A Haven for Vee

Friday, April 25, 2008

Friday and All's Well

Though I've not left many comments, I have been trying to keep up with everyone. I know who's reading, who's buying gadgets, who's sharing photos of babies and of journeys, and who's keeping it short and sweet.

I've been reading; now I'm thinking about buying a gadget; I've been journeying and taking photos, but now I'm keeping it short and sweet.

Check back tomorrow for a bona fide rant about one book I've been reading.

A wonderful Friday to you all...


  1. Just stopped in to say "hi" ...

    I've been playing house. I bought a new "gadget"..although it is probably a bit large to call a gadget. I slso inherited two more things...(from friends moving to Portugal) so had to manufacture some room by turfing other things and re-arranging my pantry/pan cupboard.

    Re-organized my downstairs pantry too...moved some "lesser used" things down there..

    baked some more bread...some muffins.... oh, took a journey to the grocery store and the bank...hahahha...big deal eh?

    let's see..what else.... oh... no reading..... and today... making biscotti and playing with dolls. I want to try a new face with a thin wash of paperclay over cloth....

  2. I look forward to your rant.
    I have just been running on Alice's Chess Board if you know what I mean. :/

  3. Hi Vee...that sham does look great...I have just started my blog visiting and you are my first stop! I haven't even put the coffee pot on yet! I think I see the sun trying to poke through today....I hope you have a fabulous weekend!!


  4. Vee, sometimes we just have to keep it short and sweet. I hear you.
    Oh I do love a good rant now and then . .. I can't wait to read yours.

  5. Me too. Readign but not having time to comment. I hope to post something erudite soon. Well, maybe not. I love Fridays! After 3.10pm of course.

  6. OOO!Loove your blog!! Everything is in bloom today!I live in Mass.

  7. Sometimes short and sweet is the best way to go!
    Can't wait to hear about the book!
    Have a great Friday!


  8. So what's the gadget you are considering?

    I'll be back for tomorrow's rant...I never want to miss a good rant!

    I'm glad all is well on Friday...I'm hoping that means all went well on Thursday!

  9. P.S. I meant to tell you that we saw lots of turkey vultures on our roadtrip. I think I'm partial to eagles though!

  10. Glad to see you're getting out in the sunshine and no snow running around!
    Have a great weekend - Vickie

  11. Hey Miss Vee...
    Love the recipes from yesterday...I plan to add them to my "to do" list for the weekend.

    Hugs to you...can't wait to hear your book review!!!

  12. it's hard to keep up sometimes, i feel overwhelmed often enough!

  13. Thanks for the hug! I sure hope it is a good book as I am in the market for a good read, but the word "rant" in your post says maybe not.

    My post today was neither short but oh it was so sweet, at least to me it was and I am now feeling so much better.

    I hope you have a wonderful and relaxing weekend. We will be heading back up to the hospital in the morning so I will be back around on Monday.

  14. What are you reading that would prompt a rant? I'm so curious! Have a great weekend!

  15. A quick hello! I'll stop back for the rant too. Sometimes it's hard to read and comment and write something pithy. Short and sweet is good. Let's us know you are out there somewhere! Kathy

  16. I haven't read a good rant in a while, so I too look forward to Saturday's post. Take care!

  17. Oh oh ..love a good book rant! I'll be back to read more tomorrow

    Hugs, Pat

  18. Hi Vee,
    Hope you have a great weekend and I will check back to see what book you are talking about!

  19. Hi Thank you for your lovely comments!

  20. What is with this 'short and sweet' kick? Trying to make *ol' motor mouth me,* feel silly hu? -giggles-

    I do understand. I envy people who can say things, in a few words. I like the 'look' of that kind of a blog and the 'feel' of it.

    But, it's only one kind of blogging. I like lots of different kinds of blogging. And I guess, in the end, we each ought to do our blog, in the style, which flows, for us.

    But! It's also fun to break out of our mold, now and then too!!!!!!!! ,-)


  21. Double clicking on the book on the pillow, which is beautiful by the way, i see that I have the same book on my shelf but have not read it yet.


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