A Haven for Vee

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Toe That Line

In any weather, at any hour of the day or night, I have been anxious to improve the nick of time, and notch it on my stick too; to stand on the meeting of two eternities, the past and future, which is precisely the present moment; to toe that line. ~Henry David Thoreau

Oh if I had words to adequately describe this week when everything ground down to the present moment and there was no past and there was no future; there was only this. That's so how it has felt and blast if someone hadn't said it better. That Henry! The only forgiveness I give him is that he was a New Englander, too. Perhaps that affliction and long New England winters are what gave him the time to ponder such things.

Thus concludes my musings on winter and the way it can suspend time. Maybe. At least, we are back out of the deep freeze for now. How about you?


  1. I actually think you said it well too --both with words and images. Your fire sure adds to the scene. Glad it's warming up for you.

  2. Where is the Full Wolf Moon, in the sky???

    Directly overhead! Like the sun, at high noon! One must crane one's neck, to see it, out a window. :-)

    Happy trying to photograph it!


  3. To live in the present moment! What "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle is a whole book, about. And according to Eckhart, it is the place of Bliss/Joy.

    Your photos are a place of Bliss/Joy, to me. Gorgeous captures of the concept of the word "Home". :-) You make being-in-the-deep-freeze, look warm and cozy and delightful.

    Gentle hugs,

  4. Still very cold, but the sun is starting to shine. So there's hope! Lovely pictures!

  5. The thaw can't come soon enough! My classroom was 64 degrees - all week!

  6. It does look so very cozy in your family room. An ideal spot to be on a freezing cold day. You and Henry both said it so well. These are the kind of days that are good for living in the moment. I had a day like that yesterday. One load of wash done, brownies baked, Christmas tree (finally) taken down and then 3 hours of reading while the sleet was falling outside. I felt very lucky to be able to have such a day and not have to be out scurrying around in that mess. Now, if I could just find some inspiration to compose a blog post ;-).
    BTW, as I was looking at your photos I was trying to figure out the scent of your candle. All I can see is SWAP. ????

    1. Cookie Swap by Yankee...smells like sugar cookies baking =D

  7. Morning Vee, how cozy the candle and fire glow look, love it......Still the freezer lid is open, would somneone shut it please!!! cold, nothing but cold......Enjoy the weekend, Francine.

  8. What a cozy scene on such a Winter's day! Still very cold and frozen over here.

  9. It looks just like a fireplace! I'm so glad that I enjoyed my first cup of coffee here.

    There are so many shows about your area now. I love the trees, the water, and the wildlife we see in those shows. I think winters there, although long, must be beautiful. On the prairie, we have ground blizzards which are eerie and, at the same time, mystical. Thank you for the reminder to live in this very present moment.

  10. Your photos are so warm and welcoming. I have to admit my husband and I have been in Texas the month of January in warmer weather (spending time with our children who live here), but in a few days we'll be heading back North to finish out the rest of the winter.

  11. Your home looks so inviting and warm on this winter day. It's nice here and I'm going to try to make the most of it. If and when you have time...will you write and tell me what DVD you use for the fireplace? I would love that in my home...I don't need to heated version! Sweet hugs!

  12. Wow...you made me miss the fact we don't have a true winter here...we have been out enjoying spring, even if the calendar still says winter.

    This was really a pretty piece...words and picture

  13. I really do think we're sisters separated long ago as tomorrow's Sunday Afternoon Tea talks about living in the moment (albeit put a different way...).

    Well, it is frigid here today and freezing rain is in the forecast tomorrow. Then highs in the 50s dropping back to the 20s by the end of the week. As our weatherman said, it looked more like March than late January!

    I should be glad of any precipitation in any form since January has been rather dry.

  14. Remember, he spent a lot of time outside at Walden Pond...alone. I love the coziness that the candles and fire bring to your room. XOXO

  15. A great post and I love how cozy and warm your house looks in the glow of candle and that "real" looking fire!

  16. Google ate my comment and a weird message popped up. Anyhoo I like your cozy photos. We are out of our real cold snap here and the fog has lifted, too. Back in the 40's during the day. I don't have to ice skate on the deck anymore. Hope you have a great weekend!

  17. Your home looks so warm and inviting on a cold winter day! It's sill very cold here. I'm glad that I can stay inside.

