* Suzanne @ The Farmer's Wife writes every day and I am constantly amazed by the variety in her posts. She writes poignantly, wittily, intelligently. Currently, she is doing facelifts. Check it out!
* Kari & Kijsa These sisters provide a joyous look at home decorating and all the possibilites with the ever present Diet Coke in hand. Lots of wonderful ideas here!
* Brenda @Coffee Tea Books and Me is doing a series on thrift where she shares many wonderful ideas on saving money and stocking up in the pantry. Check out how she organized her freezer!
* La Tea Dah @ Gracious
Hospitality has been hosting a Tea Blogathon extraordinaire and it's been so much fun. She's so organized and has everything so carefully planned...hope that you'll join the fun, if you haven't already.
* Sandi @ Holding Patterns What can I say about Sandi other than that she is laugh-out-loud witty and always thought-provoking. Her recent post on harassment in the work place was fantastic, but then she's always writing fantastic things.
* Pat @ Milli Fiori Favoriti is a recent treasure find for me. She is currently providing a tour of Manhattan that you shouldn't miss. What a wonderful teacher she is!
* Judy @ My Front Porch is a constant and steady influence on me. I am learning so much about how to be a grandmother by watching her interact with her grands. She also lives in one of the most beautiful spots on earth and takes great photos.
* Miss Sandy @ Quill Cottage never ceases to impress me with her turn of a phrase. She writes incredible posts on everything from faith to decorating. I am enchanted whenever she takes a walk down memory lane.
* Barbara @ Ramblings From an English Garden has been such a blessing to me. She has been doing an ongoing series of autobiographical stories sharing her life in the most transparent of ways. Just incredible. Not only that, she takes beautiful photos of her very English world.
* Linds @ Rocking Chair Reflections is such a good read. We have lived somewhat parallel lives and I am always intrigued by her story. Currently, she is stuck at home recuperating from an injury and could use some cheerful company. She'd put the kettle on if she were able!
* Mary @ Little Red House shares her joy for dishes and birds and treasures that she's finding in the backs of her magical closets.
* Linda @ Restyled Home does an incredible job of keeping her finger on the pulse of what's going on in the decorating world with color and design all the while "keeping it real."
* Alice @ Tea in My Cup has the most fantastic recipes. I baked her orange scones yesterday and my goodness were they ever fantastic.

* Melissa @ The Inspired Room provides some of the most incredible decorating advice. Her suggestions are thoughtful and well written. You can't go wrong to heed such "inspired" recommendations.
* Lovella @ What Matters Most is responsible for getting so many bloggers up off the sofa and out the door. Soon I'll have no excuse and must join them! Also in British Columbia, she shares the most delightful photos, but check out the recent vacation to Hawaii, too.
That's fifteen! Ten for Charli and Me and five for Happyone who didn't even give me a requirement in the first place.

The following amazing bloggers are receiving the YOU MAKE MY DAY award:
* Abbie @ Abbie's Place has a quirky, fun sense. I find myself grinning a lot when I visit.
* Robin @ Bittersweet Punkin is a dear soul and I love visiting. She and I also share a similar taste in music. (At least, I've finally learned how to launch the playlist so that I'm not bugging her by sitting under her window.)
* Happyone @ Captain's Log shares her life in a happy way. She does! But you should check out her recent MEME for a surprise...who does she want to boot into next week? LOL! Her three moments of gratitude are a delight as well.
* Mary Isabella @ Daisy Bouquet just makes me smile. She has a loving and cheerful spirit that comes through in her posts and stories. I always leave her blog smiling.
* Cindy @ In a Garden is a new empty-nester just this week. She shares about faith and family in a wonderful way.
* Kari @ Just Livin' Large always makes me laugh. She's irreverent without being mean; witty without being caustic; and, besides, she agrees with me on most political issues. ;D
* Penny @ Lavender Hill Studio has a cheerful, beautiful blog and she shares her work and her decorating projects with such generosity. I can't wait to see what her most recent decorating home project has been, but it'll be a while. She's soooo busy these days!
* Brin @ My Messy, Thrilling Life is a delight. Pure and simple. Recipes, devotionals, travelogues, you name it; she's got it!
* Teresa @ Plumwater Cottage shares movies and books, decorating and gardening, and takes great photos of her home. Not to mention another great playlist!
* Margo @ Robolady creates beauty from junk. It's always fascinating to see what this talented lady has been doing.
