A Haven for Vee

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Around the House~Mosaic Monday

Hi! My outlook has been pretty myopic lately with being under the weather and all so thought that I'd show you a few things around the house. I've had plenty of time to observe it all that's for sure. 

If you have time for curiosity, I've numbered each photo and told what it is; otherwise, please visit Mary at Little Red House for more fun mosaics.

1. a vignette created in a birdbath using my grandmother's silver-plated pitcher, her childhood books, and her hiking boots
2.  a rack of platters and plates
3. an old dressser scarf tossed over a dark chair in a dark corner
4. a real nest with real Scrabble pieces spelling N E S T and a paper bird from Quill Cottage (Miss Sandy has a link to her tutorial in her sidebar.)
5. a vintage window filled with vintage images from The Feathered Nest (Dawn also has links to tutorials on her sidebar.)
6. a pink conch shell collected in Florida
7. an acrylic painting I love
8. an apple branch hanging over the kitchen sink in lieu of a curtain
9. a gift from my sister-in-law... a vintage wildflower book...thanks, JP!
10. a hand cut stencil done by a company in Oklahoma, which I've long forgotten
11. a collected hornet's nest hanging from the ledge


  1. You have some lovely things around your house! Hope you're feeling better soon!

  2. The mosaic is very lovely. How fun that you did the numbering and explaining...

  3. What a wonderful mosaic, I hope you feel better soon.

  4. Such pretty things you have, Vee! LOVE the dishes! ;)

  5. What a wonderful mosaic. I love the hornet's nest! Amazing what wonders are around us everyday and what beauty we can make of them. Hope you feel better soon. Wishing you well.

  6. Wonderful mosaic of in-house items.

  7. You have an amazing collection of eclectic decorative items. Love how they come together! Love the interesting mosaic!
    There must be more sites out there to create such things!
    Hope you feel better Vee!

  8. Beautiful mosaic. I love seeing all the sweet things that make up your home. Thank you for the sweet mention. I am glad you are still enjoying the paper bird you made from the tutorial. I hope you are feeling much better.

  9. Hi, very beautiful mosaics! Hope you have a wonderful new week and are feeling better!

  10. Hello Vee, I have really enjoyed your beautiful mosaic. Each photo is so sweet. I took a closer look at each one. The vintage images in the vintage window caught my eye. I have had a pair of windows in my garage waiting for just the right idea to come along so I can make them special. Yours looks very nice!

    So nice stopping by to visit with you!
    Kindly, ldh

  11. Cool that you numbered and described each item. Of course I love your mosaic.

    Hope this week finds you feeling better.

    Becky K.

  12. So many sweet memories and you put everything together so beautifully. Lovely.

  13. I love your mosaic. I really enjoy seeing little glimpes into your home. The things that are special to you!

    LOVE your new header.

  14. Beautiful mosaic. Thanks for showing us a glimpse of your home...Christine

  15. I really enjoyed seeing all your treasures. Do be well soon.

  16. I hope that you will soon be feeling much, much better, Vee. Staying at home is wonderful when we choose it, sometimes hard when we don't. You've chosen to focus on some of the pretty things that surround you and that's a great attitude to have.
    I like the way you've numbered and explained each photo.
    Have a great week.

  17. You always put together lovely mosaics. Numbering and describing this one was such a great idea. You have an eye for simple and beautiful things.

    I do hope you are feeling better!


  18. Thanks for taking the time to identify each one. I'm glad that's a "collected" hornet's nest, and not an active one!

  19. Good morning, Vee,
    I do hope you are feeling much, much better soon.

    I loved your mosaic today. It's quite beautiful. You have some very lovely things in your home to enjoy while you're there recouping. Your decorating schemes are gorgeous. You really have lovely taste.

    Hope your day is a beautiful one,

  20. Beautiful Mosaic...
    I love the nest with the Scrabble pieces!!
    I had fun visiting!


  21. Nice mosaic!!!
    In picture number 2 I notice you have a Victoria Rose platter. I have that too, plus quite a few other pieces.

  22. Ohhhhhhh, you are so *sneaky-weeeky*, Honey Bun! You seldom have Comments turned on, for Mosaic Mon. Eeeeek! To think that I might have missed my chance to Comment!


    Quelles Horror! [Or however it's spelled in French. Tooo lazy to go to translation site and look it up] ,-)

    Lovely, lovey things around your house, to lay your eyes on! I especially love anything-lace. -happy sigh-

    Brilliant of you to think of tossing an old dresser scarf over a dark chair in a dark corner. It's those bits of decorative creativity, which I don't easily think of, on my own.

    Gentle hugs...

  23. I see you are 'thinking on things that are beautiful' while cooped up.

    I think you have been in isolation for much too long. Is it about to come to an end? Hope you are on the mend!

  24. dear vee,

    how are you feeling? any progress?

    i especially love the apple branch over
    the sink instead of a curtain. so cute.

    your comments about SAHMs and the
    neighborhood are very apt. such a

  25. Dear Vee,

    I LOVE these mosaics. Such an intimate glimpse of your life.



  26. Many aspects of your post took me on a nostalgia trip this morning--especially the lovely plates. I have several from my grandmother and great grandmother that are very special to me. I hope you are feeling better!


  27. You have such pretty things, Vee!

    I'm still in N CA ...it's so nice and cool here and sunny skies!

    I hope you are feeling better and that Nan is too!

  28. I love your decorating style, Vee! The numbering is a cool idea, too. Have a lovely day! Hope you're feeling better. Cheryl

  29. Your special things all came together so nicely to make a lovely mosaic. The dresser scarf really caught my eye. Beautiful way to brighten a dark corner.
    I sure do hope you start to feel better soon.

  30. Dear Vee, it seems that in your mosaic are a lot of memories. Hope mostly good ones.
    Have a nice week! Anja

  31. Oh how lovely. Interesting you added the hornet's nest. We have one too. We always displayed it in our den or gameroom. Sadly it is in storage now since we down sized. Your photo brought back some wonderful memories for me.
    Thanks for sharing and thanks for coming by My Home Sanctuary today.
    Hope your week is Blessed,

  32. Enjoyed how you put that together, Vee!

    Hope you're back over top the weather real soon!

  33. Great MOSAIC Vee!! Hope your doing and feeling better today!!

    (P.S. Did John bring you some of that roasted pig, hope so?)


  34. Love your mosaic, you have collected some lovely treasures. I do hope you are feeling better now, have a great week!

  35. Hi Vee!
    I love your plates...
    About hickups - yes, it must be a swedish expression, that if you talk(here:write) or think about a person, who is not in the place, the person will have hickups.
    Here I meant that maybe my sister have forgotten about her curtains, and then get hickups, seeing them again in my blogpost.(And my English are not so good. Swenglish, sometimes/most times...)
    Nice that you've find my blog.
    Best wishes,

  36. Beautiful mosaic! I love how you've gathered your favourite things from your home together.

    Hope you feel better soon!!!


  37. Lovely. You have such pretty things. I especially like the Scrabble pieces in the nest.


  38. Beautiful Vee, I hope you are feeling much better.

  39. Great mosaic! loce the plates and platters!

    Hope you "get all welled up" as my son used to say..

  40. Lovely mosaic! Thank you for sharing the collection of lovely things around your house. Feel better soon!

  41. Beautiful mosaics! Very home feel..

  42. I love your Mosaic! What a lovely idea.
    You have some wonderful things. Love the apple in place of a curtain. LOL!


  43. You have really been putting together some lovely mosaics! You have some very pretty things. I hope this note finds you feeling a little better. I know it takes time.


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