Lord, if I was more like you,
I could change the way I live
I'd be so slow to anger
And a little quicker to forgive
I'd never worry about tomorrow
I'd be more thankful for today
And I'd find joy among the sorrow, Lord
And let it carry me away
And if I was less like me
I'd find my strength in loving You
I'd be as mighty as a river
And as gentle as the morning dew
And I'd walk into the fire
Though my feet are made of clay
Find the path of God's desire
And let it carry me away
And in my times of desperation
When I grow weary and afraid
Lord, I'd cling to my salvation
And let it carry me away...
~ Daisy Dern
Clicking on the title will carry you away to my favorite rendition of this song. It's a little more me, me, me, I, I, I oriented than I prefer hymns to be, but then it is a prayer to a loving God and it sounds a lot like my prayers of late.
And I thank you for all the prayers you have prayed on my behalf and thank you for the supportive comments in recent days. Blogdom may be the next best thing to Heaven. 😊
I have a lunch date with a grandson. It will be fun! That kid always cracks me up. Many blessings on this last day of April...