A Haven for Vee

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Warmth and Cheer

...whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. ~Philipians 4:9

Scenes like this one warm me to the bone and, after posting the new header, I decided that my haven needed a little warmth and cheer itself.

We all need warmth and cheer and how is it to be achieved? Should we wait for others to toss us a bone? Should we shop until we drop? Sip our brandy alone? I don't think so! We begin by creating for ourselves what we most need. And, if we take care of ourselves, we can take care of others. Instead of focusing on whatever is going awry (there'll always be plenty of that), we can focus on all that is good and right. I stole one of FlyLady's expressions some months ago and it is proving to be helpful...I may not be able to do THAT, but I can do THIS.

Enjoy your Sunday by creating a marvelous one! God bless...

Picture Source


  1. I love your new Header. I love your picture of warmth. Of course I do, 'cause I love such pictures too. :-)

    I agree wholeheartedly, that we all should all take care of ourselves. The {mistaken, in my way of thinking} view that we must first sacrifice for others, is pretty silly. Sacrifice away... Lose our vim/vigor/health/etc... Then, what's left, to do for others with?

    We are human, after all. Seems we'd do well to remember that.

    Oh and, I'm just fine with all of us being human. I don't long for a perfect me or a perfect you or a perfect anyone or anything. I embrace being human!!! :-)

    And it makes me so happy to see others want to give themselves warmth and cheer. Yes! May we all!


  2. Lovelp pics and especially at the top of blog. Is that your garden?
    It's great to find time to just be and relax especially at this time of year.

  3. I was feeling kind of blah today for some reason...husband's sick, one son is at work, the other is hunkered down in his bedroom far away from Mom's pestering and I've been a bit lonely and bored. Thanks for the pep talk! I think I'll hit the shower and then make some hot chocolate and wrap some presents.
    Merry Christmas, Vee!

  4. Love the new header...

    I also loved this post. The sentiment of it. Perfect!

  5. Lovely post, and I couldn't agree more. The new header is gorgeous...love to look at snow if it's somewhere else! We have gloom and big rain here today, so it's not very pretty.

  6. I love your new header!...I used to subscribe to fly lady too but I like to think I've graduated....the constant reminders to "shine my sink" were driving me insane!!!

  7. Thanks for the nice comments on the header. It's just a photo of the deck bench. I couldn't see why I should get rid of the lumina and the little green squash (or whatever it is) so just incorporated them into the whole.

    LOL about FlyLady, Robin. I have been following her around about four years now. I did switch to the digests and read them mostly for the testimonials. I love them!

  8. Thanks for the reminder to look after ourselves. The verse you chose is one of my favourites. Have a great week! ~ Lynda xo


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