A Haven for Vee

Saturday, December 15, 2012


Hate is strong and mocks the song of Peace on Earth Goodwill to Men.

So much sadness in this world. Yesterday I was suggesting that you look for Christmas joys. It would have been a very difficult day to have found any.

Sweet and innocent five-year-olds lost so brutally. I take comfort in knowing where they are today. It is not small comfort; it is the best comfort. Whatever horrors they saw yesterday have all been wiped away by the hand of God and they are joyful and more alive than they have ever been before.

We, as a nation, even the world, will not forget these children nor the adults who tried to save them. Our prayers are with the families and the community and those precious first responders who will never be the same again. And I will not forget that this is exactly why the Lord came in the first place. We need a Savior. We need Him now more than ever.

It had been my hope to put up the post I had planned before all this happened. It is important to put one foot in front of the other and carry on. We do this for the people around us; we do it for ourselves; we do it because we have hope for better, brighter days. Not today, though. Not today.

Be comforted...