff" here on the table by my chair, but after seeing yours I am not FOR SURE going to do it. Looks great.
DeleteHandsome grandsons. Little people grow up so fast. That hat of John's looks "just right" there. Great old tins. Maybe I should take some photos around this old house and see what needs sorting out. The low winter sunshine when it breaks through sure reveals all the dust around here. Have a good evening.
ReplyDeleteLove your ideas to cozy up the house in winter, Vee! I have candles all over the place that I light every night. It helps...a little ;) Love that you keep John's hat on the hook ♥
ReplyDeleteAren't we sentimental souls, Vee? I have three of Rich's hats on my hall tree as a gentle reminder of his presence, too.
ReplyDeleteYou are so REAL, Vee. lol I think that we all have those little mini-messes here and there...love the flashlight hanging from the lamp...that's a keeper if you ask me.
ReplyDeleteYour grandboys are darling. They are getting so grown up. I bet it is a bit bittersweet to think that they have grown a year and John has not been there to see it. Bittersweet,too, to see the hat and coaster. We do what we do to keep those memories alive. Life just seems so unfair sometimes.
Hope you have a wonderful night, Vee. Now---go retie that scarf, will ya? lol xo Diana
Your home is full of those personal touches, Vee, like John's hat hanging by the door (love it) and your son's mittens. I do love the wreath on your door, too. I hope you are surviving the cold and the ice. The continent seems to be in a deep freeze.
ReplyDeleteI always enjoy your posts and especially the artful photos from your home, both inside and out. I really like the wood walls and the yellow cabinetry of your kitchen., both so warm and cozy. When you do paint the kitchen, will you keep it yellow? It's so cheery. My cabinets are new and beautiful but BLACK. The builder would not change that for me, so here I am. I'd love to have the gentle yellow of your cabinets.
ReplyDeleteWhen I read the caption, John's Hat, my first thought was that it should be there forever and then I read that is exactly your plan. I love the ways you've found to keep John near. I remember when Keith was in Saudi, I got in this pickup and it smelled like him. I sat there and cried, but I loved it and found myself there often. It's comforting. ~ Jakob and Sam are really growing up. Are they skiing again this winter?
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweet, sweet post. Love the hat, the mittens, all the things that make your house a home. I'm betting it's a most warm and welcoming place. Blessings to you for the year ahead!
ReplyDeleteI am once again reminded how smells can linger for a lifetime...
ReplyDeletemy daughter has a bottle of the perfume her grandmother wore..it still had a little of the fluid in it when my mom passed away almost 30 years ago..the perfume is totally gone but the bottle still smells like her grandmother and it's one of Stacy's most prized possessions...sorry, I got off the subject here.
Your home looks so comfy and warming, Vee...and THAT is a talent.
I do enjoy the look of your home. It's a lot like what I want to achieve. I like the yellow color of your kitchen cabinets, especially with those black handles...How lovely that the Pastor's wife called to ask whether you would like the poinsettia back. Of course you would! As one who could win for the US if sentimentality were an Olympic sport, I do appreciate your feelings there. I use baskets a lot to keep things together, my art supplies, correspondence, photographs........Speaking of which, at least your grandson's photos are in frames. I just got my granddaughter's school pictures and have yet to put them in frames. I think I have enough frames in the closet that I could do that rather quickly if I only would begin!
ReplyDeleteI love the reminders of John in your house. We are so connected to those we love, whether they're here 'in person' or not. I agree with you on painting. It's such a messy project and a huge commitment once you start. Then there's the scarf. I didn't realize it was meant to be artful (see how much I know!) But it sure is useful, like when you sit down to eat and although you're dressed in polar fleece from head to toe you realize that there's a draft coming from somewhere...and a scarf would be just the thing! Have a wonderful day,Vee.
ReplyDeleteI just love to read here, Vee. I so enjoyed taking a look at your winter warmth touches that you've done throughout your lovely home. The thing that really touched my heart was the coaster in front of John's picture and your reason for keeping it. Brought tears to my eyes. Thank you so much for sharing it all with us.
