While he dozed, I puttered about in the kitchen putting away dishes and tidying up. I think I was humming some tune as I listened to my playlist, which had about six songs at the time. (The list is on the sidebar if you wish to hear it. ETA: Nope, Imeem is not cooperating today. Yup, I added a few to "the other one"... you'll have to press play if you'd like to listen.)
In one of my circles about the room, I found myself behind the sofa gazing down at this tired, hurting man. As I stood there, my heart opened and filled with such love for him. An incredible thought came to me — why not this man?
This thought was quickly followed by another — this is the man who. This is the man who...has listened to all my woes, laughed and cried with me, has brought me thoughtful gifts — food, candy, books, and a special bell. This is the man who shoveled my roof, kept the driveway clear of snow, built a large portion of this home. This is the man who prays with me and for me, the man who sings to me and shares the stories of his life. This is the man...
How I shared all this with him, I really don't recall. Things became a bit hazy when I began floating a bit like in a dream where one discovers she can fly. Somewhere along the way, after a declaration of love whispered breathily into my ear, I asked, "how much?" (Gosh, I can be such a teenager by times!)
Here are a few of those responses...
A lot
Very, very much
With all my heart
With everything that's in me
More than peanut butter
More than marshmallow fluff
More than s'mores
More than p'nut butter and jelly sandwiches
More than a smooth road in spring with no pot holes or frost heaves
More than the scent of apple blossoms
More than a hayride through the apple orchard in autumn
I love you more than our playlist
I love you more than I have words to say...
Ahhhh, much better!
Some of you saw all these things before I did. I marvel at that now. Yes, Judy, he is the man at the tea party; he is the man who pulls the winners' names from bowls and jars; he is the man whose mind is all stretched out from trying to figure out how to please my quirky wishes for the addition; and the man who sat with me one sad evening last fall looking at all his work circling the drain and which post I can't find just now. (October 17 and the first paragraph is wonderful if I do say so myself. ;>)
We have actually known each other for over 25 years and even attended the same church at one time. We were casual acquaintances who, over many years, became friends; we'll be friends forever.
Some who have read this blog from the beginning and know the story between my sister and me will wonder how that relationship is going. Well...let's just say that since I married after a six-week engagement, my sis is off the hook for marrying after a six-month one. She told me once that time is foreshortened at our ages. I didn't believe her then, but I do now.
Thank you for reading our story. I promise that I shall not write about our schmoopiness any more!
ReplyDeleteThis is one of the most precious posts I've had read! I LOVE your love story! I love that you have shared such a deep friendship and common faith. Friends till the end and everything else is icing on the cake,wedding cake that is! I am thrilled for you both! Everyone loves a love story so share away!
Miss Sandy
That is such a wonderful love story!! I loved reading it and Im soooo happy for you both. He sounds wonderful.
ReplyDeleteMuch much happiness to the both of you!! :-)
Vee, how wonderful to realize love when you already know the man. No surprises and no unexpected turns.. . .he already has been your friend.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you shared your love story, it is very sweet.
All the best to both of you!!!
'morning Vee... Why not this man indeed? A gentle face and a gentle man into the bargain...I'm sure the two of you will be very happy together..... I hope you wore something pastel and lovely and that somebody took pictures...lots of pics....
ReplyDeleteWonderful story, Vee! He was there all the time...it just took awhile for you to notice. Life is always an adventure...and yours will be so much sweeter now. I'm so happy for you...and wish you many teas-for-two out on your deck!
ReplyDeleteVee - I think this is one of those cases when everyone knew you were falling in love ..... but YOU! And it was certainly NOT a 6 week courtship. He's been courting you all along.
ReplyDeleteThis makes my heart so happy. What a chance you took... BOTH of you.... reaching out and trusting. Oh my, this is a great love story. I could go and on and on but I'll stop now.
Except to ask...where's the picture of the outfit that was the subject of so much shopping??
- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
OK, it's me again!!! I went back and read the story about the bell. Here's what you said.....
ReplyDelete"there is no happenstance in this world."
You're right. There is not happenstance. It was His plan all along. I think you were fightin' the plan.
- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
Awww Vee, I LIKE schmoopy!! This is so WONDERFUL!! It's kind of like it snuck up on you and BIT YOU in the behind! I'm so very happy for you and your sweet man ~ don't you know we all just eat this goodness up? I wish you both many wonderful, happy years of loving one another ~ xxoo, Dawn
ReplyDeleteI have tears, Vee, that is just so precious. Just when you think you're getting to know someone... bamm... they drop a bombshell. I am so touched by your fantastic story of love. There is nothing more wonderful than being married to your best friend. I know this from personal experience! Bring on the schmoopiness... we're all eyes and ears!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations and prayers that everyday will be filled with those little declarations of love!
Smiling now,
ReplyDeleteI am teary eyed! What a wonderful love story. God had his plan for you all along but sometimes we can't see the forest for the trees-hehe.
Many, many heartfelt blessings to both of you.
What a wonderful romantic story, Vee! The deepest love doesn't always come with fireworks but with a slow steady simmer. Congratulations to you both ... I am so happy for you!!!
ReplyDeletehugs and blessings,
You know Vee, there are a few in my list who can move me to tears, but today, for the time, you made that list...generally I smile from ear to ear when reading your posts, or my brow is drawn tight in worry over some decision you are trying to make...but this is pure romance, and such a lovely telling of it that yes, tears just flowed...congratulaions to the lucky man who has won your heart. I believe he may be a keeper...I already know that you are.
ReplyDeletehugs to you both
Beautiful entry...
ReplyDeleteYes, you did take a long time to notice, I suppose. -evil giggles- But, the important thing is ~ you did notice.
