A Haven for Vee

Friday, May 26, 2017

No Bundle of Laughs Here

Many of you know what a challenge the month of May has become for me. It feels like one loss after the next these days and if I thought that things would settle down soon I was wrong. The incessant clouds, rain, and cold perfectly matches the mood. Sometimes it's tough to remember the good things. Very.

🌷Tulips are gracing my mother's grave this Memorial Day. They were a precious gift from Rosella whom you can find HERE. She does a beautiful job of explaining the engineering behind these special flowers and the purpose for it. Hint: Does it look like a red maple leaf? ☺

My sister and I have decided that my father will be laid to rest beside my mother. It feels right. It is something that he told my sister that he wanted. That he told me he wanted something else is a moot issue since we would prefer to have him nearer to us. 

His obituary is in the newspapers today...always a surreal reading. I now sit in his chair and have many of his things around me...more weirdness.

If anyone is interested, I have added an interview done with my father back in 2008 as the featured post. I think it is quite interesting, especially on this Memorial Day weekend.

Sunday will mark the first anniversary of my husband John's passing. It has been a rugged year for me and for his family. Missing someone never really goes away. One gets on with life, but never over the loss. I hope to write about some of the things that I have learned about John this year that I did not know before. Perhaps I can make that insightful and happy reading, but you should know that I am feeling very blue these days indeed so I appreciate your prayers. 

And on that less than cheery note, you have a blessed and meaningful Memorial Day weekend. 🌷
My apologies, but I am keeping comments closed. How does one chat with such a person as myself in times like these? Better days are coming!

Monday, May 22, 2017

In Memoriam

It will be worth it all when we see Jesus,
Life's trials will seem so small when we see Christ;
One glimpse of His dear face all sorrow will erase,
So bravely run the race till we see Christ.

~Esther Kerr Rusthoi

My father passed from this life to the next on May 17 nearing the midnight hour. He was 87 years old. 

I am so grateful for the time I had with him in the past nine months to forge ahead in a new relationship. Our second one was very different from the first and built around a mutual love of family history, godly music, and The Lord.

He loved hearing stories about my grands, his greats. I could always get a chuckle out of him. The greats were so upset upon learning the news that they remained home from school for the day. The youngest visited me the following evening and we talked about Heaven. Jakob said that one always feels better after talking about Heaven. Now that's the truth! 

I spent last Tuesday with my father and we had a good day. He had enjoyed the Meatza Pie and the Rhubarb Custard Pie I had made special for him. 

We watched Christian broadcasting all day long. As far as I know they never sing his two favorite hymns: Faith of Our Fathers and A Mighty Fortress is Our God, but that did not seem to matter to him. He loved the singing all the same. At one point, I began thumping a beat to the hymn Feeling Mighty Fine when I became aware that I was annoying my dad mightily. He was giving me "the look." Ha! Now that felt more like the old days. I apologized, stopped thumping, and all was well. You can find a rendition ♪here♪ sung by three brothers (family harmonies are always great).

This news has been placed on a Sunday because it is easiest for us all. I appreciate very much the many prayers that have been prayed through the years for my dad and for me. They worked. Thank you. 

~Christmas 2002 (we think)~

My dad had a big personality and will be much missed. My sister and brother-in-law describe how empty their home is without him. Believe me, we all have our memories and our stories. They may become the stuff of  family legend and lore. ッ 

One day, I will be reunited with my parents, my grandmothers, my darling John, and all those who have gone before who knew The Lord. Until that day, with the help of The Lord, with joy I'll carry on...

Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. 
~Hebrews 12:1&2

Dad was braver than he knew...

left to right first row and on the floor: My New York City niece and my hometown niece; left to right in the chairs or on them: My mother, my maternal grandmother, my daughter Laurel; top row: my sister, my father, and myself


Edited to Add: Some have been able to see this post; most have not. I have decided to repost. Comments do remain closed even though this was first posted on Sunday, May 21. Today was my day to be with my father so he is very much on my mind and I, apparently, don't have enough to do. 