  18. The photos are so cheerful, makes me forget for a little while that there is a lot of winter left.

  19. It is pouring here today...but I have the door open and watching through the screen. Just a slight nip in the air. I wish I could bottle it for when it is 115 degrees!

  20. In our corner, it's supposed to climb up to 33 degrees today, which will feel positively tropical compared to the temps of the past week or so!

    Your home looks so cozy and inviting. I'll bet that candle smells tantalizingly good...and no calories! Something about candlelight and a cozy (virtual) fire that warms the room...I do enjoy winter...

  21. I love those moments when time seems to stand still- I usually have the tv off, the pellet stove going and a good book to read.

  22. We had the most incredible beautiful snowstorm yesterday that enveloped my world in fluffy white splendor.

    I love winter, so it can stay awhile.

    Your warm and cozy photos of candlelight is what makes winter's chill feel more tolerable, how nice. I wonder what scent you have burning at your haven?

  23. Sigh... lovely... perfectly lovely. I love moments in time that are just so perfect.

  24. Your home looks so warm and inviting. We are warming up but there is a chance of snow looming about. But then our weathermen can't figure anything out. I don't even watch them unless I am looking for some humor. Poor guys if it isn't raining they don't know what to say. :-)

  25. Vee, you have a knack for making cozy little scenes so perfectly framed in your photos. Just love these and your musings.

  26. It was up to 19 degrees this morning and went up to 30 during the day. It felt almost like spring. : )

  27. It was much milder today but that old wind is still blowing cold. We went to town, had lunch, shopped and got groceries. It helped pass a cold Saturday. I love your photos of your cozy living room with the candle light and the 'fire' a blazing. I see a change in temperature in the forecast which means snow. I hope you have a cozy evening. Pam

  28. The deep freeze is supposed to be past, but it is still gray and dreary --- just a warmer gray and dreary. Winter days are making me re-evaluate what is important and where to spend my time. The quote was perfect for my mood! Happy day to you, Vee!

  29. HDT called my multi great grandmother a murderous hag because she killed the Indians that had killed her baby and lots of her neighbors.
    Kinda of a jerk, but he does write nicely.

    1. He was afflicted by a bad case of political correctness.

  30. Our ice storm is gone and we're none the worse for wear. It's still a brisk 37 degrees out though! Daffodils are up 3-6 inches high. Such overachievers...

  31. Catching up after being away from the computer. Love your quotes and love your Valentine's decorations!

  32. what beautiful candlelit shots of a lovely wintry evening.
    no winter here, but we sorely need SNOW!

  33. You sure have a knack for turning cold, wintery days into warm and cozy ones with your photos! The weather today was okay for January. Looks like we will miss the ice...thankfully. There's an old saying here that 'if you don't like the weather, wait 5 minutes and it will change.' So who knows what it'll be doing tomorrow!

  34. I appreciate your warm winter musings and do hope you took advantage of that cozy and romantic room with your hubby.

  35. What a beautiful "fireplace", we have one of those to enjoy in my husband's TV, man cave upstairs. I enjoyed reading your thoughts on winter. As you know I'm still waiting for some winter weather here in Oklahoma. When we do got some frozen stuff it is short lived. I'll enjoy the rain we are looking forward to mid week. Any kind of moisture is appreciated here because we are in a drought. Crazy Okie weather!


  36. Warm and cozy, just like you! We are cold today, but by Wednesday a heat wave,70's, and then cold again. Yes! it is winter!!

  37. The last couple days have been amazing here on the plains of West Texas...
    no wind to speak of...60's and one day it was 70 degrees right here at the last of January. Mr. Sweet tells me not to talk about it or I'll jinx it and we'll have a ton of snow and cold.:)

  38. Took some time this afternoon to enjoy your first chapters of Sankewi. I'm already loving Carrie, the main character and can identify with her personality traits. You've begun well and I look forward to finding out how the miracles unfold! Blessings on your Sunday!!! ~ Gwen ~

  39. Gorgeous photos, Vee! We had a week in the 60's -- people were wearing short sleeves! This week is supposed to be cooler and we may see snow flurries tomorrow. The "high country" up in the Rocky mountains is excited, as they are going to get significant snowfall--they depend upon it for their winter skiing.


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