Not watching the Summer Olympics this year. I've got enough sports going on behind *The Ponderosa to last me a lifetime. I tell ya, never a dull moment.
For weeks now, I have been hearing what sounded like heavy equipment working in the woods. Sometimes it sounded like a racetrack with plenty of vroom, vroom, vrooooooooom.
I have put up with it and put up with it. Remember, I have tenants who work nights so this was growing increasingly alarming. (groan...I hate unintended puns)
Finally, yesterday, I could take it no longer. I hopped in my car and drove to John's second road where we used to go tipping for evergreens and where we used to gather winterberries. I just followed the sound and soon found what I didn't want to find.
John's road in my rearview. Big equipment ahead.
The lumber has been cut and a track has been made. And here the offender comes!
Getting ever closer!

And it pulls to a stop. And thus begins one of the more contentious conversations I have had lately. The driver, a man in his late thirties or early forties tells me that he bought 40 acres of land abutting The Ponderosa four or five years ago and that I can't stop him from using his property any way he pleases, including for a race track. He says he spoke to "the old man" who lived on the adjoining property about that time and he was fine with it. I doubt that, I respond. He says that he doesn't want to *iss me off to which I say too late. He calls John an "old man" one more time at which point my patience is long gone. I explain that the gentleman he spoke with was my husband and that he has since passed away. We end the conversation with my saying that I will call the Town Office in the morning to see exactly what is going on. Somehow, I can't believe that I am the only one complaining about the noise. It's like living at Daytona for crying out loud. Not to mention the dust. *Cough* *Sputter.*
Okay, back to living under my rock...
So, are you watching The Olympics? If so, what's been your favorite thing so far?
*The Ponderosa was John's name for his property. It is where he housed his contracting business and where I have some very nice tenants and where I spend most of my days.
Edited to Add: August 9, 2016
I had no idea that the trail or track was this large, massive, as large as the trailer park shown to the right and that contains over a hundred trailers.
For reference:
1. The Ponderosa
2. The Track or Trail or what I call it..."The Spider Web"
3. Where I stood to get the photos.
Still working on getting to the bottom of it...
Oh, VEE! Tell me it isn't so!
ReplyDeleteI don't even have anything I can say that will make this better. Holy Moley.
Keep us abreast of what the city offices are saying - oh my goodness gracious!
Hugs. ♥
Hope you get some news from the city offices that will help, such a shame. I have not been watching the sports as we have had visitors or been visiting. We are expecting more visitors later today.
ReplyDeleteMy husband worked in Codes Enforcement for 20 years. There are noise ordinances and zoning laws which should protect you from such inconsiderate jerks. Also, ask about if he got land disturbance permits. I am so sorry, Vee.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry. Who needs noise like that. Eeesh … I hope you find out something helpful today.
ReplyDeleteI watched a little swimming last night--the first, and possibly last Olympic viewing in this house. Nothing personal against the Olympics.
Oh Vee, let me come there and handle it (giggling)...oh man...unbelievable, please keep us updated...I highly doubt John ever said that...sigh...
ReplyDeleteSon is watching the Olympics and keeps us updated...I haven't a clue. Keeping you in prayer. smiles.
We had something similar in the forest right next to us when a young man started building on it, played very loud music, and planned to use it for go cart racing. We prayed and prayed! His plans fell through and he moved out of town. His dad still owns the forest property but no building or go carts is happening. Prayer works!
ReplyDeleteI hope you can find out if there is anything you can do....if there is any zoning for that land. I haven't watched any tv lately. We've had some nice gentle showers and when I sit down, I like to read. Have a good day sweet friend. Hugs, Diane
ReplyDeleteSo sorry, Vee! It sounds dreadful. (Both your report of what's happening and undoubtedly, what's happening.) I hope you can find relief. Perhaps your neighbors could come with you to the Town Office. Be well!
ReplyDeleteOh dear. Such thoughtlessness is hard to swallow. I am sorry! I will be praying for a change in this situation, friend.
ReplyDeleteNo Olympics here. We may be the last folks around without cable television, so we have limited networks for live viewing. (This is certainly one of the times when I am tempted to expand our viewing options. I have fond memories of watching the Olympics!)
That is unbelievable! Wowie! I'll pray! God is certainly stretching you!
ReplyDeleteWe don't have cable or satellite here so anything we see is after the fact on the computer but I always like to watch gymnastics and swimming.
Oh bother. What a punk. So sorry for your haven being disrupted in this noisy dusty way. I've been watching the Olympics here and there. Not fully invested like I have been in other years.
ReplyDeleteVee, that is horrible! I was thinking they might be just logging it out to build a subdivision or something (like they do around here every five minutes) but a racetrack??? I could see the loveliness of the road in your rear-view mirror...kinda like my "road less traveled" that I have posted about. I sure hope you can get someone to see if anything can be done about it. I feel for you, friend...:( I have watched a bit of Olympics...I always enjoy the diving events and of course gymnastics are my fave. Hang in there......♥
ReplyDeleteOh Vee, surely not! A racetrack! I would hope the noise bylaws would disallow that so close to residences. You don't need this hassle to deal with. Continuing to pray for you, my friend.
