But here’s a little news flash for all those reporters and commentators: I’m not going to Washington to seek their good opinion — I’m going to Washington to serve the people of this country. Americans expect us to go to Washington for the right reasons, and not just to mingle with the right people. ~Sarah Palin
When John McCain nominated Sarah Palin as his running mate, I had only barely heard of her and that basically via talk radio programs. Still I felt a level of excitement that I had not yet experienced in this campaign. Don't get me wrong, I'd have voted for McCain because I am a Conservative, dyed-in-the-wool Conservative, make-no-apology Conservative, but, as you know, McCain is a Moderate and he just doesn't agree with me on a lot of issues. Sarah Palin does.

For the life of me, I don't understand what all the bickering is about within the ranks. Here is a pro-life woman who has demonstrated her belief in that stance with her own recent pregnancy and now with a teen-aged daughter's. What is all the hoopla about? I tell you this for certain, a lot of us were teen mothers; a lot of our own mothers/grandmothers were teen mothers; and a lot of our daughters have had teen pregnancies. It's neither the end of the world nor an unforgivable sin. Five children? So? Nancy Pelosi has five children and I've not heard anyone take potshots at her for that.
I admire the spunk of a woman who sends the media her own little news flash..."I'm not going to Washington to seek their good opinion."
As for "the church" and "the churched" I'd like to add that it's time for us to show the love of Christ, to stop sniping, and to stop the name-calling. No wonder people call us hypocrites. What's that they say about us? "The Church" is the only army that kills its wounded...
She IS spunky isn't she! We can't wait to see what happens.
ReplyDeleteHave a great week!
Karla & Karrie
My dear Vee...got your lipstick? I've got mine! GO JOHN and SARAH...nothing plain about her!
ReplyDeleteI'm all for McCain and Palin!!! {Even though I'm not "the church."} :-)
ReplyDeleteMy over-riding criteria for this election has been and is, whom do I feel will best keep my Country safe from Radical Islam? There is no doubt in my mind. It is John McCain.
And I was very, very pleased with his choice for VP.
I had to comment on this entry, Vee. So I dropped my self-imposed-no-commenting plan, for the first time, to make this comment.
Miss Mari-Nanci
I knew there was a reason why I get along with you so well. Truly.
ReplyDeleteI think John McCain is an honorable man with only our best interests at heart. I think Sarah Palin is a strong, forthright woman who has the confidence and clarity to take on the big boys and bring them to task. McCain's choice is nothing short of inspired.
well, all I know is your politics are so much more interesting than our politics. . .I so enjoy following your campaigns. .
ReplyDeleteYour last paragraph is so perfectly stated. . .
Way to go, Vee! They won't let me vote in your election for some reason...but I'm with you 100%. It looks like we have our own election to worry about now...but it will be long over by the time yours rolls around!
ReplyDeleteFrom the outside here, I agree with you 100%. What happened to the "judge not" lesson????
ReplyDeleteI am completely caught up in the elections even though I have no vote and have never visited America! This has implications for the whole world, so it is important to know as much as possible. It affects me too.
I usually don't comment either because I'm basically a lurker! BUT I had to chime in that I heartily agree with you on Sarah Palin and John McCain.
ReplyDeleteWe finally have 2 candidates who are for the common American. Sarah Palin knows how hard it is for most Americans to make ends meet. My goodness she was a teen bride afterall. Like me! I want someone who go to Washington with all Americans in mind not just the rich ones.
John McCain and Sarah Palin are the ticket. They 'know' what is needed and I pray that they get the chance to 'take Washington by storm'!
Loving it! I am so energized and excited to have Sarah Palin in the race.
ReplyDeleteI am still amazed by coworkers and even family members who are democrats no matter what. Their arguments make no sense at all- when I talk about national security and remind them of the feelings we had on 9/11 they say we need to get over it, when I talk about taxes they don't have much to say but I wonder what they will say when they see all the extra coming out should Obama get in. Abortion is an issue for women I know- they want choice- yet this same group protests a local Amish farmer who shot puppies at his puppy mill. (Not that I condone puppy killing) Puppies are more valuable than babies to these folks I guess.
Many say Sarah needs to stay home with her children- she is working so her children and grandchildren can have a better life- someone has to! She seems to be able to do it all! Many of us have!
Great Post Vee! I'm a Sarah fan also! We need to keep praying for the whole country and what we are facing. May God be with us!
ReplyDeleteExcellent post and comments! I can't wait to vote for John and Sarah!!
ReplyDeleteAlso ~ I was blessed by your previous post. Thank you.
I so agree with you Vee....my kids didn't even bicker as much as all this silliness thats going in...it really is petty isn't it?
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts EXACTLY!!!! I really like what I see in Sarah Palin so far.
ReplyDeleteBoy did she ever knock it out of the ball park with her speech at the convention...wow! I actually missed that whole evening because we were out, soooo I stayed up until 2 am to see the entire broadcast re-run just to hear Sarah's speech. I was glad I did. After hearing her I felt the Lord say, "relax....see I have this under control!" HA!!!!
