A Haven for Vee

Monday, September 16, 2013

Around and Round

That morning glory must love all the rain (it's raining again today) because it has never had so many blooms. While I was trying to take photos of them, John, bless his heart, was counting them. 

He said 27, 28, 29 or maybe even 30!


Can you believe that it is already time for the Note Card Party? I'm very excited about the new rule. If you don't know about that, please click on the date in my sidebar or on the Note Card Party button. Either will take you to the information you need. I'm going to be a stickler this time! 

Mr. Linky will be up between two and two thirty Eastern Standard Time Tuesday afternoon (tomorrow). It will remain up all day Wednesday and close Thursday morning around 10. 


  1. I love morning glories. I once tried to grow them when I was growing up for a 4-H project/thing. I didn't have any more of a green thumb back then than I do now.

    And I love the new rule with the party! That will open up tons of possibilities for me because I have tons of pictures that I have taken with the intention of blogging but never actually blogged about!

  2. Oh aren't the morning glories beautiful! I'm glad you had John out there counting them. :) Great series of photos in this mosaic and nice pics of John, the bloom counter. Raining here too but sunny the rest of the week. Frost tonight??

  3. Beautiful flowers Vee! I don't believe we've ever had any in our yard. Looks like it has enjoyed your rains for sure. Have a delightful day!

    P.S. don't expect more then my dash for awhile, something didn't take!

  4. I love your morning glories! I look forward to the note card party. So many pretty photos and such nice participants and of course, a sweet host. Have a wonderful Monday, Vee.

  5. I love morning glories. I have never tried planting them. Do they die back in the winter and come back in the spring or do you have to plant new ones each year?

  6. Your morning glories are so pretty, Vee! Down here in the south, some folks don't like morning glory vines because they can take over when they start growing, but I've always thought they were so pretty. I love that color of blue. Your John is a handsome fellow. :)

    I'm excited about the new note card party rules, too! I look forward to joining in this month. Unfortunately, I missed the last two. Have a great day, Vee!!

    Hugs to you,

    Denise at Forest Manor

  7. Love the blue of the blooms! We share our neighbors - it creeps under the fence. Not good - it strangles things on our side:(

    It's raining here now too.

    Enjoy your week!

  8. Hi Vee! Those blooms are AMAZING! What a good year for that plant, huh? and good for you for not 'shooing' your husband out of the shot. I love that he is so interested in the flowers too.

    Happy Monday!

  9. I love the flowers, but I love more that John is counting them, haha. Sooo something my hubby would do! Enjoy your day Vee!

  10. Thank you for the reminder! The months do roll around so quickly!

    Your morning glories are beautiful! Around here, they are an annoyance to farmers because they so rapidly spring up in fields and choke out the cash plant. And yet, the year we tried to grow them in hanging pots, they did nothing. Which only confirmed the fact that I can't even grow weeds.

    Your glorious cascade of morning glories are perfect!

  11. I love morning glories, and that is my favorite color. We see alot of wild ones growing on fences here in the Midwest, but they are mostly white which are pretty too, but the ones you have there are definitely my favs.

  12. Lovely morning glories, and you found a sunny time to photograph them in the midst of your rain. And thanks for the card reminder. Time just flies by!

  13. Your morning glories are glorious indeed!!! Enjoy the last days of summer....

  14. Beautiful and abundant - now that's a gorgeous plant!

  15. I love morning glories and had a beautiful one bloom on the pillar of our home in California. Hopefully, I can grow them again when we finally move to our new home next year. XOXO

  16. It's always fun to see which flowers will thrive and be their very best each year. I love these pretty flowers and John sounds just like my hubby....he loves numbers! I'm ready for the party....I read the rules first! hahaha! Enjoy your day! Sweet hugs, Diane

  17. I can't believe it's already the middle of September. How does the time get by me so fast? I'll have to check out the new rules.

    Your morning glories look so pretty! Happy Monday to you and John!

  18. Our garden is still in full swing here too. Your morning glory is lovely. Love that colour.

  19. Beautiful Morning Glory. I have a white one but it is waning right now. HH could care less at this house. Wants to trim them down all the time. I still have some sweet peas still blooming. My cards are ready. Thanks for the new rule update.

  20. Lovely blooms, sweet Vee. I hope you're enjoying your Monday!


  21. The rain has produced some wonderful things this summer and John is such a good sport to count the blooms on the morning glory for you.
    I better start thinking about my note cards, thanks for the reminder.

  22. I LOVE the blue of your morning glories. I'm so glad the rain has brought something good your way this summer.
    Thanks for the reminder about the Note Card Party.

  23. It rained all day here yesterday too. I won't complain, I have friends in Colorado who, though still dry, are in the midst of it.
    The morning glories are really pretty. They make me think of when I was a child.

  24. Your morning glory is gorgeous! Those huge blooms are striking.

  25. What a beautiful morning glory!!!
    I've got my pictures all ready picked out for tomorrow. : )

  26. I'm smiling at your counter......'Happy, Happy, Happy...no beard in these shots:)
    Your morning glory is lovely!

  27. I love morning glories. We have several varieties that come up at the community garden. The only bad thing is that the guy with the plot next to me plants a beautiful garden, and then abandons it, after all his work...the morning glories choke everything out, and keep me busy keeping them out of my plot.
    Having said that, they are glorious.

  28. We have the vines but no flowers.....
    I LOVE it when you post pictures of John!

  29. Beautiful Morning Glories!

    Thanks for the Note Card Party reminder. I will try to do it from here!


  30. Your flowers are beautiful.....
    My mama had beautiful Morning Glories and.....she woke me each morning with
    "Good Morning, Glory...." bwaaaaaa, I miss my mama.

    Off to ck the new rules....I do want to be Rule Abiding.

  31. Wow...the morning glory is in 'her glory'! It was just wondering whether or not it should bloom when I was there...one month ago.

    Now I'm off to read about rules...and see they are something I can abide with. :)


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