ReplyDeleteNo Olympics here. We gave up cable awhile ago and haven't missed it. We can stream a nightly news show, watch Netflix on Friday nights (we live wild lives around here), and the occasional movie. I get tired of all the hype around sports. The money, the celebrity status - it's worse than the gladiators (although they aren't killing Christians these days).
Wow! He was really rude. I'm so sorry and would feel the same way you do. Isn't he disturbing the peace?
ReplyDeleteTrying to comment from my iPhone while camping isn't working that well for me. Let me try again...
ReplyDeleteI feel very badly for you!!! Here's hoping there is something that can be done besides earplugs!
OH dear, Vee, I'm so sorry to hear you are dealing with this inconsiderate rude fellow... Sure hope you can get some help/support from your town office. Surely there must be some sort of noise bylaws, ordinances, whatever, to protect residential areas from being exposed to such "disturbances of the peace." Good luck and do update us of your progress.
ReplyDeleteThat young man may think he knows what he can do with his property....there are so many rules and regulation he may be in for a surprise. Noise ordinances, zoning rules. I wish you the best of luck...each year I hear more gun shots around our area. I know certain guns are save...but youngsters may not know the traveling distance of some ammos. It's scary. Blessings and good luck. I am on your side. xoxo, Susie
ReplyDeleteSo sorry to hear of this distressing development, Vee. Hopefully the town offices can give you some helpful information. Most towns that I know of have noise ordinances, at the very least, and one would think zoning would come into play here, too.
ReplyDeleteMy hubby works in logging and they must always pay attention to noise ordinances in the various towns where they are hired to do work. Sometimes one can find info concerning noise ordinances on a town's website.
Surely the fact that your tenants need to sleep during the day must come into play in any discussion of this noise. And zoning, almost surely ... as Susie mentioned above, the young man may be in for quite a surprise as to what he actually can and cannot do with this property. Given his attitude, I doubt he bothered to go through any permitting process with the town or state.
If I had no success getting the town to do anything, I would go to my state representative.
This is crummy. We have a racetrack several miles from us and on a still Saturday night the noise comes in loud and clear so I can only imagine your predicament.....(and obviously not just one day of the week!)
ReplyDeleteI hope there are some bylaws the individual will have to abide by and that if there are further conversations with him that he shows John some respect.
What did you find out from the Town Hall? Is this fellow on The Ponderosa at all...cutting a road through it? It's just unbelievable the way some people talk. Unless it's in writing, I guess the (supposed) conversation he had with John isn't worth a dime ~ at least I hope not.
ReplyDeleteThe road you see is a "right of way" that passes through John's property.
DeleteOh, the Olympics. It's on every night. I watch some of the events, but I'm not a fan. I'm just proud of the hard work they put into their sport. I can tell you that when you're actually at the Olympics, it feels much different. When you can actually cheer "your country" on and hear your national anthem, it's really special. It's a wonderful memory.
ReplyDeleteOh no! Not what you needed right now and not what you needed ever :( I'm sorry this has happened to you, Vee. We have a large racetrack in our area--its pretty famous in these parts. Happily we don't hear the sounds coming from it but some communities do and also it makes a lot of light pollution. I hope you can find a solution to this problem!
ReplyDeleteWhat a rude fellow you ran into, Vee. I'm sorry to hear about this development. I do hope there are sound ordinances in your community that will nip this in the bud.
ReplyDeleteWe do watch the Olympics. Mostly the swimming events. We've had kids from our area that have been to the Olympics and I can tell you there is a lot of hard work and sacrifices that is made by the athlete and the parents. ♥
I sincerely hope you win this battle!!!
ReplyDeleteSure hope something can be done about that. No matter what he thinks there was no call for him to be rude!!!
ReplyDeleteNot watching. Too much else to do. : )
Oh Vee, this needs to stop! I hope they stop this rude man. I am not a lover of sports, I am a lover of tv, so I am put out with having nothing to watch. I find it annoying, as no other station wll go against them. So all repeats. I know I am in the minority, but it is how I feel.
ReplyDeleteAs a non-violent person, I am feeling the need to pop this guy in the nose right about now. I can only imagine how you must be feeling and I am sorry you have to be dealing with this on top of everything else.
ReplyDeleteUgh . . . I'd hate to listen to that too. I do hope you get it resolved in your favor. Peace and quiet are SO important!
ReplyDeleteAnd . . . I'm not so into the Olympics this year. Not sure why. My husband has them on, but I'm reading. :)
I am so sorry!! What a nightmare for you.....
ReplyDeleteGod has a plan and I am praying that he gives you the direction you need. Satan means it for evil but God means it for good. My heart goes out to you as you struggle with so much......
