Goodness gracious, I have so many photos and stories to share. I think that I'll just dump them all on you at once, sort of like that 27-inch snowstorm that we enjoyed endured last week between Christmas and New Year.
~Sam Clearing His Dad's Car~
Yes, we put'em to work young here. After a storm, it's all hands on deck.
And if a darling daughter calls offering assistance, one does not say, "No thanks, Dear, I've got this."
I mean even the plow got stuck in the driveway—twice!
And, while this truck was stuck here; another truck that I had dispatched was stuck at John's place. Nightmare!
So, yes, it was all quite exciting for about five days. No, the storm didn't last that long, but the clean-up did. In fact, still haven't cleared the front steps and that is very important for insurance purposes. I should probably interrupt this post and get myself out there. Nope. It'll have to wait.
The best thing about snow is that it is all very pretty for a while.
This is not my home. I am IN my home taking a photo of my view. I do love my neighbor's home...just so dearly New England.
Yes, it's all very pretty until...
the ice begins to build and then...
one has a mess of another sort on her hands. I had just checked on this situation the day before yesterday and had hoped that all would be well in spite of all that snow up there. John had told me that he had "fixed" it and that it would "never leak again." I know that he thought that was true, but things can go bad quickly as was the case this time. I spent most of the day yesterday taking care of the disaster in the upstairs bedroom. One of John's friends, also a contractor, came to shovel the roofs and the dripping has stopped for now. I'll spare you the details of this mess as I have other messes to share. ☺
~the roof gets cleared video~
So it's still Christmas here; although, I have been dismantling slowly...
starting with my lovely Christmas cards. I reread each one and took note of changes in addresses, etc.
Back on Christmas Day, Laurel (my daughter) opened a cupboard and I heard her exclaim, "I could
not handle that!" I think I saw her wave her hands around in a distinct circle.
What?! What in the world was she talking about?
Only three things fell on her feet. I don't think that she had much reason to complain.
If she thought that was bad, what would she think of what was behind this door?
Aside: I think I'll leave out my Christmas aprons for the winter. I hardly had the chance to even use them.
Okay, this was such a mess that I softened it for you. It only took two garbage bags to get rid of a lot of expired and no longer needed things. And I donated an entire bag of rags, too. I don't know how I'm going to live without the dried up caulk tubes, but I'll manage. I also gathered all the pet paraphernalia to give to my sister. Maybe, if she doesn't need it, she can throw it out for me. If someone would just come in here and throw stuff out for me, I could get organized. ☺

Looks like a giant domestic Tetris game to me. Though I can find things again, I may have to revisit this because, according to FlyLady: You can't organize clutter. I do not, however, consider this "clutter." These are all things that I need, though some things could find a new home in the garage or the basement. I consider cleaning these spaces a money-finding expedition. I found three or four boxes of nearly full Swiffer duster thingies, which I do like. (Yes, I did consolidate.) And I found an extra box of wet mop wipes. And that is not all.
When I cleaned the cupboard that had so offended Laurel, I found several boxes of cling wrap, multiple boxes of freezer bags, two packages of brown lunch bags, tons of coffee, and all manner of lunch baggies. Apparently, I ran out of plastic bags once and never wanted it to happen again. All that pasta I had down there went except for a couple of packages. One had expired in 2009!
Aside: If you need to scoot, feel free to split; this is getting long.
↑I know what this is soaking in the bucket. I found it in the closet in the dining room. One of you also knows what it is and how I got it. My memory is failing and so, while I am pretty sure that one of you sent it to me as a gift, which one eludes me. For anyone else, hang in there, I'll share what "it" is another time.
Now I know who sent me this Amaryllis. My cousin Jill did. She wondered how many others would mail me one after my confession that I had never had one on a recent Hodge Podge Wednesday. The sad thing about this plant is that it took a detour before arriving here "at the edge of the world" as Jill calls it. It got a little frostbit and I am just hoping that it will make it. By the way, this is my one and only Amaryllis. No need to change that, I hasten to add. ☺This one requires my full attention.
What else? I know that there is more. Oh yes! Last week, my son Adam and his family came out to visit my father while I was there visiting him for the day. They brought lunch and we had a fun couple of hours chatting. Then I thought to get some pictures of the men in the family.
~Adam Sam Jakob Dad~
My father is quite capable of being a character and a ham and has never taken a good photo in his life because he's too busy goofing off. I certainly hope that both he AND Jakob are goofing off in this one. Otherwise, I'm going to worry about both of them.
↑One of my favorite pictures of the day, out of focus and all.
Yes, there's more...
Christmas lights still shining, inside and out...