* Kathy @ Shocking Pink Thread is a recent find for me and I'm so glad that I found another New England blogger who shares that sense of like-mindedness. I love to see photos of her home and to hear what she thinks.
* C.C. @ Six Months of Settled is a witty wonder of a writer. Better than that bunch of alliteration! She is on her way back to the great continent of Africa and there had better be a good internet connection at the library where she'll serve as the librarian.
* BumbleVee @ The "Bearister" Bookcase and I do not always share like-mindedness because she's way cooler than I am. She rides a motorcyle! At her age! (And she likes to take potshots at me just like that! ;D)
* Dawn @ The Feathered Nest always shares the most beautiful creations. I admire her talent and always feel that the world is a little more beautiful because of her blog.
* Jan @ The Life and Times of Li'l Ol' Me makes me laugh, is genuine, and supportive. How can you go wrong with those combinations? You can't!
* Terri @ Wind Lost is one of the most thoughtful and articulate of persons sharing mostly her journey in decorating her lovely home. When she shares on an even more personal level, her writing is poignant and piercing. What is this with the alliteration today?!
Sixteen and so many more! I can't think of a blogger who does NOT make my day. Bloggers are some of the most creative, intelligent, thoughtful, and articulate people I've ever encountered. I read so many more than are even on my blogroll.
Speaking of my blogroll, I carefully select those with whom I share a certain like-mindedness and who write a few times a week and also make it easy for me to comment. Is that how the rest of you are handling it, too?
Edited to Add: I've just received an email asking for clarification about "the rules." It's true! There are no strings attached to either of these awards. If you would like there to be, create your own. I just wanted you to enjoy them. I've been much too selfish holding on to awards when they should be scattered freely all over.
Oh, don't forget, I still want you to comment on your blogroll...please!
Aww Vee. You are such a sweetheart!!! Thank you for such kind words about my blog. You girls are my dear friends and that is truly how I think of it when I post!! Thank you so very much, and I wish you a wonderful weekend, xxoo, Dawn
ReplyDeleteWow somemore wonderful places to visit. Thank-you so much for the award. Your remarks were too kind. You are a blessing to ny life....Smiles
ReplyDeleteDear Vee, you are one of the sweetest bloggers out there, and I consider you a friend! You have shared some marvelous places here today, many of which are new to me. I know if you love them, I will too.
ReplyDeleteOn the blogroll, mine is massive. I know. I can't believe it is so long, and I am sure 80 percent of the folks I like are not even on there yet! I am just now considering how to break it down to make it more user friendly. I love everyone so I would hate to hurt anyone's feelings if they were not on my blogroll! But I can see the value to readers in knowing who they are clicking to and who they might find!
So, look for some new organization to my blogroll in the near future! I appreciate how you and others just add a few favorite folks, it really is nice to have just a few to choose from. I'm overwhelmed by mine, did I say that?
Happy day, Vee. Thanks so much for the award. Such lovely people are bloggers and I find such great joy in connecting with them every day!
Oh Vee, thank you. I'm so honored to be included. I so enjoy reading your little capsul version of each blog, I'll visit them all for sure.
ReplyDeleteHi Vee! Thank you so much! You are a Sweetie...and just so you know...I didn't mind one bit that you came over and sat under my window...you are welcome any time!!
ReplyDeleteI enjoy your blog so much...I really do!
Thank you so much Vee, I am truly honoured. I will certainly post soon.
ReplyDeleteOh Vee Sweetie, thank you so much...I will post my new award this evening, along with the Angel Biscuit recipe...and thank you for all the new places to visit...it's like a road map to new friends houses and I owe it to you!
Thank you, Vee! How sweet of you!
ReplyDeleteI add people to my blogroll so I know how to get to them. If I didn't go away quite often and have to use other computers, I would probably have none there, just on my favourites instead, but I hate not being able to easily access my friends' blogs. I usually add more when I am going away, but to be honest it is for my convenience more than anything. I read many many more than are listed at the moment and love them all! And no, I don't use bloglines etc. I like popping over myself.
Hi Vee!
ReplyDeleteThank you! you are such a sweetie!
It's snowing up here.. I am really starting to hate that word~! 'Snow' that is!
Thank you! I'll have to go and peek at all the wonderful blogs you raved about!
Thanks for the award vee - that is most kind of you. I always love your comments. I read your blog every day and think it's great.
