A Haven for Vee

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Vee Makes a Video

Thought I'd take it easy on my eyes, my fingers, and my brain power by making a little video for you and by making a few collages of my flowers. They're not getting their usual care so I have resorted to the easy route such as not watering the front garden, spraying my roses with a deer and rabbit spray, and by placing a Japanese beetle trap. I'll be showing my other trap later in this post.

Tuesday Morning in the Outside Room

The potentilla in bottom right left 😌 has been eaten right back by Japanese beetles. I purchased a trap for the first time in years and I am quite pleased with all it has captured so far. I see very little evidence of them on the plants now that it has been placed. I know that it is said that they just draw in more beetles than one would ever have, but that was happening anyway. Gotta take it easy on myself. Do you use any sort of trap?

See the Dynatrap in the lower left? I really like it because it keeps my backyard clear of insect pests without trapping bees. I hate cleaning the thing, though. Ugh.

Not sure if you can tell the good the pruning did by comparing the two photos at the top middle and the top right. The middle photo shows after pruning and the right is pre-pruning.


Speaking of pruning, remember last time when I shared the video on creating eyebrows? I liked the comment about eyebrows not being twins but sisters...

These poor brows aren't even third cousins!

Catch you in a couple of weeks! 


  1. Gosh I sound “out of puff.” Don’t worry, I’ve been happily puttering without collapsing yet. 😁

  2. Bless your heart Vee. It probably felt good to get outside, even on a steroid high. Your garden looks fine. Your eyebrows are a-ok. Mine do now match, crazy huh. Take care . Blessings to you, xoxo, Susie

  3. What a lovely voice, smiles. Thank you for sharing my friend. Keeping you in prayer, Vee.

  4. Loved your little video tour of your lovely garden and hearing your sweet voice...and glad to know that you haven't collapsed! Hey, I think your eyebrows look great...did you have to "doctor" them up yet? I can't tell if you have or haven't but either way, they look great! Keep the videos coming!

    1. I tried. It is more difficult than I thought!

  5. It was sweet to have a little visit with you as we strolled around your garden. Love the potting bench made by your adoring hubby. He left you many gifts, didn't he?

    Agreeing with Debby Ray . . . I am thinking that these are you doctored brows based on your words, but goodness knows they look natural to me!!

    Continued {{hugs}} and prayers . . .

    1. Oh he did...I still find his handiwork about...a little tour of the garage attic revealed more just recently. He liked to stay busy and he liked to please and surprise me so, yes, I have so much because of John. More significantly, he was a spiritual support and a loving husband. My marriage to John healed my broken heart. Needless to say, I miss him!

    2. We all miss John, though none more than you! He was a gift to you, as you were to him! ♥

    3. Vee, such beautiful words about John. We all adored him because of your blog, and I'm thankful we got to meet him, too.

    4. Oh he loved meeting you and your family, too. He especially enjoyed his conversation with your dad.

  6. Ahhhh Vee, iso enjoyed the video tour of your garden and hearing your voice. It’s good that you decided to go in and make a cup of coffee and rest. Your eyebrows look wonderful! I’m impressed! Take care and God bless.

  7. What a pleasant surprise to see your video of your backyard room, a sanctuary for you. I bet you'll have more tomatoes when they start coming, tomatoes are like rabbits, they just appear. Did you draw those eyebrows on? Very impressive, they sure look real to me. You're a makeup artist. I like your yellow pennant hanging outside, I have one you made me. ~ Abby

    1. I still have a few straggly brows so these are an attempt to fill in the bald spots. I need practice!

  8. Loved strolling through your garden with you and it makes me so happy to know that you are feeling good today. Also enjoyed hearing your voice :). Your potting bench is such a pretty, bright spot in that corner. Such a sweet reminder of John and his many talents.
    I have not tried the traps for Japanese beetles, but if it seems to be working, that's all that matters. For a gal who is taking it a bit easy in garden chores this season, I'm mighty impressed with your lilac pruning job!
    As for the eyebrows, if those are drawn on I think you should start your own YouTube channel demonstrating how it's done. They look like the real deal to me.
    Hope the coming weeks are kind to you. Take good care and know that prayers will continue. XO

  9. I really did enjoy your little tour of the back garden. It was a delight to hear your voice. It as also a joy to take in the beauty of your outside room and Gods creation, such a wonderful array of colour. Take care.