Potpourri down to one citrus fruit requiring fake replacement fruit. Tree still glowing...
Gingerbread house still on display...
(Thanks, Diane!)
~Sam's exhausted~
Gosh, I'm tuckered. How about you?
Good morning, Vee! Thank you SO much for sharing these lovely photos with us...and your narration of each one made them even more special. I love your sense of humor as well as your perspective on life! My blog post for today is about smiling. Coming here gave me opportunity to do so as well as even an out loud chuckle now and then! Thank you so much for a great start to the day!
ReplyDeleteSitting here sipping my coffee with not a snowflake in sight, I'm thinking you are living in a true winter wonderland. I imagine you may have a different description by now. That looks like a huge job to get that all cleared! Good thing you have helpers. I'm wondering who was in charge of roof clearing?
ReplyDeleteSo nice that you thought to get some photos of the men in your family. I agree with Dianna above. Many chuckles while reading here today. Esp. your Dad's photo history.
I can relate to the state of your pantry. I'm fighting a similar battle here. I was, however, most impressed by your hanging candy canes.
If I were you I'd keep those Christmas lights and decorations out. The snowy background looks just perfect to me.
Happy New Year, dear Vee.
Forgot to mention how much I enjoyed the new look on your blog. So calm and pretty for the new year. I do hope you are finding moments to enjoy a real cup of tea and a cookie or two.
ReplyDeleteWow...would you look at all of that snow! Oh wait, I guess you've already seen it...well it sure is beautiful but it's my guess that you may have had your fill of it for a while. I enjoyed your photos, especially the ones of the inside of your cabinets. It makes me feel especially blessed to know that mine are not the only ones that look like that!
ReplyDelete{{{roaring giggles}}}---oh sweet friend...thank you...I did not send out the cards like I said I would...sigh...time just got away. Loved, loved the gingerbread house and I so can relate to the snow situation...although, the last 2 days have been in the 40's and it has melted to a slushy worries, expecting another storm and temps are predicted to drop at a alarming rate starting today.
ReplyDeleteSending you tons of love and prayers, friend.
I love the catch-up post and photos, Vee. Living in the south, we don't really KNOW what snow is! Our problem is usually ice/sleet. Your snow pics are pretty but I know that is so much work. So sorry about the mess in the upstairs bedroom. Sounds/looks like you've been busy. About the plastic wrap, isn't it funny the things we stock up on without even knowing it? Wishing you a nice day. xoxox
ReplyDeleteAnd I wondered where our snow went. Thank you. :D It is cold here today. 9 when I got up, and a high of 20 something. Much warmer than tomorrow. We got our minimal snow and ice the weekend before Christmas and had had quite enough. I loved your tutorial on minimization and frugality. I must try that. Your home still looks like a lovely Christmas. If we had snow I'd have kept my tree up too. New England Christmas. Wow!
ReplyDeletePS What are those lovely looking dainties on the plate with your tea in your header? Scone or cookie? I want one.
ReplyDeleteThey are Linda's Fruitcake Cookie recipe. (Linda's Life Journal) Very good with a cup of tea!
DeleteToo much snow Vee....just too much! I am in love with your much so! LOVE! And yes, I am doing the's time! Fun, fun post today darling! I think your Dad must be a hoot!
ReplyDeleteWOW! That is a lot of snow! January is the best time to clean out closets and organize. We are suppose to get our first snow this coming weekend hear in NC. They say 1-3 inches...
ReplyDeleteIt made me happy to read how your kinfolks pitch in and butt in! My daughter did a pantry clean out like you just had on my pantry a few years ago. Organizing and cleaning other people's stuff is so easy. BtwI discovered the office supply store type magazine or file holders fit foil/wax paper/Saran wrap boxes/baggie boxes. Keeps the boxes upright and easy to grab without tumbles. Made my pantry stay tidy at last!
ReplyDeleteStill hoping your ameryllis has more to come!
Yes, those do work great! I am actually using a "fancy" one there on the bottom right. The empty saltine box from the big box store works well, too, but isn't as cute. Thanks for popping by, Jill.
DeleteVee I enjoyed this post so much! Your family coming to the rescue is wonderful to see. So sorry about the ice damming issues. I do hope that has resolved with the removal of snow from your roof.
ReplyDeleteThe men of your family sure do favor one another. Such a nice photo of your dad and your son smiling.
Stay warm and cozy at the Haven dear Vee! ♥
I have missed the Colorado snows. I always loved how it slowed life down. Of course I hope it doesn't create other problems. So glad you have have help!