ReplyDeleteI bookmark the blogs that I read and have put them in categories.
Thanks very much, Vee! You really are a sweetheart! I just love your blog and I'm so happy to see that so many others love it too!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the bloggy sweetness! I am a bit late in the day visiting as I got really long winded in my post today. Uh, I do that every time don't I? I'll work on that, it's just sometimes there is just so much to share! I like to give a full quality post so I don't feel so guilty if I only post a few times a week. Now I am getting long winded on your comments too!!! I'd better go talk to somebody before my fingers fall off! Have a happy weekend!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much, Vee! I just love discovering new to me blogs...it surely expands our world. Lots of your favorites are mine,too...I'll have to check out the rest.
ReplyDeleteOh dear one...thank you so much! You make my day too! Wouldn't it be wonderful if all of our bloggy friends lived nearby so we could really sit and have that cup of tea! I think we should all have a bloggy convention! LOL In Vegas (since I live close to there!!) Oh I'm just full of ideas!!
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful weekend sweetie!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for such kind words and a wonderful post! So many sites here our favorites of ours as well, your list is incredible, and we are thankful to be included! You and your site are a blessing to blogland...such a dear friend to many and a kind heart! thank you for all the wonderfulness you share! We appreciate it so much!!
kari & kisja
Thank you so much for the award, Vee. I feel honored that you'd consider me worthy of it. I want to be sure to visit the other blogs you mentioned; I'm sure there are wonderful treasures there.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad the scones turned out well for you. It always makes me feel great to hear when someone uses one of my recipes.
I'm looking forward to spending time exploring these blogs. Thank you for the insight!
ReplyDeleteThank you to everyone for leaving a comment.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I am rethinking my blogroll and so hearing how you are dealing with yours is very helpful to me. I like the idea of organizing them, but am not sure quite how to do it.
Melissa, I hear you. I think long blogrolls are overwhelming. I wonder about rotating blogrolls, but that's so much work.
Linds, I don't use the bloglines either. I want to take the journey the old-fashioned way. ;> I also think of my blogroll as a map and an easy way to get to my favorite spots.
I used to think that it didn't matter whether a blogger visits or not, but I am rethinking this. It doesn't seem natural when there are so many blogs out there to have a one-sided situation. I don't require comments, but what's the point of maintaining a blog on a blogroll if there is no reciprocation? Perhaps it's only to provide a service for my readers. Yes, that's it! Phew! I would've hated to boot Brocante Home. ;>
Oh, thanks for visiting, Mrs.K!
Hi Vee, I recognize & visit some of the blogs and some are new to me places to visit. Congratulations on the awards - you certainly are richly deserving of them. You're such a sweet & kind lady and your blog is a favorite of mine!
You know Vee, you are one of MY favourite blogs and I always love your comments...you usually write such witty ones and give me a good laugh!!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the MAJOR AWARD and I visit quite a few of the ones that you chose as well. As for blog rolls, mine is getting too long (length wise) but if I don't have a blog on my list, then I often lose my way back to it. Plus, I like to reciprocate (as much as I can) those who link to me. I know I miss a few, but it does seem to get ridiculously long, doesn't it?
You certainly deserve any award that comes your way..you're a gem among bloggers...a far away friend!!
Have a great weekend!
I am so honored with my award,but I have not learned how to take those and place them on my blog yet. I have a friend who does this for me when she can. Thank you again so much....Mary
ReplyDeleteVee, you are such a sweetheart. Congratulations on all of your awards and taking time to think of all the people who make a difference. You are truly a thoughtful woman of God.
ReplyDeleteBlogrolls are difficult, there are so many to select from, some of the more popular ones you see everywhere. I have mine for convenience and to share the ones I really enjoy, I even throw in an interesting one or two :). I'm not bothered by them being long, short or none at all. There are so many great blogs to find.
Kathi :)
I'm honoured, Vee. Thanks for the award...and for all the good suggestions of places to visit.
ReplyDeleteThnak you so much for thinking of me! I've been such a terrible blogger lately - totally wrapped up in my own misery and issues. Finally, several things have been resolved, other things have faded away and yet other things have reached a point of acceptance. In other words, I feel better than I have in a long, long time! I've missed blogging regularly - but thanks for sending me comments occasionally to let me know I wasn't forgotten!!
ReplyDeleteThanks again for thinking of me with this award.