This entire being a personal representative of an estate qualifies and I am so ready to be finished with it.
2. When or where would you most like to be 'a fly on the wall'?
2. When or where would you most like to be 'a fly on the wall'?
I have often said that, but right now I have no clue.
3. 'Happiness is like a butterfly: the more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder.'-Henry David Thoreau
Would you agree? Why or why not?
3. 'Happiness is like a butterfly: the more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder.'-Henry David Thoreau
Would you agree? Why or why not?
Sure. 😉
Sounds good.
4. Share a favorite movie, book, or song with flying in it's title, lyrics, or theme somewhere.
Sounds good.
4. Share a favorite movie, book, or song with flying in it's title, lyrics, or theme somewhere.
What is this? National Fly Month?
Fly Me to the Moon is the only thing I can think of and it is not a favorite so I am cheating.
Fly Me to the Moon is the only thing I can think of and it is not a favorite so I am cheating.
5. What is one task or chore you tend to do 'on the fly'? Is this something that really needs to be done another way?
Maybe it's psychiatrists' month? One task you say? Just one?
6. What was happening the last time you thought to yourself or said aloud, 'Wow, time flies when you're having fun', and you meant it.
6. What was happening the last time you thought to yourself or said aloud, 'Wow, time flies when you're having fun', and you meant it.
I say, "Time flies whether you're having fun or not." I had fun on Easter Sunday when my son fixed my garage door opener. A week of opening the garage door manually had nearly
done me in.
7. This Thursday is National Garlic Day. Will you add garlic to your menu on Thursday? Do you like garlic? What's your favorite dish made with garlic?
7. This Thursday is National Garlic Day. Will you add garlic to your menu on Thursday? Do you like garlic? What's your favorite dish made with garlic?
I do like garlic. The last thing I made with garlic was a concoction to keep groundhogs's a very smelly brew and I nearly had to move out of the house myself.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Lots of clean-up going on all around the house. I can't stick with one spot for too long. I give it two hours a day and call it good because the old bod doesn't hold up. There are fences that must come down...they are not mine and yet, I'm taking them down anyway. The leaves in the garden must come off because, apparently, I don't have enough worms to eat them all. And those acorns! Acckkk...wonder if I could vacuum them up. I'm almost ready to pay for the oak tree to come down. It's not mine either. Oh well, this is the story of spring.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Lots of clean-up going on all around the house. I can't stick with one spot for too long. I give it two hours a day and call it good because the old bod doesn't hold up. There are fences that must come down...they are not mine and yet, I'm taking them down anyway. The leaves in the garden must come off because, apparently, I don't have enough worms to eat them all. And those acorns! Acckkk...wonder if I could vacuum them up. I'm almost ready to pay for the oak tree to come down. It's not mine either. Oh well, this is the story of spring.

We started our clean up last weekend. Every year it seems to take more effort. Enjoy yur week and don't work too hard, Vee.
ReplyDeleteSo I want to know if the garlic worked on the groundhogs. We're having quite a time with the pests! Glad your garage door got fixed. Hope your week gets better and better.
ReplyDeleteI chuckle when I read your witty posts....a perfect blend of humor and occasionally a little sarcasm. LOL! ;) I had no idea that garlic deters groundhogs....or causes people to almost vacate their homes. You learn something new every day!!! Have a good one! xo
National Garlic Day? Who knew. I sure hope your concoction did the trick on those groundhogs.
ReplyDeleteHooray for a working garage door opener.
Your spring clean up does sound overwhelming. I believe you have the right idea to chip away at it as the body allows. I'm thinking of the Mother's Day gift my grandma's six kids gave to her in her later years. We would all come to her house and clean from top to bottom inside and out. The women would wash walls, clean cupboards, wash floors, etc. The men would do windows, mow, rake, etc. and we kids would collect the neverending supply of black walnuts that fell from her huge tree (before the mowing began). At the time I thought who would want a gift like that. Now it sounds like the greatest gift ever :).
