This is the tag that I made for my altered sewing machine drawer. (The one I've been showing over the past two weeks.) It proved to be too much and so, not wanting to waste my efforts, I tossed it on the knob of the medicine chest cabinet by the door where we keep all of our keys...more on this at the end.
As you can see, I am still having trouble with the dreaded Distress Ink. I coffee stained the tag itself, but it's not as deep a hue as I wanted. I used old tissue paper under the scripture verse (Matthew 6:26). Thank you, Cheryl! I visited Quill Cottage and found enough inspiration to create a little nest out of scraps. I wanted blue eggs, but without any, used pearls on blue sequins for a bit of color. (There's no way that I was going to paint pistachio nuts the way Miss Sandy does. :} ) I had some oak leaf and acorn stamps and I used the bird pattern from the gift that my Aunt Ess gave me. The fringe along the bottom is a bit of scrap that I would've ordinarily tossed. Still a rank amateur, but thought that I'd document my progress, if I progress. ;> (Hope that that last sentence doesn't make you stumble.)
When my readers comment, I listen! Thanks to Dawn for suggesting the twig and acorns...I ran right out to the yard and found acorn caps still on the twig. That worked. Thanks to Life in Red Shoes for suggesting a nest and some eggs. (I have lots of found nests around here and this one was already being displayed. Blessed me, John had brought me yet another nest this summer and all I had to do was find it. John's nest was much too big so it went where this one had been and all was resolved.) The eggs added some much-needed color as before the interior was so dark that everything went away. (I can see that the color is distorted in this photo because the two blue eggs on the bottom are showing up as off-white or gray.)
I used my own sheet music (The Swan's Song) with *this image* from Graphics Fairy printed on it. Then, because of a gap at the top, I used a bird image from A Scrapbook of Inspiration found on the post I've sent you to. I added the word "Soar." A bit of lace sewed, using my machine, right onto the paper and that was that. I wrapped a piece of poster board with the paper instead of adhering it to the back (bottom) of the drawer because I don't trust myself and I'm afraid that I won't like it forever. Thanks to everyone for all your suggestions, which you can find in comments on the post titled Waiting for Morning Light. I have them filed away for future reference. A good suggestion is worth so very much!
I really like the pediment of oak leaves and acorns on the top. You may remember that this is an old drawer pull. It also reminds me of spread wings. The little bird that John gave me is a natural for the top as he sits on his own acorn and also adds a little bit more color.

Now for the medicine chest news... I've been telling Dawn at The Feathered Nest that she has already painted her entire new home while I fiddleflipped around with one little medicine chest. And that is not gross exaggeration either. I'm slower than cold molasses running uphill in January. A quick before and after...
I really like how John added that extra strip of molding beneath the hook row to protect the paint from the keys. This color is not reading true either, it's a pale blue and, while we're discussing color, my dining room ceiling isn't green either!
Tomorrow, I'm going to talk more about birds/nests because I've inherited (just for a season) an old family heirloom—a Sessions mantel clock and I'd like to share it with you. Then we're going to count the birds/nests. You already know about four. Any guesses how many I have displayed? (You do know how much I love guessing games, right? *hint* *hint* *hint*)
Edited to Add: 9/15/2010
Because this was a contest, (oh I know how vague I am even with the *hint* *hint* *hint*), comments are now closed. Thank you for each and every one!
I LOVE your sewing drawer! It looks absolutely beautiful with the nest in it, Vee. I am so impressed with all your craftiness. You are on a roll! Now if I could just get myself into gear, things may start happening round here too. I sort of got the autumn stuff out and flopped. Enough now. I need to make things.....
ReplyDeleteWow, the pictures are really great. You sure have been busy. I love all the inspirations I'm getting from your projects. I scrapbook and make a few cards but I'm pulling my stuff out again. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteHow lovely! You are an artist, Vee.
ReplyDeleteBig hugs.
Becky K.
My husband and I also inherited a Sessions mantel clock. I'd love to see yours and see if they look alike. I really like what you did with the sewing machine drawer.
ReplyDeleteI really love your sewing drawer Vee!
Everything is lovely!
ReplyDeleteAs you know, I can't do any of this. But I so, so, so love it, that YOU have more time, for YOU to do it. It brings you Joy!
And we really need to have time to do, what brings us Joy.
Gentle hugs...
Slow but sure gets the job done...I see...and very nicely! I mostly have ideas and never even get you are far ahead in that game. You did well...incorporating all those tips. Beautiful.
ReplyDeleteYou've put all the tips in good uses! Very nice..
ReplyDeleteI love love love it all! AND IT'S SOOO nice to have such a great network of crafty, sharing ladies, huh? I love blog-land!
ReplyDeleteThe sewing machine drawer is now a work of art! It came together so well and the bird, the drawer pull and the decorating your did inside looks so pretty. The tag is also very pretty..the little nest in the corner is perfect.
ReplyDeleteLiving where you, around so many trees, I'd guess you've found many nests over the years. It's hard to guess but maybe you have a dozen on display?
I think your tag is adorable. The little bird and oak leaves are so sweet, but that dear little nest with the pearl eggs ~ be still my heart. If your distress ink didn't cooperate, I would never know. Much too busy absorbing the cuteness.
ReplyDeleteNow, as for the sewing drawer ...
I thought it looked great last time you showed it. However, you have executed the various tips to perfection. It is beautiful and must be a happy spot to gaze upon in your home this fall.
You have been busy - and your creativity is wonderful.
ReplyDeleteI noticed you redid your blog. Did you use the new designer templates? I played with it this morning but boy, what a mess. I couldn't get my pictures to line up at all.
ReplyDeleteLove what you did. When I get back to Florida, I am going to get back into paper art. Right now we are in Greenville watching the sky. I want to take lots of pictures but don't want the camera to get wet!!!
Vee, The sewing drawer came out great! I'm not too crafty. Every so often, I do have a Martha Stewart moment, but they are few and far between!
ReplyDeleteQuite nice! You did yourself proud with that one!
ReplyDeleteHi Vee,
ReplyDeleteI think you have a done a great job! I don't see anything wrong with your creation.Perfect in my eyes..
Have a sweet day, Hugs~Elizabeth
I love anything with nests or birds--and blue eggs are the best!
ReplyDeleteI'm loving that drawer pull--reminds me of my great-grandparent's walnut bureau chest.
Looking forward to seeing that clock--I have a thing for those too! lol
You have been full of creativity! I love the little things you have been working on. I have not pulled out craft goodies in a long time, and now I want to.
ReplyDeleteJust have to find the time!
Looks like you are doing what you like best...crafting around and decorating your charming home.
ReplyDeleteI could hardly stand how cute your grandson looked all big and grown up going to school. Eden is now in preschool at the ripe old age of 3...I just hate seeing these babies grow up so fast =[
Sorry things are so rough right now with your Nan. So hard to watch. God's comfort my friend.