But how dare you say you'll not say more!!!???!!! How dare you, Woman!?! This is real life dreamy stuff. We want more. We want more. We want more. :-)))
Really, I'm sure we all do want more. We can make an agreement, OK? When you've worn out your welcome of new romance news, we'll tell you. ,-)
So........... are you both living in your house? Is he still keeping his former abode, for a while? Seeeee..... There are concrete things we want to know too. :-)
Yes, yes, I am insatiable. So, what else is new?!?
Lots and lots of happy hugs,
'Miss' Mari-Nanci
My GOODNESS! I had to back track,,,that's what I get for being away from Blogland for a week...HORRAY!! I am so happy for you Vee...I really am and I wish I could reach through the computer and give you a HUG!!
ReplyDeleteYou deserve all the happiness....how wonderful...this made my day!!
This is so beautiful Vee! Love has a way doesn't it? I am so happy this man came into your life and you came into his. Much ahppiness always!
ReplyDeleteHugs, Pat
ReplyDeleteGod bless you both!
What a beautiful love story, very similar to my own. I am so blessed you are sharing part of it :). Happy Honeymoon!
ReplyDeleteHe sounds wonderful! I love your story. My husband and I were neighbors and then started dating. We got married six weeks after our first date. That was over eighteen years ago. Thanks for sharing your love story!
ReplyDeleteOh my Vee...you know we are all blubbering out here in blogland...enjoying every single minute of your beautiful love story...God bless you both....I think He already has...my sweet friend...
ReplyDeleteSigh... I am all misty eyed and grinning here. I loved reading about the special man who has captured your heart, Vee. Real love and friendship, and what a delight! God must be smiling. He has a wonderful sense of humour!
ReplyDeleteI agree with all the others - this is NOT FINISHED! We want to know more! And photos too please!
And Mr Vee?? You have a treasure here. Look after her well!
I knew something was up when you were reading "The Shack" together. I was wondering who this special someone was that cried along with you as you read. I am sooooooooooo happy for you dear darling Vee!
ReplyDeleteOk...I go on vacation for a couple of weeks and come back to find the most irresistable love story of all time that has unfolded before my eyes! Oh Vee...I am so happy for you!! Congratulations to that wonderful man for being so lucky as to have found you! And to you for having found that oh so special man literally right in your own back yard! Your post moved me to tears...tears of joy that you two have been brought together! Hugs to both of you!
Thanks for brightening my morning with your love story. I imagine you've given many "mid-lifers" a sense of renewed hope and faith. Wishing you continued happiness! P.S....I just found your blog through "At Home with the Farmer's Wife," and can see why Suzanne includes you on her blog roll.
ReplyDeleteThis is so beautiful!! It brought tears to my eyes. It was one of the sweetest love stories. It is so wonderful to be married to your best friend. They are you soft place to fall from all the storms of life. I wish you voth lots of happiness and many years together.......Hugs....Mary
ReplyDeleteOh Vee...so precious. Thanks for sharing...and do continue to share that schmoopiness or whatever you called it.
ReplyDeleteBy the way..I've missed seeing you around lately...did you not make it over to my new space? Email me kiddo.
Wow. thanks for your visit to hill country house. What a great day for me to read about your life. I wish you all the happiness in the world - loved reading your sweet, personal story. Ann
ReplyDeleteOh dear Vee, my heart is full for you! That is such a wonderful story, and I am so happy for both of you!!! He sounds like a wonderful man, and a very dear friend. Perfect!
ReplyDeleteLet me wish you both many wonderful years together!
O Vee!!! This is just wonderful! Im sobbing. I am so thrilled for both of you!
*Sniff* Such a wonderful love story. Reading it makes my heart sing this morning. I wish much happiness to you both.
ReplyDeleteA very sweet love story - thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteVee, I am just thrilled for you. What a lovely discovery to find such a kindred heart right under your nose! Did he see it coming, or was he as surprised as you? Has he been waiting for you to notice him? What a lovely tale. I am just thrilled for you. :)
ReplyDeleteOh Vee, What a lovely post.... so sweet and isn't it wonderful to know such sweetness fro a dear man...
Well, knock me over with a feather!! I go away on a few summer trips, get behind on my blog visits, and this happens!!!
ReplyDeleteI am so happy for you I could just pinch you! He is definitely a lovey, and you are a lucky woman indeed, and he a lucky man!
Tsk, tsk...you are good for surprises!
Whoa, WHOA THERE, did you say you got married? I had a feeling something was brewing! What a lovely story...but WAY TOO FEW DETAILS....Come on now, Vee! Tell us more!!
ReplyDeleteBlessings to the both of you! I am happy beyond words...
Woo Hoo! You go girl!
ReplyDeleteI pray that God will hold the two of you together in His hands and bless your marriage with His love.
Oh, honey, he has "keeper" written all over him!
ReplyDeleteI have been reading for awhile, coming over from our mutual blog friends...but I wanted to finally pop in an comment! I am so happy for you both.
ReplyDeleteThis is such a special love story and such a joy to read and to hear all about!
You are both so blessed.
May you share years of happiness.
I will be a more regular commenter now dear Vee. : )
Beautiful love story. Now I am wondering when you actually married.
ReplyDeletePrayers and wishes for many happy decades together anyhow.
Am I missing something! Have visited 2 blogs writing that you have just got married!
ReplyDeleteObviously having computer problems and going away leaves one lagging behind.
Awwww, now I need to go back and find the posts when he was just your friend/handyman. Love it!
ReplyDeleteWhere was I during all this time..?? ok...thanks for leading me to YOUR story....so sweet....xoxo