A Haven for Vee

Monday, August 11, 2014

Sewing Room Nightmare

Why am I doing this to 
myself — showing off the disgrace that my sewing room has become? Because I hope that it will motivate me to do something about it today. If it remains cool enough, I hope to get up there and put things back to order. I'm taking up a big bag to "release" a lot of stuff that has no business being there in the first place. My plan of attack is to place a large sheet over the top of my bed and use that to organize from...maybe. This could backfire if we have no place to sleep tonight. It could also backfire if I have no afters to share by this evening. 

Stay tuned.

Have a productive day!

Edited to Add: Oh my. Some of you know me too well or else this is an Everywoman story. The minute I got a surface cleared I started making something or mending something. Thus far, I've assembled a dozen magnets, made a potholder, mended a pillow, and ironed dinner napkins. I was up there until four this afternoon when it definitely became too warm even with AC. So now I'm going to take the evening off. Oh, that's right, the bed is loaded with stuff. My plan is going to work like a charm: grab all four corners of that sheet and chuck it into a corner. ☺


  1. What a pretty mess! I like your mosaic.....very nice! Have fun cleaning!

  2. Hope it stays cool enough for you. I need to tackle my office desk today.

  3. Oh, we all need this kind of project in our houses! Mine is fabric too, but it's all downstairs in the basement, so I let it go far too long…

    Let us know how it goes!


  4. Oh I will be anxious to both see and hear how it goes....I have NOT disclosed my entire situation over here...oh, I've shown the pretty area that is out in the open. But the closet in my mom's old room? Well, it could take a good day to organize that...sigh. lol Actually I've got hubby talked into some shelves in there, now I just have to find some time for him to do it, lol. Enjoy your day Vee...even if it is spent organizing fabric!

  5. I have faith in your, Vee! It is going to be sooo gratifying to see a neat and oorderly space when you've finsihed and you'll get new ideas for keeping things tidy and probably think of a new sewing project as you go through and inventory what's what! Go for it, girl!

  6. Lol....putting the sheet on the bed and organizing there will be good motivation to getting it done, just so you do have a place to sleep...Good luck with your plans!

  7. LOL! Good luck with the clean out!

  8. Aw, you'll do it. You must be like me and greatly dislike disorganization. I can't stand clutter either. Just get started and before you know it, it's over and the place will be all spiffy. Can't wait to see the After photos. Good luck! ~:)

  9. I am still in the midst of reorganizing here...filing cabinets and the computer cabinet and the school stuff...ack!! So I can relate to the immensity of it all. But it's such a wonderful feeling to get things organized, isn't it? Maybe I should try your trick and spread all those files out on the bed...hmmmmm...

  10. Fabric and sewing projects just love to end up in a pile, don't they? I have a constant battle to keep some kind of order when I sew. It drives me crazy....when it gets out of control....which it always does! lol Good luck! Wish I was there. I could help! hahahaha! Hugs!

  11. So, did you motivate yourself? I cleaned and rearranged my craft studio area in the basement a couple of weeks ago and have actually gone and made a few cards.
    Have fun!

  12. Oh dear me, Vee, I can relate! I tend to start stuffing fabric, etc., in cupboards, drawers in my sewing room so that I don't have to look at it! Good luck in your organization.
    I was getting your posts emailed again to me from Feedburner, but alas, they stopped AGAIN!

  13. I'm glad to see that I'm in good company with that one room that is always a challenge. Is there a secret to keeping it organized all of the time? When I do what you're doing today, it's back to normal within a few weeks. It's the room we call our office/exercise room/sewing room/where I iron. . .

    Hope your goal is accomplished and if you learn any secrets about maintaining order, please share that, too.

  14. Your 'mess' looks kinda whimsical to me;) have fun!

  15. Oh my goodness...I could written this post, Vee! Although your "mess" looks a little more organized than mine! I hope your day is a s productive as possible. Question: Do you have a guest room? (lol)

  16. You cracked me up. I am doing the same thing. A little different though. My excuse is my space it so
    small. LOL. Enjoy your day. And thanks for visiting my Mosaic's.

  17. Vee, take small sections and keep telling yourself each thing you do is crawling towards getting there. If you look at the big picture with large (ugh) projects such as these it is overwhelming, daunting and if you are anything like me, danged near impossible.

