A Haven for Vee

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Storm Antidote

Antidote: 1. A remedy or other agent used to neutralize or counteract the effects of a poison.

And that's just how the news of storms feels to me now—like poison. Another snowstorm is brewing and will be here by evening, then another Friday, and another the following Monday. It's enough to make a gal ill.

Fortunately, I can pull a Mary and post what I want and not what I have...

I'm off to join half of the county as we forage for food and gasoline. Then an afternoon of Nana sitting and then I'll be visiting blogs this evening. Enjoy your day!


  1. -chuckle- Yup, snow here too.

    Your lament has given me an idea for an entry. 'Tis the season of snow fatigue and cabin fever and all those icky things. So I suppose we all ought to "pull a Mary."

    I do remember last year, getting so tired of this late winter, that I went off in search of trade winds and gentle surf and a little grass shack. :-) Shall I point you to that entry? Two of them, in fact...

    This one and that one.

  2. Wow does that photo make me yearn even more for spring! Is that your house, Vee? It's beautiful. I guess we can dream about it. Gives us something to look forward to. I'm so thankful that God gave us spring - new life, that we can apply in areas of our lives, aren't you? Vickie

  3. Oh, that picture really pulls at me! I think we're all ready for winter, snow, ice, rain, colds, and flu to fade into memory. Come on, Spring! Come on!!

  4. Lucky you to be on Nana duty! I am sorry the storms are pounding you there but your bit of spring does look so lovely! Happy foraging!

  5. I am extremely thankful that I don't have to wait as long as you and others for spring to arrive! I hope your snow will melt soon and warm breezes will come your way in no time!

  6. Oh you poor thing, more snow. I'd hate to live with all that snow. You will just have to move south a bit. :-) Love the spring photo!!

  7. Come for a visit...we're having spring! Bring your umbrella though, because the rains are coming.

  8. Vee- I love your house - it's all cottage-y and old fashioned looking. Right up my alley! The daylilies are gorgeous. I've already set out my bulbs (or corms, which is it???) I hope they'll look as great as yours. V

    by the way, I've been home from work the last 2 days sick with the flu or a very bad cold - may be out another day. It's nice to be home, but not when you feel yucky. I've got homemade chicken soup heating up from yesterday, and hot tea. Maybe I can catch up on blogging tho and visit some new sites!

  9. I hear ya, the snow has only started to let up for us up here in Canada :s Oh well, we must hold fast to the fact that this too shall pass...

  10. Oh...I'd like to say that we're in the same boat...but we aren't! : )
    I hope all those storms pass quickly and with little to show for them! Hunker down girl!!

  11. What a beautiful spot...I am so craving the color green instead of this infernal white...sigh!

    Have a great day!

  12. Aww. I'm sorry Vee! I always want snow since we never seem to get any here in Georgia but I don't think I could handle that much!! You're right though, think warm thoughts and maybe it will be gone soon....xxoo, Dawn

  13. Hi! The other things in the picture are some freeze dried raspberries (yummy) and some delicious petit fours that a friend of my mother made for a tea.

    I hope your winter weather doesn't last too long --- the heart says it is time for SPRING!

    Enjoy a great day!

  14. I want to see the flowers of Spring!!! Neat post...Mary

  15. Beautiful picture. This month is truly jumping on my last nerve...I know our snow/ice is nothing compared to what you get in your area, but it's been so trying. I need to smell fresh cut grass and feel gentle spring breezes. Then again, I could just whip up some tropical alcoholic beverages...

  16. To me they are both beautiful but I can understand you having had enough of the snow when you get so much. To me it would be fairyland.
    I would not like the hardships tht go with it though like shops running our of food etc.


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