Thursday, May 18, 2017

A Blast from the Past

Just remembering the good old Note Card Days when I used to play with my photos. Thanks to Debby for teaching me the last technique. I saw a photo she had done that was truly inspired and wondered how she'd achieved it. You can find it *here* on this week's Hodge Podge post.

I have so much to chat with you about, but I can't for legal reasons. Oh well...some fine day when it's all over... If it is ever all over.

Have a delightful day today. Mine is supposed to hit 90°F. I hate to complain, but it's a good thing that this is being written early or you'd probably hear moaning. ☺

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Sweet Hodge Podge

1. May 17th is National Pack Rat Day. Sidebar-should we be celebrating this? Hmmm... 


Apparently, Americans love any reason to create a novelty, but I think Cream Cheese Day would be preferable. 

Are you a pack rat? 

There's a distinct possibility 

Even if you're not a full fledged pack rat, most people have one thing or another they struggle to part with. Tell us what's yours. 

Every single thing that belonged to the ancestors—the letters, the books, the photos...ohhhhh the photos. 😌 

2. What are two things you know you should know how to do, but you don't? 

a. I should know how to set up a wireless printer 

b. I should know how to express myself without causing confusion 

3. Do you crave sugar? 

Sure, I like sugar. ッ 

Do you add sugar to your coffee and/or tea? 


Do you use artificial sweeteners or sugar substitutes? 

As seldom as I can. 

When dining out is dessert a given? 

No. Dessert is a rarity. But I did bake a Rhubarb Custard Pie this week following Leslie Land's recipe. (See featured post in sidebar)

Are you someone who has slain the sugar dragon, 


and if so tell us how you did it. 


4. What's a trend it took a while for you to come round to, but now you can't imagine living without? 

iPads and iPhones 

5. What's a song that reminds you of a specific incident in your life? Please elaborate. 

Secular: I'm Sorry by John Denver 

Christian: Amazing Grace 

Elaborate? Read 2 b. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Meatza Pie sandwich last night for supper...yummo!


You can find Joyce and all the participants right HERE.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Happy Mother's Day

There are so many things to love about this graphic from the mom's sensible shoes to the little girl's presenting her mother with flowers probably picked from the mother's own garden and the delight on the mother's face all the same. And it is not often that mothers' dresses match the tops of their brooms. ッ

🌸Proverbs 31:28🌸

May your day be filled with blessings and delights!

Saturday, May 13, 2017


Anyone out there like changes? It has to be a healthful thing if one is able to embrace them since there are so many in this life.


This represents a big one for me. The home that my son and daughter-in-law and my daughter purchased fifteen years ago has now officially been outgrown. Those grandsons need room to grow.


At the time, it was a wonderful concept. My daughter lived upstairs and my son and family lived downstairs. Expenses were shared and, of course, the mortgage was divided.

Now they are moving on. It appears that everyone is moving out of town. My daughter has purchased land some distance away upon which her new home will be built over the summer; my son and his wife are looking at a home in a neighboring town.


So give me a pep talk, if you will. Do your children and grands live in your town? Too far away? What is good or bad about that? 


Happy Mother's Day weekend!

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

New Format Hodge Podge

1. Share a favorite memory of your mother or share a favorite something from your own life as a mother. If you're a mother (or stepmom) tell us how your experience as a mom differs from your own mother's experience.

Let's see... I have a mother; I am a mother; I am a step-mother. 

My mother—how I miss her! How I wish that I could pick up some cosmic phone and talk with her. I need her opinion. This only means that God blessed me mightily with a good mom and I can talk directly with Him about those things that I'd like to talk with her about.

My children are two of the the greatest blessings in my life. It is my privilege to be their mother. Most moms I know think this way about their kids. 

Being a step-mother has been a challenge from the beginning. Some women do well in the role; alas, I am not one of them.

2. In May we celebrate teachers (May 9) and nurses (May 6) both. Most every family has at least one in their midst, so tell us something (or a few things) you appreciate about the teacher or nurse on your family tree.

