This is a post about writing a certain kind of blog. Specifically, the kind of blog I write. The kind of blog where a lot about family and life is shared. I talk a lot...too much I've been thinking as I reconsider what direction this blog will take in the future or, for that matter, if it will take any direction at all. On the other side of the coin, I don't talk about many, many things.
Perhaps it is for that reason — the fact that I am so acutely aware of all that I am
not saying, all that I
won't say, that I forget how much I am discussing. What I do share is enough for some readers to feel as if they know me. And, in fact, I believe that there are those who know me very well indeed. At least to the extent that I allow others to see who I am. To toss another cog into the wheel, I lie a great deal; I call it "poetic license," but the fact of the matter is that unless you know me in "real life," you'd not have a clue what I am lying about. On the other hand, unless one knows the sound of the voice, the subtle expressions that flit across the face, the heart, the mind...well, how well do we really know one another after all?
This goes back decades with me. As a child, I would sometimes ask my mother who I was and she would describe who I was in terms of the place I held in my family. Thankfully, I found my ultimate answer at the age of ten when I discovered myself to be a child of the King, if I wanted to be. I wanted to be and haven't changed my mind since. My entire life is based upon it.
Others have talked about the whos and whats more eloquently and cogently than I. Suzanne discussed it recently on a post titled
Anonymity or Not. And I so well remember a beautiful post that
Terri at Windlost wrote on this topic. I wish that I could find it again.
What are your thoughts? Oh, and do check out the comments at Suzanne's post. Commenters are always so astute.
Back to regular Blogdom next time...whatever that may be. ;>
A cool Tuesday to you!
Edited to Add: Linds has written so well about this topic today. We must be running on the same track. Her post is titled
Different Windows.