You made me giggle with some of your super witty responses. I also sensed your frustrations. Take it easy with the garden work and stop to smell the roses occasionally too. Hugs ...
ReplyDeleteMy mom is currently acting as the agent for her brother's estate and it has been exhausting, confusing, and seemingly never-ending. Hope things are wrapped up for you soon. We understand it sometimes takes more than a year. Have a great day!
ReplyDeleteYou are so funny, I needed this today to get me going! I didn't know there was a National Garlic Day, Whoopee, I enjoy growing and eating garlic! BTW did the concoction work on getting the groundhogs to leave or did they just invite their friends over?
ReplyDeleteHave a blessed day1
Love it when you do a hodge podge - it always makes me smile.
ReplyDeleteGreat answers, Vee! I enjoyed reading them and found it interesting that we both believe time flies whether we're having fun or not. Take it easy with the cleanup ... pace yourself. I hope to go out and rake the leaves off the wildflower garden today. Lots of computer work to do also, so we will see.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed your wit this morning as always, lol. Fly me to the moon popped right into my head too and now it's stuck there...just what I need, lol Enjoy your day Vee!
ReplyDeleteI was going to try to participate in Hodgepodge but it just didn't fly with me this week just traveling home yesterday. The more I think about estates, etc., the more I think we need to get rid of a bunch of stuff! Hope it's all wrapped up well for you soon. Still raining here so I won't been doing any Spring cleaning out in the yard yet! Hope you have a great week or half a week... comment went up into thin air, sigh...anyways...I enjoyed your answers and thanks for the unintended fits of
ReplyDeleteI'm taking a break from blogging, 2 weeks left of the semester here,then I'm off in August to Mansfield.
Oh Vee, I enjoy your humour! Spring brings lots of cleanup chores. Pace yourself- slow and steady wins the race. Cross one thing off the list each day and you'll be done before you know it.
ReplyDeleteThis sentence -- "The last thing I made with garlic was a concoction to keep groundhogs's a very smelly brew and I nearly had to move out of the house myself." I have to ask . . .do you pour this mixture down the holes???
ReplyDeleteYou can put it wherever you want...either around the plants and near the deck or down their holes. I also have a BB gun and sometimes they are scared by it. I don't want to hit them and doubt that I even could. They are speedy little buggers.
DeleteHow fun Vee....So glad I can play along today with you.
ReplyDelete1. Tell us about a time you felt like you were 'flying by the seat of your pants'.
Right now to be exact. I am flying by the seat of my pants for sure. I work 3 days a week outside the home and my main server that use for 90% of my work has been fried for a over a week!
2. When or where would you most like to be 'a fly on the wall'?
Awe that would be this past Sunday during the nursery time with the little ones around a year old. A friend of mine told me my little one year old granddaughter and a 15 month old little boy was jabbering back and forth and even using hand expressions. She said everyone in the nursery was laughing! I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall during that time.
3. 'Happiness is like a butterfly: the more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder.'-Henry David Thoreau
Would you agree? Why or why not?
Not too sure about this. Too far over my head today! LOL!
4. Share a favorite movie, book, or song with flying in it's title, lyrics, or theme somewhere.
I'll fly away. Old Christian hymn.
5. What is one task or chore you tend to do 'on the fly'? Is this something that really needs to be done another way?
Dusting my furniture and I usually fly through it cause I dislike!
6. What was happening the last time you thought to yourself or said aloud, 'Wow, time flies when you're having fun', and you meant it.
I'm with you Vee...time flies either way! But the last time I probably thought that or said that was just recently as I was doing a photo shoot for my 13 year old granddaughter! Thinking of being 13 just about done me in but, the photo shoot was so much fun.
7. This Thursday is National Garlic Day. Will you add garlic to your menu on Thursday? Do you like garlic? What's your favorite dish made with garlic?