    You can do this. You will be SO GLAD when you are done. Hang in there. Hugs.

  18. Vee, It really doesn't look messy.
    I need to do the same with my closet..
    I keep putting it off...
    post some after shots..
    Xo Marissa

  19. Well, godspeed to you in this cleaning and purging adventure.
    But now, if you think I'm going to copycat you and post the current hot mess in my house just to get myself motivated, think again. LOL

    Mine would be the garage, and it is going to have to get a LOT cooler than this for me to get motivated.
    I shall clean out a mess of paper schtuffff instead.

  20. Sewing rooms have a way of becoming the most untidy room in the house, I've found. As you putter away with your fabric, I'll be cleaning out my freezer. Also a mammoth task. And cold. Good task for a hot day.

  21. Don't fret to much, Vee..messy could be a good thing. (wink)--Blessings

  22. Yes, Vee, the first step is to admit you have a problem. LOL Good grief, my whole house is a problem! Your mosaic is beautiful. Forget about the sewing room and come over and have coffee with me.

  23. We all have those rooms, don't we? I know I do. Good luck getting everything put back where it belongs.

  24. It looks much better than mine does at the moment! :) Good luck getting everything organized!

  25. What fun... even so! The process of 'releasing' things that should belong elsewhere will be a relief and a joy.

  26. haha, good one Vee! My hubby put in an a/c yesterday in my sewing room as it is upstairs and sooo hot. I was doing the same thing this morning, enjoying the cooler temps in the room. However, I will not be sharing any before pictures.

  27. I have a walk in closet like that. Last week I walked in there with a large garbage bag and said. "I'm not coming out until this is full". I filled the bag and didn't make a dent.
    I am not a pack rat unless it comes to clothes.
    I'll be looking forward to some after pictures tomorrow!

  28. I have cleaned out and straightened up my office/craft room today too. : )

  29. Way to put the pressure on yourself. I need a little motivation at this point to do anything around here. hmmm

  30. hahahaha Vee.. I always love to stop by and visit you so I can laugh..you are so full of joy that it leaks onto all of us...and maybe I can show you some pictures of my sewing room..you will feel like you are in good company..sounds like you had fun up there today..I love to straighten up mine..
    Love, Mona

  31. I think everyone has a junk draw or a messy room some where in their house it is just the way it is , Hey the sheet thing works but not chucking it in the corner cause that would mean you would have to do something about that eventually lol ! Like me some days my get up and go got up and left lol ! Thanks for sharing , have a good day !

  32. ha ha hahaha That sheet that's about to be stashed made me chuckle.

    Thanks, Vee,for stopping by my blog and commenting today, too. Loved your visit. Susan

  33. Hehehe... I have been doing the same with dishes all over the LivingRoom floor.

  34. I saw your addendum -- I'd say you accomplished a lot! My guest room/craft room is a mess as I am sorting through clothes and using the bed in there as a sorting station.

  35. I laughed out load. Your sewing mess could marry my photos mess! Would that be the parents of hoarding?

  36. Your photography is beautiful and the colors and textures so artistic that your "nightmare" looks more like a daydream to me! I could show you some real messes...perhaps not.

  37. LOL...Vee !!! I believe I'm you at this time...LOL..I do the same thing, when I don't get the space I use done. Just chuck it...You really did get a lot done.
    Thanks for stopping by. Yes that doll on the floor was a mess. I got the eye lashes at Sally Hansons. I just glued those suckers right on the lids. Would you believe the wig was only $4.00 on Ebay. The lady that gave me the doll now asked for it back. She wants it for the daughter it belonged to in 75. I am going to let her have it...but it's going to make me a bit sad.
    Blessings, Marie Antoinette

    1. Wow. She wants it back? That's a tough one. Hope that she is going to pick up the costs of repair.

  38. I'll trade you messes! I keep getting sidetracked and seem to create more messes instead of eliminating them. :)

  39. You make me laugh! My sewing room and office are one and the same room...double the trouble! But it somehow seems more important to keep current with the office work...than with the sewing. And so I'll likely never get to the bottom of my sewing/mending piles. I may just box them up and send them your way. You will know exactly what to do with them. Look how much you accomplished!

  40. I have this problem with paper! I ahve stacks of newspapers, stacks of magazines, stacks of flyers and ads, stacks of mail--all waiting for me to go through it and get rid of much of it---sigh!


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