  10. So happy to see you out in your lovely garden, Vee, such a sweet memory of the potting table that John made for you.
    The Japanese beetles come here in June and play havoc on my plants, then leave the last of June without a word, I don't see them until next June.
    I remember taking steroids a few years back, and felt like I could do anything, I wanted to stay up all the time, I had never had so much energy. Please don't overdue, rest and rest some more, you are loved and covered in prayers!

  11. I loved strolling your garden with you, Vee. (Aren't steroids amazing?) You have such a sweet, soothing voice. I really like what you've done with the potting bench. Thanks for inviting us into your life today.

  12. Such a lovely little stroll through your garden. Loved the potting bench area. I like your voice too! It adds a dimension to how we 'see' you.

    Hope the coffee and some television gave you a little zip after all that work you did on the video and showing us around.

    Thanks for letting us be a part of your world today. Hugs, Brenda xox

  13. A wonderful video, especially because we get to hear your voice which is so gentle and comforting! Good luck with your garden! One year I spent a huge amount of money on tomato plants for the deck and I think I only got one tomato! Not trying that anymore. I grow lots of different herbs, instead. And the flowers which can fend for themselves are doing well. Not only on the deck. The spring is wonderful and then there are lots of different daylilies. Now I have heliopsis and white hydrangeas, mostly....More wild asters later on. Ironweed and goldenrod...

  14. Oh, and I got a Dolly Wink eyebrow tool to darken the places where my too bushy eyebrows have startling white hairs! Oh, my. Be well, dear Vee. Praying for you!

    1. I ordered one of those Dolly Winks, too. It is coming on a slow boat from Japan, though. Were you able to find it in a store? (I ordered mine online.) Thank you for stopping by and for your prayers.

    2. I ordered it from amazon and it came in two days....I hope yours will be there soon! Be well!

  15. Love the video and hearing you sound so 'up' and full of vim and vigor!!!!!
    Just don't overdo it Vee - knowing you though, I think you will be sensible as you tread the road to full recovery.
    Enjoy these days of summer which are so much better in Maine than here. We'll be heading to New England soon and have fingers crossed we'll get to enjoy some lovely weather as summer winds down.

    Love, prayers and hugs - be well soon. You are special.

  16. Enjoyed your video and hearing your voice. Nice you were able to get outside.
    Our tomato plants are pathetic. I'm hoping for at least ONE good tomato.

  17. Vee, it's so lovely to hear your sweet voice. I imagine in my mind how a person would sound if I heard them and I'm usually wrong as I was about you. I guess I expected to hear more of the Maine accent. I so enjoyed the time you shared in your garden. The sweet potting bench made by your beloved is looking nice all decked out in bunting. It's so good to know you are having a good day. I'm praying you have more and more of those in the days ahead. By the way, I think your brows look very natural.

  18. Thank you for sharing a morning visit in your garden. I think your eyebrows look just fine- mine don't match at all and the more I mess with them, the worse they get...so unmatched they stay. I do love your little potting bench...I wish my husband would build one for me. Have a good rest of the week. Praying for you.

  19. this was lovely Vee....so good to hear your voice! I admire you so.....keeping your home all by yourself is admirable! I know you will be feeling so much better soon....I believe that it helps to keep in touch through your blog with all your friends who have come to know and value your friendship...I know I am loving it...hugs and prayers dear friend!

  20. Vee, I loved hearing your voice again! You did a great job on that lilac. I like your tool! I'll have to look for one of those. I did my lilac by my kitchen door this year, so I know the challenge it can be.

    Take good care of yourself. Many prayers are going up on your behalf!