ReplyDeleteYou are making your home full of the things you love. I love seeing photos and coasters and hats that are John's. He will always be remembered fondly by those of us who love you and your blog.
ReplyDeleteI look at Kyle everyday and wonder how he has gotten so big. Jake and Sam and he would have grand fun together!
I like the color of your kitchen cabinets! If I could build a new kitchen, I'd do white walls and upper cabinets and red lower cabinets! Of course I might chicken out and do all white.
Oh Vee, John's hat corner is so lovely and warm! I keep my dad's old fur hat on my hall tree. I really like that sweet wreath on the door there too. Your grandsons are just so handsome and it's so sweet how you display their pictures. The red berries look perfect!
ReplyDeleteI love this post so much and your comforts of home are so beautifully displayed. The black tray with the flowers caught my eye as my mom has one like it and served up a lot of great for for parties using it. I love how you still have his hat hanging and the cozy feel of everything. I hope you have a wonderful week!
Continuing to enjoy your thoughts here. (In fact, I just linked this series in my own post thing morning. There is lots of good stuff to ponder!)
ReplyDeleteI am glad that John's hat is hanging in its place.
Vee, what a lovely and sweet post. Every bit of it! The hat, coaster,mittens. Love your yellow
ReplyDeletepainted cabinets and their hardware.
I have some Dippity-do that was my grandmother'....33 years ago and I like to smell the scent..
Hi Carol~
DeleteI was able to get to Covenant Farm today and so I changed my blogroll to reflect your new digs. Unfortunately, though I tried, I could not comment. I even took a photo to prove it, but you are a no-reply commenter.
I always love to see photos of your charming and cozy home, Vee. Have a nice weekend...we are expecting an ice storm here. I'm ready...bought lots of snack items yesterday in case the power goes out and I can't cook!
ReplyDeleteSo I read this post on the phone...and then came here to look at the photos on the big screen. I so enjoyed my visit in your 'winter' home...mentally picturing where each was taken. Smiled as I saw a familiar family photo tucked behind a mirror...a photo that is on display in my home as well. Love those cozy blankets...the pic's of your grands...the hat right where it was hung...a trophy vase with red berries...warm mittens...and the smell of fresh coffee. Oh, I think I was imagining that part. Yup, it's cozy here. I'll be back, for sure!
ReplyDeleteHi Vee~
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness, I really, truly loved both, A and B. I adore your yellow kitchen, it is so warm and inviting. Winter is a hard month for me . . . I like sunshine! You have transferred your beautiful home into a cozy winter cottage, although I always think it's cozy. I love that you keep John's hat hanging by the door, what a great reminder of the wonderful man that wore it!
Oh, just so you know, I really love the photo of the blanket showing the boots and shoes... ;0)
Beautiful post!
I love the personal touches. I love to see real homes where you see the personalities of people. I also know what you mean about painting. I just tackled some bookcases in my daughter's room, and by the time I finished I wondered what was I thinking. The end result was nice, but it was a job!
ReplyDeleteI can't stay long. After reading you post and seeing your pics I have to run and copy your style. I absolutely LOVE red berries, especially with pine cones. I don't have any hooks near doors to hang anything. Hmmmm, Hobby Lobby is having a home decor sale.....
ReplyDeleteYour home always looks warm and cozy, Vee. You have a good knack for putting things together in a pleasant way.I loved seeing all your photos of John. I know what you mean about smells that linger and remind us of a person. That is a precious feeling.
ReplyDeleteI loved the Part I and now Part II. Plan B is always my favorite since Plan A seldom EVER works out for me!!
ReplyDeleteI agree with you about John's hat.....he would want you to keep it right there!
I had to laugh about the flashlight dangling from the light. So real life, yes, I would do that too. I think you should have as many work spaces as you like in your home. You are the queen of your castle after all. Still thinking of sleigh rides? Hmmmm, but one would have to go out in the cold for that!