That's right! It's either a smorgasbord or a mixed metaphor. Either way, it's a busy post so just pop in where and if you're interested. (I try never to assume that one is interested in anything around here. ☺) This probably will be about as cohesive as a bottle of faulty glue.
This is the end of the marvelous morning glories. Frost came night before last. Cutting it down came yesterday at noon...I had been hoping that it would resurrect, but at noon the truth became obvious.
That the US flag is tied in knots back there may also be some metaphor. But let's skip on, shall we?
This next series of photos all fall into the category "In the Mail."
I ordered these sweet gift tags from Sharon Chapman who blogs at
*Wildflowerhouse.* Sharon included the little lighthouse watercolor note card. Fat chance that that's getting mailed off anywhere. I'll find it a frame some fine day.
I ordered this lavender sachet made from a bridal gown at Dawn's shop. Dawn blogs at *The Feathered Nest.*
In Falling Snow was a win from Luanne who blogs at *A Bookworm's World.* Luanne is a librarian so has her finger on the pulse of the latest publications. I very much enjoy visiting her blog and, when I saw a book that sounded this interesting and which she herself gave a favorable review, I tossed my name into the cap and came up the winner. Fun! No, I haven't yet read the book — I'm saving it for falling snow.
I hope that I never forget the soccer game we watched last Sunday afternoon because I learned so much. I'm going to try to share it in a way that makes some sense without feeling compelled to connect the dots. Sometimes I think "a think" that can't be shared because I have no words.
It was a beautiful day for a soccer game!
Both of the grands are playing on the same team this year, which makes it all very convenient.
The younger throwing the ball back into the game. Delighted he was to be chosen for the task, too.
Into every game a few disappointments must fall — when it's your turn to sit out.
If we think too much about the possibilities, we can worry and wind up chewing on something.
Ahh, yes, this is the point in the game that I really want to talk about. This is when the youngest grand, who loves being on the field so much that he literally skips about like the happiest of little boys, sat down and said, "Coach, take me out. I'm just not doing a very good job."
This is what the coach said: Get up, Jake. You're doing a very good job. Go where I tell you and don't be afraid.
Last summer, Sam (of broken leg fame) had told us that he was giving up soccer. He said that it didn't feel very good to get kicked in the ankles. I saw the possibilities and nearly felt them myself. It sure was exciting sometimes!
In the end, the team lost 3 to 1; however, that one point was scored by our boy number 10 there. I was so excited that all I captured was a blur, though I did capture this look of pure joy as he heads for his coach to receive double high fives.
~Short, Loopy, and fUn~
Ahhh...the joy of the game! I told you that he skipped about. Ha!
Do you enjoy sports? If you do, do you see the life metaphors?
A lovely Tuesday to you!