  21. Dear Vee , it was so good to hear your sweet soft voice on your video . It made my day. Your garden area is wonderful and so is your eyebrows ! Girl , they look much better than mine . I did listen to the video you talked about on your last post and even ordered the Dolly Wink . Yes i did ! lol ! I have some funky eyebrows that you don’t even won’t to hear about that started happening a few years ago . The older i get the more strange things happen 😂 enjoyed your post so much Dear Vee . Hugs and blessings , Cindy

  22. Vee, I loveloveloved your video! Nothing wrong with your videography skills. I felt as if I was touring the garden with you and getting ready to go in and enjoy the AC and a little TV! I'll have to email about the eyebrows!

  23. I kept seeing comments on blogs from you and clicked over to realize I had somehow missed your new posts. The video was wonderful; so nice to hear your voice but it makes me realize just how southern I sound! I remember when John made the potting bench for you. I adore it. You look pretty and I continue to pray for you daily. xo

  24. Well, how nice was that...I loved hearing your voice! It felt almost like I was back in your garden with you. Love the potting bench...and all the good memories that it brings you. You did well...tackling the pruning on your own. Take it easy! As for your eyebrows...they look perfectly lovely to me. Hugs and prayers! :) PS I like that you were first to comment on my last post! That spot is for you.

  25. Enjoyed your video Vee. I think you did a fabulous job of pruning. I am on prednisone too, I wonder why I am not getting that high? lol. Your eyebrows look great!

  26. I absolutely loved getting to hear your sweet voice on the video and your gardening bench is such fun! So cheery.

    Your eyebrows -- you did a fantastic job. I watched the video link you provided in a previous post and was fascinated with the gal's ability to create such wonderful eyebrows!! They really looked 3-dimensional, and now yours do, too! Great job!

  27. Ah Vee - so nice to hear your sweet voice. Your video was just lovely and I really like your potting bench - it looks just fine! Your tomato garden will bring many, many years of gardening uses and I'm certain you will get your money's worth out of it. I love raised gardens like that. Your eyebrows look awesome BTW. Holding you in my prayers as you go through this whole process. Keep documenting as you go.

  28. Love hearing your voice on the video. Those eyebrows look great, Vee! Love the potting bench that John made you and how you decorated it for the summer. We must listen for when our vim and vigor wain and take a rest. Continued prayers for your treatments and for your peace.

  29. Oh the video is such fun! We got to see all the work you did while we sit inside with OUR AC going! Love the lavender colors and of course that precious potting bench. It's fun to hear you sweet voice. If I try to speak in one of my videos, it will take twice as long to play...my Southern drawl is THAT slooow! heehee! Enjoy your weekend my friend. I'm so proud of you!

  30. Loved the video and hearing your voice. A little walk in the garden can be very theraputic ♥ Japanese Beetles are awful here but I didn't think those traps worked on them. If they do catch them, I'd buy on in heartbeat as they devour my roses and rose bush leaves. Your eyebrows look great too :)

    1. The bag has already had to be changed once so it is working very well here.

  31. Vee, it was so great to hear your voice! Kind of makes you come alive in blogland. Loved the tour of your outside room, so peaceful. So special to have things around that your dear husband made you. xo Deborah

  32. Lovely post...so peaceful and beautiful. Hope you are doing well, continuing to keep you in my prayers. Have a wonderful week!


  33. Vee! I loved hearing your lovely voice giving us a tour around your summer garden. Your reply in the comments re: your beloved John are inspirational. Wishing you a beautiful weekend in your magical Maine!


  34. Just now realizing that although I've been reading when you post, I have not taken time to comment. Very delinquent of me! Please know, however, that failing to comment does not equal failing to pray. I have been praying for you, perhaps not every day, but numerous times in a week.

    What a lovely outdoor room you have created. And I so loved the video. When I read this post previously, I watched it but the volume was down on my computer. This time I turned the volume up and got to hear your sweet voice. What a delight and what a wonderful memory of our brief visit together last summer!

    The potting bench is so nice and it was so dear to hear you noting that John had made it for you ... oh, what a blessing you were to one another! It's wonderful that as you look about you have so many tangible reminders of his presence and his love.

    And your eyebrows are beautiful! I can't even tell you how many times I have been tempted to shave mine off and start over. I'll probably never do it, though, because creating new ones is far beyond my skill set. Not yours! You are doing amazing things with makeup.


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