ReplyDeleteThough my tree is down, all my other lights are still up, as is many of my greens. My poor citrus fruits with cloves, are all gone, except one. I had to use faux fruit too!
ReplyDeleteWe've not had any real snow yet, flurries, and some ice one day and rain. While I'm happy to not have 27 inches, we'd like to get some this winter.
I've been working on tidying, too. Under my kitchen sink is a box of way too many jars. I must sort those out! How many jars do I need anyway?
Oh Vee every time I read a post like this from you I am struck again about how much we are alike and how I'd love to sit and visit with you some day. Probably not till we are in heaven some day, but who knows? If you were to see my GIANT walk in closet this morning you'd no doubt feel faint...or your daughter would that's for sure. It just keeps getting worse. It sooo needs some attention that it is almost becoming comical. Yes, it IS on my list. Maybe week-end after next. But! when I see the snow you deal with honestly I am just in awe. I cannot imagine the dilemmas that would add to our life. It does make me feel like I maybe should stop whining about some things. Have a good day Vee!
ReplyDeleteWe haven't had any snow yet, but I hear it is coming this weekend. Boo! You have way too much snow for me. So glad you had someone to take care of that ice dam. You are a brave person to show the closet before clean up. I'm so glad I am not the only one. And from the comments above it appears we aren't the only two! Life is short and there's so much else to do. But I must make cleaning the house a priority. Hope you have a good day, Vee!
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun post. I laughed out loud a few times Vee. Love the gingerbread house. It feels good to clean and purge and January seems the right time to start of the year afresh doesn't it. We leave for home tomorrow with sad hearts as we'll be missing our family so much but I'm anxious to see our house again and sleep in our own bed and turning on the Christmas tree lights for one more day and night. Then the cleaning and purging will begin. You got really walloped with that storm! It's going to be a long winter methinks. Have a great day! xx Pam
ReplyDeleteOh dear me, that is a lot of snow. Makes me crack up that I shared the snow spit on my deck on New Year's day. I never dreamed I'd be one who bought stuff I already had but forgot I already have it kind of person but that is reality around here. Note to self, make a list before you head to the store and do not put that in the cart until you check at home again. The ginger bread house cracked me up. I have a spare jar of ginger if you need it. Oye. Love the photo of the guys. Your dad does look like a character. Have a good day dear Vee.
ReplyDeleteHi Vee!
ReplyDeleteOH.MY.WORD!! What a snow storm! And I thought 12 inches was bad! It is pretty, and I love all the photos of your family "digging out". I'm so glad to see that I'm not the only one with a closet that has lots of stuff in it... :0) But I must say, the aprons and the skates on the outside of the door look amazing, I love them!
The video was crazy! Snow really can cause lots of damage, and it's no fun to clean up water. A few years ago, my husband decided that he would be really smart and put a metal roof on our home. Now, the snow just slides off so beautifully - right on to the sidewalk and porch! It does save on roofing problems, but oh my, his back hurts all winter from shoveling snow off the sidewalk.
The pictures of your dad and son are priceless! I just loved this post, made me smile and giggle!
That was quite a storm you had! What an interesting week you had. Hope your leak is fixed. Love the photos of your Dad. My Dad was quite the character too!
ReplyDeleteTake care and don't hurt yourself shovelling.
And people think I'm joking when I say that I love to move because my closets get cleaned ~ you'll know I'm serious, Vee. :-) Those Christmas lights are difficult to put away. I love your red, white and green ones. The pictures of your dad and your dad, son and grandsons are precious.
ReplyDeleteI'm still laughing about the gingerbread meme. Too cute! The decluttering bug (necessity) has hit me too, always around this time of year as I clean up from Christmas. What is it about getting a bunch of beautiful gifts that makes you realize you have too much stuff? It is always a relief to get things organized and cleared out though, guess it's a good thing we feel the call to do so. Sorry about your roof leak, I sure hope you can get it fixed once and for all before Spring rains! Happy New Year Vee!
ReplyDeleteSpring rains won't bother as this is not a hole in the roof; this is ice damming: "An ice dam is the ridge of ice that forms at the edge of a roof which prevents melting snow from draining as it should. The water that backs up behind the ice dam can leak into the home and cause damage to walls, floors, ceilings, insulation, and other areas."
DeleteVee you had my attention to the very end.
ReplyDeleteNow must go clear my mess up.
Oh my Vee, all that! I found a bottle of cough syrup in my medicine cabinet that was dated 5/09. I guess we like to keep things?? I did throw it away last night! I should go through my pantry and purge, but now I'm going to organize my papers in folders for taxes.
ReplyDeleteI had to laugh at your gingerbread house!!