My dad always hoped that my sister and I would never become teachers or nurses. I became the teacher; my sister is an amazing maternity nurse. She is stopped constantly by former patients who want to share baby photos and tell stories of motherhood. She is always very gracious. 

3. Chicken salad, egg salad, tuna salad...which would you go for if all three were on the menu? On bread or a bed of lettuce? If you answered bread, what kind of bread would make it the perfect sandwich?

A country white loaf...chicken salad, though I really like them all. Depends on my mood which one I would choose. 

4. Do you have a desk?


 Is it organized?

Well, on the inside...

 If so, share your secret to keeping it that way. 

I don't actually use it for anything other than storing stationery and desky things. 

If you don't have a desk, where in your home do you take care of family paperwork and business? 

Dining room table

Where do you normally sit to blog?

In my easy chair

5. When I was nine years old....

Fourth grade? My teacher's name was Mrs. Mottram whom I adored. One day, we were sitting at the only  red light in town when I saw Mrs. Mottram drive by and she was smoking! I was so shocked that I probably gasped. My mother thought my reaction was humorous enough to share with Mrs. Mottram herself at the parent~teacher conference.  It must have made Mrs. Mottram feel bad because she quit smoking that year. I sure could be an "ah vah" child. That was what we children used to say when someone was caught doing something naughty.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Staying busy. Trying to keep things in perspective. One day at a time...

Mary's Daffodils and my favorite prayer.


Please visit Joyce at From This Side of the Pond for this week's edition of the Hodge Podge.

Monday, May 8, 2017


A quick trip around the yard...you know, the annual quick trip. The azaleas are the only thing worth looking at and I am hoping that the cooler temps will keep them around a little longer.

I am hankering for a rhubarb custard pie...maybe soon!

The forsythia is pretty scraggly since I lopped it off and thinned it out. I will never do that again!

And this is the proper way for equipment to leave the building—after it has been paid for. This is my week's work so if I am scarce this week, catch you next!

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Psalm 94:19

A blessed Sunday to you...

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Saturday Morning Musings

I staggered from my bed before six this morning...perhaps I lurched...possibly I rolled...one of those anyway. I barely recall the days when I arose gracefully, stretched my arms to the ceiling with my left hand grasping my right wrist and thanked God for the new day.

The first sight to greet me was the early morning rain from my dining room window as I lifted the blinds. Day Two of an eleven-day stretch.

The second was the unfolded laundry piled on the dining room table. I had fallen asleep in my chair last night and so I had staggered...perhaps lurched...definitely did not roll to bed where I found a bed top full of unfolded laundry. The laundry was scooped up and plopped right here on the dining table. Someday I'll learn to do a chore in a timely fashion so that I might avoid ironing the towels. γƒƒ


Then the prettiest sight of early morning...

A sermon has been transmitting on tv...phrases float on the air...so stressed you can't be blessed, so blue you can't be true, so disappointed you can't be anointed...

Thank you, Lord, for another day filled with Your goodness no matter the aches and pains and sorrows and gray weather and chores undone...You do fill my life with good things.

A blessed weekend to you...

Comments still closed...busy weekend...

Friday, May 5, 2017

Double Word Light


As you can see, not much happening in my garden. Have a Happy Weekend!

comments closed... what can one say about daffodils and azaleas in spring? Ha!

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Word Light

Two sunny days in a row...we're on a roll up here. πŸ˜‚ This rain has become almost more than one gal can take, but I know that I am not alone and that many corners are getting an excess of spring showers.


That said, I'm popping in a few springy photos taken  yesterday. I was with my dad and we had a good day. Lots of fun conversation and lots of bird watching. 

~on the road again~

~along the way~

~house on the hill~

~ as seen while collecting the newspaper~

~our scene on the world~

~the setting~

 ~the birds were active and happy~

~all day long~

~if Winston Churchill had been a goldfinch~

~wearing a leaf collar~

After all the words of late, you deserved word light with pictures. A happy May day to you...
