As much as I'd have liked to think that my humble blog had gained the attention of thousands, I knew better. Something was up besides the numbers! Back then, Site Meter was still in operation and I was able to drill down on those visits.
I found a forum of some sort in Norway, the country. They were laughing their heads off over my posts on "Easter Bread." They soon had John and me laughing, too. Apparently, the word for "Easter bread" the one my Mennonite friends use, means quite something else in Norwegian. So when I described the aroma of it baking in the oven, these forum folks were bent double in fits of laughter.
If you'd like to bake some most delicious Easter Bread (Paska), check my featured post in the sidebar. It is most delicious!
Do you ever drill down your stats to find out where visitors are coming from? I have found some lovely blogs that way...

Good Morning, Vee. Oh, the bread looks so delicious. Glad your snow melted. We, too, are expecting more rain this week. Sending my laptop off for repair this week, so I may be out of pocket. God bless.
ReplyDeleteSigh, no snow here in Western NY, but monsoonal rains. I no longer worry about the numbers on the blog, lol...I am so unmotivated to do. Hey, I'm on Pinterest now...smiles
ReplyDeleteInteresting!? (I had to quickly look up what it means in Norwegian). My stats are so low I rarely ever look and then it's usually my own views of it that are counting. It is time to start thinking about making up some of this delicious bread. Do you bake it every year?
ReplyDeleteMay have missed a year since Lovella first introduced it. And not really feeling the need this year so may miss this one, too. It is delicious for sure...nothing like it.
DeleteOh no! You didn't look it up...I was hoping that my commentary would be descriptive enough without doing that! ☺️
DeleteThe bread recipe looks delicious, I've never made a yeast bread but would like to try. I haven't checked my stats for ages other than to see how many visits vs comments.
ReplyDeleteOn another note, I tried to log into the Blogger app to read blogs this morning and it is not supported by iOS anymore unless the app is updated by the owner.
We have a rainfall warning for this afternoon and Glenn just hooked up my 3 rain barrels yesterday so they'll be filled quickly.
The bread sounds delicious! Nothing like fresh baked bread.
ReplyDeleteToo funny! I wont investigate what it means in Norwegian.. more fun to imagine what it MIGHT mean.. wink!
ReplyDeleteI know you're a PBS watcher.. did you watch the show on the Bronte sisters? I enjoyed it. And so glad Call the Midwife is back for another season...
Yes, well, I remembered incorrectly so it is not Norwegian...close enough, though, and hopefully I have spared people looking it up. LOL!
DeleteYes, I watched the BrontΓ© Sisters...depressing, but interesting. Did you know that their father outlived the entire family? So sad for him.
Am watching the new Masterpiece Theater...Home Fires. Not sure if I will continue as I do not always appreciate the jumpiness of the story and the storylines featuring today's mores slapped on yesteryear. I don't watch The Midwife...too squeamish. ☺️
And why were you views spiked this time??
ReplyDeleteDo you normally get this much moisture (snow and rain)?
Site Meter croaked. I replaced them with Stat Counter...not nearly as good a program as Site Meter had been. The Google stat thing with Blogger shows no reason for the jump that I can determine.
DeleteEach year is is a late season this year and has been for the past several. Some years, the yard is all cleaned and the flowers are up by this time; others, we are still sitting in a snowbank. π
Hi Vee! I wanted to stop by to tell you how much I appreciate your prayers for my surgery last Monday. Diana posted a prayer request on her blog and I am full of gratitude! I am slowly recovering but wanted you to know how very much I appreciate you thinking of me. :-) Hope you have a wonderful week. You have a wonderful blog, no surprise to your high stats ;-)
Your Easter bread looks mouth-wateringly good! (Did I make up that word? Spell check seems to think so. I don't care. It's that kind of day.) I have never made it, but your photo is tempting me.
ReplyDeleteI am so technologically UNsavvy (spell check doesn't like that one either), that I'm not even sure I'd know how to go about finding the source of the spikes. It must have been a hoot to see your sweet and innocent post discussed on that forum! :D
Yes, it was humbling to have my highest numbers ever based on that! π
DeleteWell...I'm glad my people call that bread Kulich. :) But that other word is used a lot for the whole season Paschal. Paska is taken from the Aramaic for Passover and we refer to Easter as Paska. Paska/Kulich/Easter Bread, it's all good in my language and amongst our people. That is funny about the spikes in your views. Oh boy melting snow and rain...glad you are insured, too!
ReplyDeleteI'll be looking up your recipe, Vee. I look at those stats and mine are just pitiful. I have been getting traffic from Russia. Ummm...don't know whether to be concerned or not about that.
ReplyDeleteHopefully the snow melt and subsequent rain doesn't cause any problems. ♥
All these years that I've been blogging and I have no idea how to "drill down my stats". Do share please. I rarely look at my stats so I just popped in to take a look. Nothing too out of the ordinary going on there. Perhaps I need to bake some of that Easter bread. I wonder whether the Mennonite Girls see a spike in their stats every year about this time?
ReplyDeleteLovely photo of your bread.
Amazing that the snow has come and gone. I hope the forecast changes so things don't become too soggy up there.
Now you have certainly gotten my curiosity a goin' about that Norwegian Easter Bread....I have an idea but I will not guess in your comment box. :D I just looked my stats recently (after Cheryl's post) and noticed a few spikes post in particular was over 17,000 hits that I posted back in 2013. It looks as if I get plenty of traffic from Russia...almost as much comes from there as the U.S.! I wonder if I should be worried...or at least investigated....HA! President Trump has nothing on me!!
