A Haven for Vee

Saturday, February 12, 2011


list·less adj \ˈlist-ləs\

Definition of LISTLESS:
characterized by lack of interest, energy, or spirit
*Example: Vee became listless, answered in monosyllables, gurgled, drank a great deal of whisky, and looked with hateful eyes at everyone. —Isaiah Berlin, New York Times Book Review, 12 Apr. 1987
*slight adjustments made and with all due apologies to the source.

There's no sense in my pretending that I am interested in much. I've made a few minor attempts and when they don't work out, I rapidly lose all interest whatsoever.

I left you wondering about the china cabinet. Here's the brief, brief story...

It's much too dark in there...

Still too dark and too much going on...

My future answer, you know, for when I'm not listless anymore...

It's just 8:19 in the morning, but perhaps I could treat myself to a stiff drink of coffee and another episode of Lark Rise to Candleford.

You have a great Saturday and a fun weekend!


  1. Go with it...this too shall pass, and enjoy Lark Rise.

  2. Oh, Vee - you have been dealt some heavy blows the last several months. I honestly don't know how you haven't slipped beyond "listless"! Hang in there girl, and know there are many praying for you!

  3. Vee,

    You have every right to be listless for a little while but just hang in there. Thinking of you.


  4. I know you're listless, Hon. Not perky, anyway. :-) Takes one to know one, and all that jazzzzzzz.

    'Tis THAT time of year. 'Tis!!! Betcha' a lot of us, if we stopped and thought about it, are some form of listless, pep-less, color-me-blue-ish, etc.

    So... What to do? We pick our individual ways of course, to counter-act such. One way, is to just kind of roll-around-in-it, for awhile. Kind of sounds like you have been doing that. Me too, to some extent.

    But I really have to give myself a little kick-in-the-pants. At my time in life, there just aren't that many days to waste, in the blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh's. ,-)

    So, instead of just dozing off in my chair this evening [what a thrilling companion has "Uncle A.", hu? NOT!], I'm getting to the library today. And I'm having a book to read, which sounds interesting. And I'm gonna' READ IT, this evening! So there!!!!!!!!!!! ,-)

    Good wishes with you finding your own way, up out of the listless, pep-less, color-me-blue-ish doldrums.


  5. Your body and mind are resting from the stress they have been under. Go with it.....

    Rest up and before you know it you'll be wondering what "trouble" you can get into and projects will get done all over the place.

    Picturing you in your big soft chair with a whiskey on the rocks just kind of makes me shudder...with laughter. So not the you I "know". Hateful eyes? Never!

    Coffee, yes, that suits you much better.

  6. Lark Rise to Candleford was one of my favorite DVDs from Netflix. I love Netflix since my computer is just too slow to be able to watch.
    You will be perking up soon dear sista. I think you seem to be managing well. Chin up ole gal.

  7. holding you in my prayers, I so understand what listless is all about.

  8. Silly me... I was thinking it was to be a blog about lists or the lack of....!
    All things will pass....

  9. Just 36 more days til spring and then a renewed energy will surprisingly appear in body and mind. What you are experiencing now I experienced last winter and it will get much better.

  10. Your mind, heart and body need this time to heal. When you are ready you will be a spray painting maniac :-)

  11. There also but not because I have just suffered a special loss...blessings on your journey and in due season your energy will return.

  12. Weekends are for resting, so you curl up in that armchair with a hot drink and you watch as much tv as you feel like watching. Have a nap perhaps. Time just to be and not do. It is perfectly ok.

  13. Dear Vee, it's perfectly okay to not be doing anything. You've been through a lot. Watching Lark Rise to Candleford sounds like a plan! Take naps and just get rested up. One day soon you will feel like tackling projects. You will. You are still in our thoughts and prayers. Hugs, Cheryl

  14. Grief and late winter can certainly cause one to feel listless. Take your time and be kind to yourself. The spray paint will be there when you are ready for it. Until then, enjoy Lark Rise and your coffee and know that there are many of us who understand and hold you in our thoughts and prayers.

  15. I fully understand how the wind can be knocked out from one's sails, especially with all the loss you have experienced lately, Vee.
    Sometimes a little rest and a break is needed and this TV show seems to have captured your heart and imagination so enjoy it!

    Leave the spray painting for a time when you can take the cabinet outside to work on it. That way you won't be inhaling the paint fumes.

  16. Listless time of year, especially after your last few months.
    Thinking of you!

  17. I know just how you feel. I felt that way for a long time afer I lost my husband but God is faithful and He tells us this too will pass. It really will.Dottie

  18. Vee,

    Praying for some sunshine to lift your mood and your spirit.

  19. It sounds like you need spring to get here! I am sending you happy thoughts.

  20. This too shall pass. I'll remember you in my prayers the next few days.

  21. I'm so glad that you share your thoughts and ways of looking at things. I hope it's okay to say I love the way you expressed your feelings. I learn from you!! I do understand that "empty" feeling and know there is a reason we must go through it. We will someday learn that, too, and just maybe we'll be allowed to reach down and wipe away the tears of those we love and don't yet understand why. Love you, Vee!

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Hi Vee,
    Thinking of you today, and praying for you. I am almost hesitant to say this, but since it has been said so many times to me, and gave me hope I will say it to you "this too shall pass". I really believe, that part of your healing is coming through your writing as I have spent a few minutes going back and reading some of your previous post,
    May you be strengthen today for this journey! Much love,

  24. As I was reading a previous post, this verse came to mind from -I believe from Psalm 30 "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning".
    Praying you have a wonderful week!

  25. vee, i totally understand! sometimes the zip gets taken out of us. stress is such a big factor in this. there are some days that i have great intentions to be busy and get a lot accomplished - then i get overwhelmed with the small stuff or just have the blues.

    ((hugs)) to you, sweet friend!



  26. even though you feel dark and
    listless, there is a glimmer of hope. the cans of paint are
    the proof.

    c.s. lewis' book on grief gives
    permission to yell and look
    mean. we can take it. :)

    my prayer is that one day, soon,
    you will again be surprised by


  27. Just popping by to say "Hi!"
    Thought you might like to know that a prayer was lifted up for you this afternoon.


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