That was quite a storm that you had. It's nice you have those strong young men nearby to help you. We are expecting a little storm this weekend. It might be big for us (i.e. ground covering plus ice) but not for you folks up north. We'll take a little excitement. The groceries were busy, busy today.
ReplyDeleteNo young men, just a willing daughter. The men were hired hands. 😏
DeleteI'm still waiting for my big snow storm. : )
ReplyDeleteLots keeping you busy this week.
Your gingerbread house had me laughing.
You appear to have even more snow than we do...for now...a big storm with lots of white stuff coming later this week.
ReplyDeleteI'm a cupboard geek, maybe because I bake a lot and everything is in plastic containers with labels. lol My daughters cringe when I come to their homes, especially if my labeler is with me.
Stay warm and if you should lose your power, why you have that delicious ginger bread house to eat.
Yikes! That was quite the mess in your cupboard! I would have had a ball helping you purge. My sisters call me to help them organize and toss things. No problem for me in that area. I always wanted to start a business and help organize people.
ReplyDeleteThat was an amazing snow storm! You will forever be digging yourself out. The snow looks hard and heavy too.😣
We are getting a good storm right now, in fact, I really should be outside stacking some firewood, it keeps calling my name.
I grew up in these mountains and for the first time ever I read the weather report and it said to "stay inside" that's unheard of. There calling for 20 inches by tomorrow. Yippee!!! Winter is my favorite season so bring on the snow.
Stay warm and enjoy the beauty of it all~~
Hard to believe we live in the same state and have NO snow here. In fact, just rain. However, those big snowstorms really take a lot to clean up - energy, time, $$, etc. Does make a fun thing for the kids to do though, climb the mountains, slide, jump. As for your cupboards/closets - they are fun to clean out, I find all kinds of interesting things I forgot I had. January is a good time to do that. Thanks for sharing all the pictures of your family. The boys look happy. Sorry about your roof. ~ Abby
ReplyDeleteYou'd better watch out because I am seriously considering loading my trunk with snow and bringing you some! 😁
DeleteWhoa Nellie, that's a lot of snow! We are rumored to get a little bit down here this weekend, but we will see. Definitely not that much... it would send us all into panic mode. As it is, the shelves will be bare of bread and milk just due to the rumor of it. LOL. Great that you have loved ones to help you dig out. Loved your organizing pics. Makes me not feel so bad about my closets that need attention. And that ginger bread house... LOL! You always seem to get a laugh out of me. And for that, I am thankful!
ReplyDeleteYour gingerbread house is soo cute! Love the tiny lights on the fence outside your window (you are so good at capturing things with your camera!)
ReplyDeleteAnd the biscuit (breakfast cookie?) on your blog header makes me hungry every time I see it!
Just look at all that snow! So glad you had a volunteer (daughter) and other help (of the male sort). Your honest organization photos are great! I could take some of my own, but won't. All the stuff we have tends to disorder so quickly, doesn't it?
ReplyDeleteWe might get more snow this weekend - it's been cold and clear, but a little moisture coming in would equal snow. Stay cozy, Vee.
I couldn't help but giggle at your gingerbread house. I must confess that I'm curious and yes, would love the recipe :)
ReplyDeleteLOVE the pictures of the snow. It snowed all day today so it looks like your place. My dear husband got home from work about an hour ago and is now plowing our driveway before church.
Enjoy your evening, lovely lady. Hugs!
Oh my goodness, I laughed through this post! I can see my daughter doing the same thing as Laurel. In fact, I try to go through at least the condiments in the refridge before she visits, to check expiration dates. I can't believe how picky some are about expired yogurt. Yogurt! Anyway, I thought your baggie closet was already showing promise, for everything in it was all about the same category. I'm sure I'd sink into depression if I were snowbound and had to face closet purging all at the same time. Take it easy. There's no need to rush these things. xo
ReplyDeleteWow, look at all that snow that was certainly one heck of a storm! Cupboards are on my list for next week to empty, sort and clean who know what is lurking at the back of some of mine. Take care.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing all those wonderful photos (and a few not so wonderful, for instance, your poor ceiling!). My grandchildren so longed for snow to do some winter skiing or skating or sledding over the Christmas holiday, but, alas, we had scarcely a flake! Count you blessings!
ReplyDeleteThank you for making me feel better about finding stuff from 2009 in my cupboards! lol! Yes, I do that, too, and it's nice to know I'm not the only one. Love the gingerbread, I believe even I could make that kind. Nice photos and I don't know how you cope with that much snow. It snowed here last night, thankfully just an inch or so. That's enough for me!