ReplyDeleteI never watch my numbers. Thanks for the links for the Easter Bread. Sounds interesting. I think I would like to try some. Which recipe do your like better???
ReplyDeleteI've been hungry for homemade bread and hubby still needs to gain some weight. I'll look at the recipe. Oh...and I miss the notecard parties! They were SO much fun! Stay warm. It's 90 here today...a wee bit hot! lol Hugs, Diane
ReplyDelete(Pssst....hey Diane, I miss them too...just between you and me, I think we need to get Vee to start them back up.....shhhhh :)
DeleteThat Easter bread looks and sounds delicious. My mother always made Hot Cross Buns and I have tried a few other Easter bread recipes over the years, but I do like the unique twist to this one with the lemon and orange added right into the ingredients. Maybe I will try it for our Easter breakfast at church.
ReplyDeleteBread!! One of my biggest issues. I LOVE it! I have always been the type that if you can slap something between two pieces of is good! When I get back to eating it I will need to try this.
ReplyDeleteI have no idea what they think you were talking about, but I have an idea ;) Nothing that unusual on my stats so far. Maybe I should post something more intriguing ;)
ReplyDeleteI can't believe the snow you're still getting and now rain? Glad you're covered!
By the way and on a serious note... I'm so sorry for the loss of John. I didn't know until I was reading your hodgepodge, because I was on a blogging break during that time. I went back and read about it. I was wondering recently why you hadn't been mentioning him and now I know. Obviously I only knew him through your posts, but I'll miss him. I'm glad you had him in your life, Vee and that you were apart of his. God Bless him and you.
Well, I had to look that one up. Oh dear, no wonder they were all laughing!
ReplyDeleteI had one post with mega numbers -- a big famous blogger had pinned one of my blog pictures on her Pinterest page. And even with thousands of visitors, not one left a comment. So maybe our small friendly community is best after all. xo
I am so naive, Vee, that I have no idea why they'd be laughing over Easter Bread. I guess I'll be looking it up like Deborah did. I'm really not a food snob, but I do love making and eating homemade bread, and I will look up your recipe for Easter Bread. The note card picture is such a pretty one. As for stats, I guess I'm not into that. Maybe I should check it out?!
ReplyDeleteVee, I'm just laughing. Can you imagine how many have laughed at my blog and the Mennonite Girls Can Cook Blog? Who knew? Now I do. LOL!!
ReplyDeleteI had never heard of Easter bread that looks so delicious... Happy Spring
ReplyDeleteThe bread looks so good and even though I'm supposed to be eating wheat bread now, I'd make an exception for this one.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the shout-out. I think those spikes in my stats are those that think it is some kind of game...that I don't really want to know much about. lol!
I hope this next snow is your last one. We are still getting rained on here. I'm ready for some sunny days and I know you are, too!
I don't really look at the numbers I have to say, but it would be interesting to know where people come from wouldn't it. Funny that your bread attracted such attention hey!
ReplyDeleteI am behind but better late then never....first, I am really wanting to know what that means in Norwegian now, lol. The bread looks soooo good. Can't tell you how much I miss bread since being forced to go gluten free...soo sad. As for my stats they are pathetic. I haven't even looked in quite a while, and when I did I had no idea how to track down which blogs were reading mine. Would be interesting though. Anyway, hope your week is going well!
ReplyDeleteAnd of course I looked it up. Oye! I will try to forget the Norwegian and Finnish meaning. I actually have friends in Finland...and they have never mentioned that it is a swearword (not a sweet bread) in their language. :) I will be baking Paska soon. And then I better feed it to others, since I have a hard time resisting if I know it is on hand. As for stats...I gave up checking after Sitemeter packed it in. The Blogger stats were never the same as the Sitemeter stats (always way less).
ReplyDeleteYour Finnish friends are civilized folks! π
DeleteI remember that you were the first to encourage me to check out the fun it was to check on countries around the world. I agree that SM was the gold standard. Stat Counter definitely is not.
Enjoy your baking!
I look to see where my readers are coming from but I've never tracked them down to a site. Interesting. Some days I have over a thousand page views, but I don't know exactly how many visitors.
ReplyDeleteThat is a very funny story! Oh My!
I had to look it up too, Evidently, it has the name meaning in Finnish :) It must taste wonderful! I took a peak at Lovella's recipe, just in case. I do look at my stats occasionally just to see where visitors are coming from. My old refrigerator pickle post seems to be the biggest draw for some briny reason.
ReplyDeleteI would a slice of that bread right about now Vee! Looks yummy. Well sir, I have learned something new about seeing where your visitors come from! Speaking of weather, we got some much NEEDED rain our way last night. Not a bunch but praise the Lord it wet the ground and good enough that things looked fresh and green this morning. Thankful for what we got. Hope things go well with your weather dear lady. Hugs and blessings, Cindy
ReplyDeleteNow I'm dying to know what it means in Norwegian! Lol that you know what it means in Finnish? It is sooooo confusing here. π
DeleteWhenever I look at my stats they never make sense. Most "referring sites" go no where and I can have thousands of hits on a blog post due to google searches for a subject or place I blogged about. So I don't look most of the time. I imagine food bloggers get the most visitors. I know on Pinterest one of my most popular posts is for Italian fish salad