Good post my friend.
Here, here Vee...I do agree. I am in love with this pit bull hockey mom with lipstick! She is my kinda of gal. Thanks for sharing your thoughts put so very eloquently!
ReplyDeleteFinally, someone in politics to give me something to get excited about! I'm looking forward to hearing more from Sarah Palin! Thank you for saying what I have been thinking! ~Kathy
ReplyDeleteI like her and I trust her. I am also stunned by reaction of so many on the left side of the aisle! Evidently conservatives are not only not allowed to have larger then average families, but they are not allowed a "woman's right to choose", unless that choice means killing their unborn children. That's pretty sick if you ask me.
ReplyDeleteDear Vee,
ReplyDeleteMy first visit to your beautiful and interesting blog. I too am feeling so much better about our elections! Go Sarah & John!!!!
I have read your comments on other blogs and for some reason I chose this moment to visit and this is after I was listening to The View. I had to turn it off it was so one-sided. But I read your words and again I am refreshed and believe this is truly the heartbeat of America and not that group of cackling women.
ReplyDeleteI love this post, I also wrote one. It's time to Stand and Deliver!
ReplyDeleteTee heee heee, I'm trying to decide what color of lip stick to wear this morning ;).
ReplyDeleteI find it very interesting that stay at home mom types/uneducated types find this woman "spunky". I find her frightening. Having her as VP was political and has totally lowered the bar. I want the president to be highly intelligent and thoughtful. She is not.
ReplyDeleteThese people prey on women like you. They do not care about your issues, they care about winning. Everything that she has stood for and is running on is based on proving lies.
I so love reading blogs about cooking and decorating, but find it so disheartening that middle America and small town people are falling for another scheme from karl rovian politics because they don't know any better.
ReplyDeleteSorry, Sarah Palin is not my cup of tea. She scares me to death. I was considering McCain until she came on board.
ReplyDeleteI am over the top thrilled about Sarah. I was not excited about the presidential race either until she came along. We are going to have a great run to election time.
ReplyDeleteI told my husband this week that if you ask most people who Obama's running mate was--they wouldn't know. If you ask who Sarah Palin's running mate is---you might know--lol.
Thank you, everyone, for your comments. It's always interesting to read what you have to say.
ReplyDeleteI especially want to thank Lorrie and Jazzi who bravely disagreed with my post and had the courage to use their names. Now that is something I truly appreciate. "Anonymous" comments are unlikely to be paid much attention by me.
However, there are a couple of little things that I would like to respond to with Lorrie's comments.
It disappoints me when one who does not share a particular opinion disparages those who do as "stay at home mom types/uneducated types." I'm sure that you would be surprised to know my educational background and probably that of the other commenters as well. Further, it is making it up to say, "I want the president to be highly intelligent and thoughtful. She is not." You have no way of knowing Palin's intelligence nor her level of thoughtfulness. Just because someone disagrees with you on an issue does not make that person less intelligent or less thoughtful than you.
Lastly, "These people prey on women like you." Like me? Like me what? You don't know me. You don't know what I believe about everything and you didn't read my post very carefully. I do not choose candidates on the basis of how I agree with them. I choose them based on how much they agree with me. I know perfectly well where I stand on the issues.
Finally, I'd like to say that this is my blog. It used to be described as "eclectic" and I didn't mean as in decorating. I reserve the right to discuss whatever I'd like thank-you-very-much.
Now go and create a wonderful day in a country where you have the right to do so!
VEE! I saw your reference to this post on a comment you'd left for Aunt Sandi so naturally, being the nosy uneducated/stay-at-home mom type, I had to rush right on over to see what you were talking about. BRAVO! on your response to Lorrie in particular. I'm always fascinated by the sheer anger that politics can create amongst normally calm minded people. I find it even more fascinating that people figure that since you disagree with someone politically, it must be because YOU are the uninformed, ignorant ass, not the other way around. Absolutely fascinating.
ReplyDeleteHere's my thing, though. I support McCain. I could go into all kinds of reasons why. I could talk about his policies, his reputation as someone who calls BS when he sees BS, I could talk about his charming smile and quick wit. I could also site Obama's lack of experience in an executive roll, his unwillingness to go on record for certain issues when he was in the state senate, his unsavory associations with some of Chicago's most "notorious" individuals...I could go on and on about a number of things on both sides of this election. But really, it all comes down to just one thing for me. CHARACTER MATTERS. And I don't believe there's anyone else around who could stand toe to toe with John McCain on the issue of character and come out over him. Maybe I over-simplify...or maybe others tend to overcomplicate. Doesn't much matter to me. Character matters, therefore I will be casting my vote for John McCain.
LOVE YOUR RESPONSE to Lorrie. Very well said and reasoned. Just perfect. And I'd think that way even if we were polar opposites on the political issues because I respect you and your views and your right to express them. (But I'm pleased that we do agree on the good stuff. lol)