ReplyDeleteThat is a ridiculous amount of snow!! Ughhh. So sorry about the leak. Glad you have resources to get it fixed.
ReplyDeleteLove the family Jonathan never takes a serious picture, but he usually glares. That's one reason I so love the ones in my last post. His actual sweetness comes through.
Clutter, least yours was hidden behind doors. I always say I keep everything out where I can see it because if I can't see it I don't remember that it exists.
We are supposed to get snow here in the south starting tomorrow night into Sat. Most will be about 6", if more I'll send it back to Maine, which is where it must be coming from! Oh Vee - you certainly had a lot and it so reminds me of my New England years!
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year my dear - here's hoping it will be a good one for you and your loving family. You deserve it.
Hugs - Mary
Wow, you really got clobbered with that storm! we only got about 10 inches out of it, which is plenty!
ReplyDeleteYes, I have found things from 2009 in my cupboards. And even, occasionally, in the fridge, which has just undergone a serious decluttering. Something that needs to happen in every bookcase, closet, and cupboard in this house!
Loved this post. Thanks for sharing!
Abby's corner didn't get any! Can you believe the difference in just an hour or two? Crazy.
DeleteWe had a quiet Christmas because the grands came on the 26th! However, after a week, I need a vacation. I have been cleaning up boxes and stuff I just haven't used in 2 years since moving here--3 bags went to recycle along with tons of cardboard. My daughter reminded me that she would not be going through anything when I passed, that would have been Kelly's I better pare down and not send her over the edge! Happy New Year, my friend, XOXO
ReplyDeleteWe have lots of snow, but I think you have more! Love your long post Vee, you always bring a chuckle. I still have lots of Christmas to clear away, as my children just left last night. We got the tree down today, but I haven't accomplished much else yet, other than laundering bedding, towels, etc. I'm sure there are cold stormy days coming when I won't want to go out, and will get it all put away, and yes there are likely cupboards that need tidying too... At least I did sort out a lot of older Christmas decor we no longer use and took it to Value Village in early December.
ReplyDeleteWow, you did get dumped on. It's funny down here in Texas where my son and his family live the town brings in a snow making machine for the kids to experience what it's like to have snow.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year, Vee! You have more snow than we've had all winter. After being sick at New Year's we forgot to water our tree so it had to come down early and then we went into cleaning frenzy a bit too, de-cluttering our pantry, swiffing under our couches and mopping crannies that get neglected, and going through our closets putting things we don't wear or don't fit aside for charity. It felt good--sort of--lol.
ReplyDeleteWe had ice dams last year sot hsi autumn after all the eaves were down we went up with a hose and cleaned out all our gutters and downspouts, which seems to have worked well so far--no icicles so far even with snow and a cold front.
Loved seeing the men in your family from young to mature and mature plus!
Not so fast, Missy...this is one of the best photo jammed packed posts I've ever read because your dialogue was short and something about the arrangement of them was refreshing. Fabulous.
ReplyDeleteThat snow!! That cupboard. Not so simple abundance! I'm doing the decluttering too, but the sad fact is it morphs back into it's preferred state not much long after. I recommend you do it just before family visits. That works for me at least.
Happy new year, sweet, Vee! :)
Jane x
This was a fun read! Loved your made me feel like I was right there chatting with you. (Although if I had truly been there at your Haven, I'd have helped you with the throwing away part. I do it here, but I sometimes have to hide my throwaways from Ron who will UN-throw it away. Good grief.)
ReplyDeleteWow, what a lot of snow!! The Charles Wysocki puzzles don't show the bit about shoveling ice from roofs or digging cars out, do they? The folks in the puzzles are all ice skating or making snowmen.
I love the family photos of the men! So your father still makes goofy faces for pictures at his age? Maybe there's no hope for my son then. (He can do a "normal" face sometimes, but he does more than his share of goofy ones!)
Vee, why yes, yes I *am* plum tuckered after all that! Let's just sit down now and have a cup of tea! Beautiful photos.
ReplyDeleteSorry about the leak. I hate things like that. You call it dismantling, I call it gathering. I start to gather the random Christmas items around the house and put them on the dining room table. I haven't tried the FlyLady yet but I have gathered information from her. I love the lights out on the fence. That's a lot of snow. Thank you for sharing all the photos.
ReplyDeleteWowsers...that is plenty of snow to deal with. Glad you have had a little help in that department! I should be in the January-organizing-mode over here too, but am procrastinating so far. Something better always seems to come up. :) How nice to have some pic's of all 'your men'...whether they are hamming it up or not! Happy New Year...may all your leaks be fixed and may you be warm and cozy over there in your haven!