***Note Card Parties have been suspended; however, if anyone wishes to take them over, please contact me.
♫ The next Note Card Party is scheduled for
September ? ♫
That's right! The summer off for good behavior! Thank you for all the wonderful participation in the past two years. It's been fun!
nEw Note Card Party Rules:
1. Use only four photographs that would make a nice set of note cards.
Four pictures plus a box top cover/sample if you choose featuring all for a total of five. One more and I will visit without commenting. I know. Tough punishment.
2. Write your post and have it posted before linking up.
3. Link directly to your post. (Click on your post's title to get the direct address to appear in the addy bar for an easy copy and paste.)
4. Link directly back to the party in the same way so that others may follow along.
5. Visit ten or so others (at least) and comment. Knowing that new visitors are viewing and commenting is part of the fun. Please consider removing word verification for the day of the party. (Permission granted to look and not comment at blogs practicing safe commenting. All those word verifications get very tiring when trying to visit a lot of blogs.)
6. It is fine to connect with other parties as long as you, yourself, are not running a linky party in your Note Card Party post AND you can make the rules fit both parties. For example, if you are doing a party called Terrific Ten, it is obviously not going to work for this party that allows a maximum of four plus a box top cover (for your selection of cards).
~Example of a Box Lid Sample (it does not have to be a collage)~
7. Have fun!
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at this address: Dunnpark at hotmail dot com.
See you at the party!

**Note Card Parties are currently scheduled for the third Wednesday of each month right here at A Haven for Vee. Mr. Linky will be available for sign-up between 2:00 and 2:30 the afternoon before.
Must be linked in the old-fashioned way.
May Note Card Party
April Note Card Party
March Note Card Party
February Note Card Party
January Note Card Party
December Note Card Party
November Note Card Party
October Note Card Party
September Note Card Party
August Note Card Party
July Note Card Party
June Note Card Party
May Note Card Party
April Note Card Party
March Note Card Party
February Note Card Party
January Note Card Party
December Note Card Party
(November's Party was postponed.)
October Note Card Party
September Note Card Party
August Note Card Party
July Note Card Party
June Note Card Party
May Note Card Party
April Note Card Party
March Note Card Party