Oh Vee! I am with you...I am with you! I would be terriby upset that this guy would just destroy this lovely property and also disrupt the peace and quiet of the living space, including the wildlife! This would just be unexceptable! Good for you for taking a stand!! Our little village in Maine was so peaceful and quiet, as much of living areas in Maine were. Good luck with some resolution. I am so sorry this is happening!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness Vee! What a shame this has been built next to your property. Sadly, I know a lot of kids (son, son-in-law and wives) who would enjoy dirt biking on a track like this but one really has to think of the neighbours and the noise created and that kind of engine noise is awful. I'm so sorry you have to deal with this along with everything else. Plus, that man was rude! I hope you can find out more about it with town planning bylaws etc. Hugs.
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh, Vee, this is certainly not good news! I'm so sorry for you in having to deal with this inconsiderate, rude man, and the ceaseless noise, on top of everything else that you have to deal with. My heart goes out to you!
ReplyDeleteThere has to be a noise abatement law or something to prevent this man from causing so much commotion. I thought I was the only one not watching the Olympics; my hubby says I'm un-American! I just don't like competition and think it brings the worse out in people. My prayers are with you that you find a solution to this selfish person! XOXO
ReplyDeleteI'm sure there must be some kind of ordinance concerning that type of establishment/accompanying noise within a certain distance of a residential building. We're all in your corner on this, Vee! Never mind the Olympics, we are rooting for you right now.
ReplyDeleteWow! Good luck dealing with this worse-than-a-nuisance. Can you poll the other neighbors to get a group to go to the Town Office?
ReplyDeleteWell that's not good . I do hope there is an agreement you both can come to . I am sorry this is happening to you and your family .
ReplyDeleteThat is extreme!! It sounds as if you weren't the first to complain by his defensive attitude. Hoping you can get some satisfaction in that situation. We have a daytime sleeper here due to work schedules too. So hard to keep things quiet every day....all day.
ReplyDeleteThe Olympics? They are costing us sleep. The good stuff is on so late. But I love the gymnastics and we are following swimming.
True! I have since learned from the Code Enforcement Officer that 1. I am not the first to complain and 2. There's nothing that the town is willing to do about it. Sigh. If I had big bucks, I would sue the town. I don't. They're safe.
DeleteOh dear Vee - I haven't a single suggestion for you. I think I would plan music that is peaceful. Many years ago we were dead broke (like Hilliary only worse) and we had to move into an apartment. It was horrible. I Had a 2 year old and was pregnant. The people across the hall had no electric and plugged something into the light socket in the hall to get some. I actually played soft Christian music 24/7 and it drowned out the noise. Fortunately, we only had to stay there 3 months.
ReplyDeleteIt seems that the track is ruining a beautiful countryside. I hope that the city/county will put a stop to it. I'm so glad that you have made them aware of what's happening.
ReplyDeleteOkay, I have to admit that I've gotten into the Olympics. I was glued to the swimming and gymnastic events last night. Michael Phelps wasn't able to conceal those moist eyes as he was wearing the gold and hearing our national anthem.
What a douche bag and I'd tell him the old man in question is your hubby. What a jerk!
ReplyDeleteOh Vee, I sure hope you can get this resolved in your favour. I know how much it grates on my nerves when the neighbor kids ride their 4 wheelers up and down the alley. With that race track so large and you not having heard the noise until lately, makes me wonder if he hasn't started it all knowing that John has now passed and he thinks he can get by with it...
ReplyDeleteOh no! How do these things happen? Surely there are noise bylaws that will, at the very least, have some limitations. This is so unfortunate. I hope you can find some peace with this Vee.
ReplyDeleteOh dear, I read above that the township won't do anything about it, but aren't there noise ordinances? Usually there are ordinances that at least say that during certain hours people can't make that much noise. I would try asking the police to enforce those ordinances if there are any. I'm so sorry you have to go through this. I don't know why people can't just be nice.
ReplyDeleteCan enough people make a coalition to vote this Township govt out, or vote out the people who appoint them, if they will not serve? It takes a lot of energy, but something should be done.
ReplyDeleteOh my that is horrible! I cannot believe that someone could do this. I think you might do this - gather up as many petitions as you can possibly find in the neighborhood to protest. Then go farther than the town you live in. Contact your state representative, and see if there is any action that can be taken to stop this. It would be worth a try! Good luck my friend, I'm so sorry to hear that your peace and quiet are being disrupted by this!
ReplyDeleteI so dislike like seeing trees coming down and houses and buildings going up. When I was younger I never wanted to live out, I wanted to be close to where I grew up, now I would so love to live out further where I could watch the animals grazing and the walk among the trees.
ReplyDeleteThis is awful, Vee. Awful neighbors can make your life a misery, I should know. And can only send a hug and a virtual slice of chocolate cake, just out of the oven (and a big slice it is :-)
Oh my gosh! We are having a bit of the same difficulties here as land that has been rural forever and ever is in danger of being bought by a man who wants to put in an rv park and junk shop. I guess I have gotten complacent over the years because this has always been rural farm land since long before my grandfather first bought it in the 40s. I do not like change..not one bit and if I were you, what you are now dealing with would make me crazy mad.