When I got to this line: "And man shall live forevermore because of Christmas Day," I began to ponder a bit. Now the truth is that it is more than a special day that gives us eternal life. And the gift is much more even than eternal life because, truth is, every person who has ever been born is going to live eternally. It's just a matter of where one wishes to spend eternity. (Where to spend eternity is a choice that each person will make. Choosing "the gift" does not cost any of us a thing — not all the gold we have or all the time or all the talents. It cost Jesus everything. It cost God everything. It's an incredible gift for whoever reaches out to take it.)
Back to my point (I really did have one!) At this season of the year, the message is repeated in lyrics sung in standard Christmas carols. It's there. It's repetitious. It's *the answer* to any question ever wondered.
This answer is the greatest gift ever given or ever received. Please know that He can be yours today. Your life will never be the same again and Christmas will mean so much more.
Blessings this day...