I like garlic but not a lot of it because it's so strong. Last thing I made with garlic was baked spaghetti and no, I doubt I will have anything garlic on Thursday.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
We sure need some rain in my neck of the woods! SO DRY!
Hugs and blessings, Cindy
Hey, your "flip" answers are yours and that's all that matters...and I rather enjoy them :) Joyce's questions can really make you think...a little too hard sometimes! But it is fun and I totally agree with you about timing flying whether you are having fun or not! Glad to see you got rid of that snow...take it easy our there!
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed your answers. Those questions were certainly themed and not real easy to answer but you did well. Seems like there's always cleaning in the garden but especially after snow has been there all winter. Don't work too hard. Glad your garage door is fixed--that would make my day too.
ReplyDeleteI feel your attitude! I'm so bogged down with projects that if someone asked me questions, my head would explode! And time does fly by and not necessarily are we having a good time. XOXO
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed reading your answers. : )
ReplyDeleteLots of outside cleaning up going on around my house too.
Boy that's a lot of acorns, Vee. Spring cleanup can certainly take a lot of time and energy. I'm sure you will be rewarded when it's completed. I'm hoping you don't get in trouble for taking down a neighbor's fence. Maybe they'll be glad you did! ♥
ReplyDeleteI've been purging the attic and I give it less than 2 hours every day for the very same reason. And I get distracted and bored way too easily. Especially on something NOT fun like purging the attic. LOL Enjoyed your answers! I LOVE, Fly Me To The Moon! I thought of that one but had to give my brother something to laugh about.
ReplyDeleteWe work at the yard a little bit at a time, also. The following day, we both cover our sore muscles with BenGay! lol
ReplyDeleteHope your week is going ok. We've had a mix of rain and sun. Everything is turning so green!
I said Fly Me to the Moon too.
ReplyDeleteWhew. I am imagining the groundhog concoction that was so potent it almost had you leaving. Yikes!! (Did they leave?)
ReplyDeleteI am also imagining being the personal representative of an estate and that sounds pretty dreadful. And what a long road! So much to do and so much to think of. You're a trooper, my friend!
Thank the Lord for sons who repair their mothers' garage doors. What a blessing!
Did they leave? No. 😣
DeleteI hear you about our older selves not being able to garden for as long as we'd like. With all gardens and no grass it takes me quite a few hours to do spring cleanup and Glenn will help if I ask him but - he's not a gardener and we'll leave it at that.
ReplyDeleteWhen I see the pile of acorns that aren't yours I won't complain about all the leaves from our neighbour's maple - at least they're easy to rake up. Looks like you might need a family day of helping grandma with the spring gardening? As for groundhogs - supposedly juicy fruit gum in their tunnels drives them away but this could be an old wives tale.
Enjoyed your answers to the questions. That's a tremendous amount of acorns. No wonder you want to vacuum them up! A dry/wet vac out could take them up in no time...and then you'd have a less-crunchy and perilous place to walk. ;)
ReplyDeleteI love seeing your clean up photos! No snow! Its a big job and bit by bit you'll get it done.
ReplyDeleteI think I'd have had a hard time answering these questions! I like your answers, because they are 'you.'
Praying for a light at the end of the estate tunnel.
Your answers always make me smile, we have a similar sense of humor. Wry. So much clean up in the yard. I haven't worked up the gumption to begin dealing with it yet.
ReplyDeleteLoved this. Maybe not the answers they expected but they are so Vee! Which is a good thing.
ReplyDeleteYou always have great answers with a touch of humor. Now, I'm wondering about that concoction to scare off groundhogs. Did it work?
ReplyDeleteNot sure yet. Either it worked or the cold and rain drove it off.
DeleteYour answer to #1 reminds me of when I had to do my Aunt and Uncles estate after they passed away. I said never again and they actually had everything in order! Fly Me To The Moon was the first thing I thought of. Have a nice weekend.