A quick trip around the yard...you know, the annual quick trip. The azaleas are the only thing worth looking at and I am hoping that the cooler temps will keep them around a little longer.
I am hankering for a rhubarb custard pie...maybe soon!
The forsythia is pretty scraggly since I lopped it off and thinned it out. I will never do that again!

Keeping you in prayer, Vee. Thank you for the tour. Smiles
ReplyDeleteThe azaleas are so pretty. I have never tasted rhubarb but John (who is from MI) remembers his grandmother's pies. I hope your week goes smoothly. God bless.
ReplyDeleteThe cooler wet temperatures have indeed made the Spring flowers last longer. A blessing in disguise? So glad you are getting things done over there! Your header is so cozy!
ReplyDeleteRhubarb custard? That sounds interesting. I grew up eating rhubarb and I can't think about it without it conjuring up memories of breaking off a stalk, bringing it in the house to rinse off and quickly go dip it into the sugar bowl before eating it. Who knows, I probably even double or triple dipped if no one was looking! My mom's specialty was strawberry-rhubarb cobbler...YUM! Thanks for sparking the memory and have a great week!
ReplyDeleteI can just taste that rhubarb pie! Your azaleas are such a pretty color.
ReplyDeleteWell, it all looks like spring has sprung... And all the work that comes with it, and after being in the house all winter it feels good to have the sunshine and to build back our stanima! The pie shall be your reward LOL
You know, I've never had a rhubarb pie....
ReplyDeleteI am now thinking about rhubarb pie, I will certainly miss the rhubarb from our old home. Must add that to the list when we are ready to organize the garden. Take care.
ReplyDeleteI enjoy your whatevers! Oh I wish we would get rain our way. It is so dry and dusty at my place and I've bout run the well dry trying to keep up with watering things. I have never had rhubarb pie! Hugs and blessings, Cindy
ReplyDeleteI'm just reading a comment here by bj who has never had rhubarb pie. She has no idea what she is missing! We have been enjoying rhubarb pie over here for the past few weeks...always a favorite.
ReplyDeleteWishing you a good week...'whatever' it may hold for you.
Love the floral pictures. So beautiful. And your header photo. I always enjoy what you do with your headers.
ReplyDeleteCooler temps? yes, we had frost warnings last night and went to bed with our socks on!! Love all the spring blooms, the lilacs here are in full bloom and they are lovely. Wish they lasted longer. And strawberry rhubarb pie is a big seller here. I make rhubarb crisp which I love. xo Deborah
ReplyDeleteCooler here too!
ReplyDeleteThe azaleas are beautiful, I keep meaning to get some. Our rhubarb is up too, but yours is much bigger, mmmmmm, rhubarb pie. You're right, that sound so good!
ReplyDeleteYour azalea is such a pretty shade of pink, Vee. If your temps are anything like our's, your blossoms will be around a while. Rhubarb pie is one I've never had, but by the looks of your plant you will be enjoying one. Don't work too hard at the Ponderosa. Have a good week. ♥
ReplyDeleteAzaleas are such pretty in pink flowers, all ruffly and delicate like southern belles. It's chilly here these days, too. I keep wondering about all that global warming - ha! I made a rhubarb cream cheese pie for Easter and decimated the rhubarb plant, but now I see it's recovered enough to bake something else. Rhubarb custard sounds delectable.
ReplyDeleteI hope the week ahead is full of satisfaction.
Your azaleas are beautiful....mine are long gone already. And oh my it has been a LONG time since I have had a rhubarb pie. My first landlord used to make them all the time, and honestly her's just couldn't be beat. I've never made one myself. Hope you have a good week!
ReplyDeleteThe azaleas are coming into their own around here too. We don't have any but so enjoy seeing others' plantings. Your rhubarb looks wonderful! Oh, we love rhubarb. Maybe I'll see if I can feature one of my older posts full of rhubarb recipes.
ReplyDeleteSupposed to be in the low 30s tonight...
Spring is awakening nicely in your corner. That rhubarb pie sounds delightful. I hope you are able to enjoy it soon. Sounds like just what you might need after your week ahead. Hope all goes smoothly.
ReplyDeleteHi Vee. I'm just getting caught up on almost 2 weeks of your posts and hope you are feeling cheerier today. The spring weather sure is a downer on top of life's stresses. It's been so cool and wet here and the next few days will feel like April rather than May. Your azalea is beautiful. I'm looking for new plants or shrubs to plant out front but they have to be deer proof. I'd like some blooming ones so I'll have to research. Our rhubarb is still just small clumps but I saw a recipe for rhubarb custard on FB today that I saved in anticipation. I pray you have a very good week ahead and that the weather will be more cheerful. Pam
ReplyDeleteHi Vee!
ReplyDeleteI hate catching up! But, I love to see your gorgeous flowers, and my mouth is now watering for rhubarb pie!
Our forsythia blooms are long gone, and our azaleas are fading fast. When we visited Maine a few years back, one of the things that struck us was the difference in blooming plants. It was almost like a trip back in time as we drove north. :)
ReplyDeleteBut oh, those azaleas! Such beautiful spring treasures. I hope your blooms last a bit longer. I have never had rhubarb custard. Should I amend that situation?
May your ventures at the Ponderosa this week be profitable!
Your spring flowers are ahead of ours. I'm still getting daffodils. I guess the snow slowed us down a bit and today soem areas got heavy window breaking hail!
ReplyDeleteI saw the cutest baby bunny in my yard today--it was all of 3 inches! Its on instagram :)
Things leaving after they have been paid for is the best case scenario. Glad to see sunshine and flowers blooming. Azaleas are blooming nicely here. I need to get out to take some photos of those Azaleas. Blessings!
ReplyDeleteThe azaleas are very pretty. They are blooming around here now too.
ReplyDeleteWon't be long before that rhubarb is turned into something good. : )
The azaleas are so pretty, Vee. I have new ones planted that supposedly will bloom again in July. Do you know what? I have never had a rhubarb pie!! Think of me when you make one. I'm glad that things are being paid for as they leave. I hope all goes well this week, Vee.
ReplyDeleteI'm catching up after being away from the Internet! Your yard looks just as it should. I love real yards....not the overly manicured ones. I'm a big fan of being real! Love you, Vee!
ReplyDeleteVee- aww-- that time of year when there is not too much to be seen outside and you are bursting for spring to pop in full force. Seeing your rhubarb reminds me that I must get over to my secret spot and steal....er....I mean...borrow....the rhubarb that otherwise goes to waste. We can't have THAT now, can we?! Happy week to you- xo Diana
ReplyDeleteMy rhubarb is ready for picking too and a pie could be coming up soon. Yum, I love rhubarb and yet there are many who don't know what it is nor have tried it.
ReplyDeleteYes, I imagine you will be busy taking care of business (the legit way) so I wish you well.
I'm wondering why your rhubarb is fenced, surely critters don't munch on it?
The azalea is pretty. I bought a lovely white one a couple of years ago from a specialist, but it didn't survive. However, rhubarb is doing well so it'll be good when it's ready to pick and cook. I hope all is well with you.